Chapter 22: Daddy's princess

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John's P.O.V.

"Come on, we got to go get your daughter." Shannon said grabbing her things as she shooed Katrina into the awaiting limo. Yep, I found out that Katy was pregnant with a baby girl a few months ago, it turns out that the baby is perfectly healthy.

She doesn't have any disorders, but the way she was formed was weird. Usually babies are formed in the womb, not with technology...but this is very special and unique in a way. I'm still not over Katy, I don't know if I ever will be. She was my everything, it never feels good to know that you lost your everything.

I wonder what my girl looks like, they said she was 6.5 pounds, which is pretty good for a little girl, and she was pretty long as well. I took a deep breath before stepping into the limo, what I find really weird is that Shannon wears red lipstick everyday even when she is taking a shower.

"Are you ready to meet your daughter?" Shannon asked, I looked over at Katrina, who was staring down at her phone. She's been isolating herself for the past 8 months, she hasn't said much. I know it's Katy that's affecting her, but I know she'll get over it, even if it's in 100 years.

"I don't want to, because she'll just remind me of Katy." She sighed, "But Katy wanted her to still have a normal life, and you are the only one who can give her a normal life." I nodded and looked out the window, I love Katy and I forever will love her.

When we arrived, I had to literally run into the hospital because the paparazzi were everywhere. It was crazy, mainly because the biggest event in my life just occurred! "Mr. Mayer, are you ready to meet your daughter?" A nurse asked me.

I looked over at Shannon before nodding, it was now or never right? We walked down the halls and into a very calm room, in the middle, laid my baby girl. I froze and gasped, she looked like a normal 9 month old newborn except she wasn't covered in blood or anything.

"How is that even possible, she was shorter than an eraser top on a pencil!" I said as Shannon started cooing, "Aww look, her eyes are opening!" Her eyes are identical to Katy's. "Ugh it's just a baby, I don't even get babies." Katrina muttered before storming out of the room.

I wanted to charge after her, she's been giving us that attitude for the past 6 months and I've grown weary of it by now. Shannon held out an arm and blocked me, "You can worry about her later, focus on the baby right now." And Shannon as well, she's been defending Katrina this entire time!

"Has Katrina been acting like this when she was living with you?" I asked, turning to face her. "Yeah, but I ignored it because she isn't mine, she's yours and you need to talk to her and ask her what's going on." I buried my face in my hand, I don't have fucking time for that.

"What would you like to name her, Mr. Mayer?" The nurse asked, handing my girl over to Shannon, who gladly accepted. What would Katy want to name a girl, "How about...Bianca?" I remember what happened between Katy and Bianca, those two were best friends.

Bianca helped shape Katy into who she was, she was probably the best friend anyone could have ever had. "Yeah, Bianca Hudson Mayer." It was the most beautiful name I've ever heard, she was truly going to be a goddess when she grew up. Her baby blue eyes were gorgeous, they sparkled in the bright light shone above her. "Hey Bianca, sweetie this is your daddy, and I'm going to make sure you have the best life possible." Because you won't ever experience a mother's love.

As I held her little frame in my arms, I started bawling. I was supposed to be raising her with my lover, but she isn't here anymore. "Your mommy loves you unconditionally, I'll make sure you know exactly who she was, and how she sacrificed herself for you." Shannon looked at me with teary eyes, I couldn't handle this anymore. I'm canceling all my tours and I'm gonna raise Bianca, I promised Katy and I won't ever break that promise.

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