Chapter 29

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Sami's POV

I raced towards a warehouse where Lennie, a failed trainee of ours was hiding out. I think that's where the trainees have the lack of understanding, your ether in the gang or your dead that's it. I pulled into the parking lot slipping my guns back into their places and walking in twirling the gun in my hand.

I walked into see Lennie loading things into his car. "Going somewhere?" I asked making him jump and turn to look at me. His eyes widened pulling out his gun but I was quicker shooting his hand watching as the gun fell too the floor.

"Aw I just wanted to talk" I smirked walking close to him watching amused as he squirmed in pain. "Oh my bad did that hurt?" I asked and he glared "you're psychotic" he gritted out and I laughed.

"I know it keeps me up at night" I sighed standing up walking towards his car seeing a bunch of duffle bags. "I have a feeling I know what's in these" I taunted opening the bag seeing the tech devices he stole from Jack.

"I just don't understand Lennie. It's one thing to be not excepted in a gang but to steal shit! You are away I kill people for a living right?" I asked and he didn't say anything.

"Apparently not" I shrugged grabbing the bags out turning to see him making a brake for the door. I groaned shooting his calf my eyes rolling as he fell with a yell.

"I was feeling generous today Len maybe just a simple bullet in the head but you have to go and be difficult all the time" I tsked walking towards him.

I put another bullet through his calf getting a gasp of surprise but not from him. I turned around my eyes widening as my parents stood in shock by the warehouse door.

"What the hell are you doing here!" I screamed out seeing Lennie out of the corner of my eye try to scoot away I turned to glair at him making bringing a smirk to his lips.

"Oh you kill people for a living but when mommy and daddy are around you can't even glair at me meanly" he chuckled and my jaw clenched turning to shoot him in the stomach hearing my mother scream.

"You see what running your fucking mouth gets you!" I yelled shooting him in the chest, "now shut the hell up!" I demanded watching him cough up blood.

"Oh my!" My mother cried grasping my fathers hand. "This is the work of that low life boyfriend of yours isn't it" my father spoke giving me a look of disgrace.

"That low life boyfriend your talking about was a straight A perfect little angle a few months ago before I brought him into MY gang don't be jumping to conclusions" I snapped.

"You are no daughter of mine" my mother hissed and I laughed. "I never was. You were never home. Shit I've been in this gang for almost 8 years now lead it for a while too but of course coming home every once and a while you'd never know" I growled out.

Before I could continue I heard the doors slam open turning to see men run in with guns and badges. "Samantha Horn you are surrounded drop your weapons and put your hands where I can see them!" I looked down to see Lennie smirking before he was no longer breathing.

I sighed dropping the gun from my head and kicking it over to them. "I have more and I'm simply pulling them out" I spoke crossing my right arm over my body to pull out my favorite gun in my arsenal and flipping a switch on the side.

Dropping it I kicked it over to them counting down from 5.



My ears rung from the explosion and pain filled me as glass pierced through my stomach from the windows. I gritted my teeth as I pulled the glass out. Standing up I turned to see my parents with glass through their hearts and their eyes lifeless.

As hard as I tried I couldn't find it in me to be upset about it. I pulled myself out of the warehouse and out to my car trying to keep myself conscious as I speed towards the gang house.

When I finally got there I was barley conscious slamming on the horn hopping someone would hear before everything went black.

Jack's POV


I looked up from my computer hearing the annoying sound of a car horn. It's probably Austin being obnoxious but he gets all pissy if I don't see what he wants so I pulled myself up from my desk and made my way outside.

Instead of seeing Austin's car I saw a dark blue dodge that I did recognize. I pulled out my gun, slowly walking towards the car door peering inside to see Sami unconscious with blood covering her shirt.

"Shit!" I yelled throwing my gun and flinging open the door checking her pulse. I started to panic feeling her heart rate alarmingly slow.

I pressed the horn down hard leaving it for a couple of seconds before pulling Sami out of the car and laying her gently down on the drive way.

"What the hell do you want Jack" Austin groaned walking outside his eyes widening when he saw Sami. "What the hell happened!" He screamed and I shrugged.

"I don't fucking know help me get her inside" I rushed trying to keep my cool. He rushed over picking her up swiftly and rushing inside.

"JAKE! JASMINE! HELP US!" I screamed through the house following Austin into the kitchen where he laid her on the table. I got scissors making quick work of cutting off her shirt seeing multiple gashes and pieces of glass sticking out of her.

Jake and Jasmine came into the kitchen seeing the problem and immediately rushing to help. Jake getting a first aid kit while Jasmine and Austin pulled out the glass.

An hour or so later Sami laid unconscious on the table all sown up. "What the hell happened" Jake asked and I shrugged.

"I'm not sure I found her unconscious in a car outside" I spoke and they nodded all of us looking at Sami.

She's ok.

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