Chapter 1

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Jasmine's  POV (her^)

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned slamming my hand on my alarm clock and pulling my pillow over my head. I started to fall back asleep when my bed room door was thrown open. "Get your lazy ass up Jazz" Sami barged into my room and Jake and Kian followed after making me groan again.

"No I hate school" I spoke snuggling into my bed. "Lies all lies now get up or we can't get food before class" Kian whined making me get up. What there is food involved. I dragged myself out of bed making my friends smile and leave my room so I could change.

I walked out of my house closing the door behind me and locking it before I ran to the car. I slid into the passenger seat smiling at the frowning boys in the back.

When we arrived at the little cafe that we always went to. I smiled and hopped out of the car. "Damn girls slow down" Jake laughed but I continued to run. When we were sitting at our table we started talking about a huge project when a group of guys walked in and one in particular caught my eye. Before I could see him fully Sami followed my view and I could see her eyes widen.

"I'll be back" she spoke before getting up and walking to the group of boys. She whispered something under her breath but it sounded urgent. The group of guys looked up to our table and nodded walking out of the cafe. That was weird.

Sami's POV
We were sitting at are usual table when Jasmine's eyes strayed away to look at something. Turning to look my eyes widened at my other friends who walked into the cafe. "I'll be back" I spoke sliding over Jakes lap and walking towards the group.

"What are you doing here" I whispered/yelled making their attention shift to me. "Sami" Austin smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. "You can't be here when my friends are here so leave" I spoke and their eyes shifted to my friends. "Fine but you owe me and hey we have that meeting with Antonio is two hours" Austin spoke. "I have school" I groaned making him shrug and motion the others to leave.

Walking back to the table and climbing back over Jake I looked to see everyone looking at me. "Who were they" Kian asked and I shrugged. "Um some guy from last week no big deal" I fake smirked but silently gagged at the thought of sleeping with Austin. Yeah he's hot but no he's like my brother. "Oh" Jake spoke his voice full of disappointment making guilt build up.

I don't really feel guilt I mean everything I do but when it comes to Jake it's different. I've liked him since 7th grade when we all met. But I was already was trouble by then and we just wouldn't work.

"Come on guys have to get to school" I spoke after we finished knowing I had to be at a meeting in an hour. "Why can't we just skip" Kian whined and Jake and Jasmine shook there head. "Let's go" I threw a hundred dollar bill on the table making Kian's eyes widen.

"Where are you getting all this money?" Kian asked and I shrugged. "Parents are gone win my love with money" I lied. Yeah that is true but they don't give me money really just a new car or a credit card there currently in Australia. They left last week with a note and a debit card saying they'd be back for Christmas.... It's July. Not that I mind really because even though they don't care that Austin lives with me which they don't like him at all.

I dropped my friends off at school and pulled away not bothering to tell them where I was going. When I pulled up to a warehouse I slipped my gun into the waistband behind my pants and walked in.

Looking around I saw Austin and Antonio arguing by our packing truck. "Boys don't get your panties in a bunch what's going on" I asked making them glare at me but stop talking. "He lost our shipment" Austin growled and I turned to look at Antonio. "How do you lose 3 million dollars in drugs" I growled and he stiffened.

Austin is an angry person don't get me wrong but he likes to negotiate things, I don't play games I'm ruthless and don't give second chances. "B-boss it wasn't my fault I left them here last night to ship out this morning and it was gone" he tried and my jaw clenched.

"You were supposed to ship out last night" I growled. "I-I was tired boss didn't want to fall asleep at the wheel and loss the shipment" he spoke and his eyes didn't meet mine. I laughed and shook my head, "well that didn't work did it". I pulled out my gun and pointed it to his temple.

"I'm giving you 12 hours to find are shipment and report back to me who took it" I growled and he nodded quickly. "Don't make us come back here again" Austin growled and we made our way out of the warehouse.

"What happened in there, you usually would have killed him in seconds" Austin asked and I shrugged. "Doesn't matter let's head to the factory I need to talk to J" I spoke and slipped into my W Motors Lykan Hypersport (look it up its awesome) and took off.

The car was 3.4 million dollars. Don't ask where I got the money. It's my baby and the best investment I've ever made. When I made it to my other "house" I made my way up to J's office (Jack). "Hey" I called out making him look up from his computer and smile.

"Hi what can I help you with" he asked rolling backward and slid over to another computer. "I need security cameras from the warehouse, are shipment was takin last night" he only nodded and waved me out of the room.

If you haven't found out already I run a gang. Austin and i were recruited at age 10 (not abnormal the most common age for new gang member! I know sad) and since Austin was basically an orphan our old leader Jim adopted him along with his wife Karen. Last year our rival gang the vipers killed them and Austin took over asking me to help out. Jack is our computer guy but I call him J. He knows anything you want to know and the most important part of our team.

"Sami we have a problem"

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