Chapter 24

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Austin's POV
"No I refuse to go get the asshole he got himself into this trouble not my damn problem" I refused not budging on making a plan to go get Kian. "Fine if your going to be an asshole I'll do it myself you're not needed anymore you can go" Sami spoke leaning back with a smirk. "Fine come on Jasmine" I stood up but Jasmine didn't move.

"Come on Austin this is partially our fault not just his if Paris is as bad as you say she is we shouldn't leave him there" Jasmine pleaded me and I sighed. "We'll vote" I growled all ready knowing I'll lose Sami always seems to win the votes. 

"Well I'm good with either way but since my girlfriend would like it to be a yes I'll vote yes" Jake spoke winking at Sami who smirked. "Oh god you're so whipped" I scoffed and Sami chuckled. "If I remember correctly all it took was Jazz to flutter her eyelashes for you to agree to take a vote" Sami mocked and I just glared.

"I vote yes" Jack spoke getting a same from Sami and Jasmine. "Fine" I groaned sitting down "What's the plan".


"That won't work unless we know exactly where Kian is in the house" Jake spoke pointing to the map on the white board with the plan explained on it. "Yeah that and how again do you plan to get down the chimney?" Jasmine asked and Sami sighed. "A rope, I'll be let down get Kian and you and Austin will be on the roof to keep watch and pull us up all the while Jack will keep the cameras blocked and Jake will be the distraction he's the fastest.

"But for now me and Jack will head to Paris compound I'll sneak in the back posing as one of their  kitchen staff and find Kian get out and get the car pulled up in one minute" Sami spoke and I couldn't help but laugh. "I don't want to be an unsupportive friend but thats not possible" I spoke and Sami glared. "Okay and when I do it you owe me 10 grand" she dared holding out her hand to me. "Deal" I smirked shaking her hand.

"Idiot" Jack mumbled and grabbed his keys. "I'm going to get the rope and you a kitchen staff outfit" he smirked and winking at Sami. "If you bring back some kinky ass outfit I'll kill you Jack" Sami threatened and he groaned.

"Fine" he sighed and left the room. Jake leaned over to whisper something in Sami's ear that made her smirk and grab his hand pulling him towards the door. "Uh talk to you two later" she laughed and pulled Jake out of the room.

"Can they go two minutes with out ripping each other's clothes off?" I groaned and Jasmine laughed standing from the table. "I don't think so " she spoke shaking her head.

Jack's POV
I knocked on Paris door again surprised that she was the one to open the door. "What are you doing here Jack" she snapped and my eyes rolled. "I just need two minutes of your time" I spoke as Sami's minute started dwindling down.

"What" she sighed leaning against the wall and I smiled. "I really need Kian back because-" I started my long list of reasons buying time for Sami getting a minute in before Paris cut me off.

"How dumb do you think I am? There is someone in here to find them" Paris spoke turning to a member by the door and he nodded pulling the alarm code. "It seems like her two minutes will be interrupted" she smirked and I returned the expression.

"Actually I do think your dumb because you should know she only needs 1" I smiled slowly walking back wards before turning as Sami pulled up the car spinning on my heals. Sami slid out of the window a little waving.

"Hey Paris I've heard you've been looking for me? Austin didn't tell you you'd never find me didn't he? Well unless I want you too that is" she smirked sliding back knot the window as I hopped in the passenger seat and we speed out of the Moonshine territory leaving Paris in shock.

Sami's POV (minutes before)

"Remember she had people on surveillance 24/7 looking for you once a camera spots you... you're compromised so get in and out start you timer we don't need a blood bath here" Jack spoke looking concerned and I smirked.

"Aw is the Jack Walker worried about me" I smiled skidding my kitchen staff shirt over my head and sliding my regular clothes in the bag I had slinging it over my shoulder and rushing to the back of the house where I followed a girl wearing the same thing in through the back door.

I walked quickly knowing he'd have to be in the basement and rushed towards the stairs. Before I could go down and man a little older then me pinned me to the wallet bin his hands up my side. I smirked pulling my gun out of my waistband and shooting him in the stomach. I let him fall limp before running down the stairs finding Kian in a dark room his face beat.

"Oh Kian" I sighed setting down my bag quickly and throwing him a water bottle. I stripped my shirt changing back into my clothes knowing if they saw me on the cameras I wouldn't be able to fight in.

I check my watch seeing 26 I moved faster pulling on my athletic shorts. "We'll be back in two days for you we had to make sure we knew where you were just stay safe what do they want from you?" I asked slowly walking towards the stairs.

"You and Jake" he croaked and I paused for a second before smiling. "I'll be back Kian don't worry" I smiled and then ran up stairs with my bag and my gun in my hand. I turned the corner shooting a guard in the head as I sprinted outside hopping in the still running car and speeding off to the front door.

I clicked my watch ending the time leaving me with one second to spare and I smirked. I watched Jack walk backwards from the door and Paris's face was over come with shock.

I couldn't help but provoke her a little before me and Jack made our way back. "We actually pulled it off!" Jack yelled smiling and I laughed. "Yeah" I nodded still shocked myself. "What did Kian say she wanted?" Jack asked and I stopped for a second in silence.

"He won't give her information about Jake and I" I spoke and he looked at me knowing I wouldn't want to talk and sat in his seat the rest of the way home. Why would he risk his life for me?

I sat in the meeting room arguing with the others on the best way to get to Kian when a knock came from the door. "What!" I snapped and Jenson a trainee walked in with a box. "What's that?" Jack spoke and Jenson shrugged setting it on the table.

"Not sure it came for Sami and Jack" he spoke and walked out of the room. I walked over to the box hesitantly taking our my keys to cut the tape. Jack came over next to me as I opened the lid. I sighed shaking my head and turning to punch a hole in the wall next to me.

"What?" Jasmine asked walking over and screamed as she looked in. "What?" Austin asked not moving and Jasmine chocked out a sob. "I-it's K-Kian's head!!!" She screamed and Jakes eyes widened with Austin's as the rushed over to look.

"Dammit!" Jack yelled and I glared at the box in anger.

Paris just crossed a line playing with the devil is a dangerous game.

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