Chapter 32: Wake up, Briar Rose

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Katy's P.O.V.

The entire plane ride home was so awkward, I can't believe I let Bianca get away with breaking someone's shoulder. Where the hell did she even learn karate like that? I'm sure Jennifer Lawrence couldn't even beat her even after training from the Hunger games.

I sighed and patted John's thigh before sitting down next to Bianca, who had cried herself to sleep. All she's ever wanted was to have a sister, a sister who she could talk to. "Sweetheart?" I asked in the gentlest voice I could. She lifted her head up with tear-stained cheeks.

"Bianca, hey, are you feeling better now?" I asked gently stroking her messed up hair, she needs a haircut, it's too long and curled. She didn't even look at me in the eyes, "I'm right here for you, please open up to me baby. It hurts me to see you like this."

She didn't move nor did she say anything, "I risked getting grounded and ran away on your private jet just to make things right again, but look at where it freaking ended up. I just want my sister, how hard is it to just forgive me! And I can't believe I broke his scapula!" She added, making me laugh.

"Mom don't laugh!" She said pouting her lips, "I just have one more question to ask you, why on earth did you ditch Tamra and Allison?" Her eyes widened to the point that they would pop out, "Oh my goodness I forgot about my best friend!" She squealed.

"And my assistant! But it's alright, I'll just buy them tickets to come back. Or Tamra can take care of it herself." I grabbed a drink on the table nearby and before I could even drink it, Bianca grabbed it from me and shoved it into her mouth.

"Stress-drinking." She said when I gave her a weird look, I giggled as I turned to John. "Honey what's wrong?" I asked, noticing a very worried expression on his face. "Everyone wants you to go back on tour." My jaw dropped open as I quickly turned around to see Bianca's reaction.

Thank goodness she didn't hear it, she was too busy poking at the umbrella in her drink to notice. "I'm calling Brad, hopefully he knows something about this." He handed me his phone since I couldn't find mine, the one thing that I realized is that I can never find my phone...

K: Hey, do you want to explain this whole everyone wants me going back on tour thing?

B: Oh Katy, you see, you never got to finish your tour when you passed away and you kind of just left everyone hanging there. All your fans, they never got to finish watching your tour, some never even got the chance to meet you. I know your family means a lot to you, but you can't just kick everyone out like that.

K: I just got Bianca back, she only has three more years before going to college! I need to spend as much time with her as possible, and only God knows how much I have destroyed her heart already. If I go on this tour, we won't be together anymore because she needs to attend school.

B: Katy I'm sorry, but I've already told the Capitol Records and you're doing this tour starting in two weeks, in Sydney. I'll have Tamra pick you up in one week, be ready.

I couldn't believe my ears, the phone dropped out of my hand and crashed on the ground. That's when I remembered that my phone got thrown into a wall by me, what's with me and throwing phones against the wall? John wrapped his arms around me and placed a tender kiss on my neck.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked gently, "I'm going on tour in two weeks, and I'll be apart from Bianca again." I said sadly, now this time, Bianca heard me. The drink slipped out of her hand as she burst into tears. I stood up so quickly that I got light-headed.

When I got to her side, she shoved me away. This can't be happening, all I've wanted was to get my daughter to love me, now that I only have one. She's pushing me away. "I'm so sorry Bianca, I'll figure something out, I don't have to go on tour until you're ready for me to." I said.

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