Chapter 2

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^(Sami's car)

Jasmine's POV
Where is Sami! She just left school the other day and hasn't been to school for the past three days. Every time I text her she answers back with little texts like 'hey' or 'what's up' and then just says she'll text me back and that she has something to do. Uggggg. I'm getting worried about her.

"Kian, Jake come on let's go." I sighed. "Wait where are we going?" Kian whined. "To Sami's house and see what's going on" I stood up from Kian's couch. This chick better have a dang good explanation.

Sami's POV
"YOU CANT FUCKING RULE MY LIFE AUSTIN". I yelled waving my gun at him. "WELL IF YOU HAVE SUCH A DAMN DEATH WISH  I'll KILL YOU RIGHT NOW IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?" He screamed pointing his gun at my head.

Confused? Well my part in the gang is simple, I take people out. The Vipers don't know I exist because I know everyone in this town and if I know you have anything to do with the rival gang and you find out who I am I'll kill you, no questions asked. So to get information I'm going to go undercover and hopefully get the viper leader to fall for me. Austin is going all protective older brother on me and telling me I'm not going...Well I am going. And whenever we argue things tend to get a little out of hand, just a little.

"GO FUCKING AHEAD WE BOTH KNOW YOU WON'T I CAN HANDLE MYSELF THIS WILL HELP OUR GANG AUSTIN " I screamed not hearing the door open. "REALLY THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK! YOU CAN'T HELP OUR GANG IF YOUR DEAD" he screamed and I shook my head quickly getting a glimpse of a frozen Jasmine. "Shit" I spoke putting my gun away and turning to look at Jasmine. I slowly walked towards her not being able to read her emotions, which was worrying me.

As I came closer to her she started to freak out, "What? Who? Sami? What's going on? Gang? He's attractive! What's happening? Guns!-" I quickly pushed the pressure point on her neck making her fall to the ground limp.

"Jasmine did you find Sa-" Kians voice made my head shoot up and saw him frozen looking at Jasmine on the ground and up at me. "Did you kill her?" He screamed and I rolled my eyes at his accusation. I pulled out my gun making him move back a little.

"I'm not playing games with you Kian come here" I spoke and he walked slowly over to me. "Really sorry about this" I spoke before doing the same to him as he fell limp next to Jasmine. "Kian that was extremely rude can yo- holy chicken gun" Jake screamed and I smiled softly at his innocence. "Hey I'm putting it away its fine" I spoke softly slipping it into my waistband.

"Austin come help me take them to the car" I called and he walked over to me. "What about him" he bit out looking at Jake. "He's fine, mind your own damn business" I barked and he growled at me. When we set Kian and Jasmine in the back of our van Jake still looked a little shook up. "What's wrong" I asked making him shake his head. "What's wrong! Well hmmm maybe my friends are passed out in a car and you have a gun and I don't know what's going on and on top of all of that eyebrows over here won't stop glaring at me" he rushed out and I laughed at his nickname for Austin.

"Watch it four eyes" Austin growled and I turned to glare at him. "Piss off Austin" I snapped and he glared at me. "I'll explain later, but for now we need to get to the house" I spoke and pulled Jake along with me. "There's only two seats" Jake commented and I held back my smirk.

"You don't mind if I sit on your lap do you" I smiled up at him making him blush. "N-no" he stuttered and I smiled. "Okay we'll get in" I pushed watching him scramble up into the seat. When he was situated and straddled his waist so I was facing him making his cheeks turn a bright red.

"It's safer this way" I whispered in his ear and closed the door making him nod slowly. "Can you not get him all hot and bothered in my car it's disgusting" Austin growled starting the car and making Jake blush more.

"Bite me Austin" I growled as I played with Jakes hair. "Can you put your gun somewhere else" he asked and I saw Austin's eyes roll. I slid my gun out of my waistband and sat it next to me and he visibly calmed down.

"Care to explain why we left the loser awake" Austin bit out and I growled. "Say that again I fucking dare you" I spoke viciously. "Okay care to explain why we left the loser awake" he said again making me smack him hard across the face.

"Say it again" I growled and he shrugged. "Okay"

After slapping him 6 times Jake begged me to stop and I complied seeing the redness on Austin's face. We sat in silence for a while till I heard bumping in the back of the car. Austin pulled into a deserted parking lot. I hopped out of the car opening the back. As soon as the door was open a fist connected with my jaw and I groaned my head whipping to the side.

I looked back seeing a surprised Kian and my face connected with his jaw he went limp again. I shook my head and closed the door again. When I slid onto Jake lap again I could tell a bruise was already forming. When Austin saw it he started laughing but Jake looked concerned.

"Are you okay" Jake asked and I looked at him. "No but you can make it better" I spoke looping my arms around his neck. "H-how" he asked looking nervous. I leaned closer to his ear, "you can kiss it better" I whispered and he nodded slowly. His lips connected with my jaw and I jumped slightly at the sting.

"Not in my damn car..thank you" Austin called making Jake pull back. "We can continue later sexy" I whispered making him blush and nod. "Samantha Horn if you don't stop I'm throwing you out" Austin growled and I glared at him for calling me Samantha.

"Don't call me that" I bite out and he smirked, "I'll kill you Austin one of these days" I shook my head and laid my head on Jake's chest.

"Mm we'll see" he commented and I shook my head. Austin Rivers will be he death of me.

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