Chapter 27: Focus on me

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Shannon's P.O.V.

S: What do you mean you're not coming home tonight, don't you know how much tonight means to your daughter?

J: I know, but I can't leave the studio.

S: And why's that, John you don't even have to produce any new songs anymore! Why do you always still spend so much time in your studio now?

J: Because I've been inspired lately and Bianca is older now, which means I will have more time to work on my music.

S: Ugh, you're her father for goodness sakes.

J: I know, that's why I called you over so please just stay with her tonight Shannon.

S: Fine, but even Allison cares more about her than you right now.

J: Wait, Allison is over?

S: Yeah, see, your little princess doesn't need her daddy anymore. She's all grown up.

And with that, I smirked and ended the call. "Well, that should get him home in just about a few seconds." Bianca is his little princess, which is why he's always so protective around her.

I walked into the kitchen and sliced up some fruit before bringing it upstairs to Bianca's room, I heard the TV was playing. So I gently opened the door and saw Allison and Bianca underneath a blanket on her bed, I placed the fruit on her table and peeked at the TV.

I gasped and immediately grabbed the remote and switched the channel, "Shannon!" Bianca said, I turned around and pointed my finger at her sternly, "You are not doing anything Katy Perry related together, I don't want to watch you crying your heart out again Bianca. It not only pains you, but it also pains me to watch."

I immediately regretted snapping at her like that, the poor thing has already been through enough. Her eyes were full of hurt as she looked down onto the bed, "Um, I'll just go downstairs." Allison said before disappearing.

I sighed and sat down next to Bianca and pulled her into a very forced embrace. "I'm sorry Bianca, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. It's just I know you miss Katy a lot, but seeing her on TV isn't going to help you get through today babe." I pushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

"You are really beautiful Bianca, just like your mother." She finally smiled, causing me to smile as well. She's basically my daughter, because I raised her barely missing a single day of her life. I was the first person to hear her first word since I was babysitting: food.

That's right, probably Katy's first word as well. My phone rang again, I groaned and swung my legs over the bed and answering it:

S: Hey, who is this?

A: Shannon, it's Abby.

I immediately clenched up my fists, I haven't spoken to her for about 8 years. I don't know why but I really don't like her, maybe it's because she's John's ex-girlfriend that took my place to babysit Bianca.

S: Why are you calling me?

A: Just wanted to let you know that John lied to you.

S; Okay seriously Abby, you need to start being more specific. I don't have all night, I've gotten a girl to watch and you're wasting my time honestly.

A: John is over at my place and he wants to stay the night, so I just thought that you might wanna know in cause you know, his little princess worries.

S: He would never want to stay over at your place.

A: Really, cause he has his arms wrapped around me right now, asleep on my bed. Anyways, goodnight Shannon, try not to get...jealous.

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