Chapter 7

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Austin's POV
I paced my room looking at Jasmine who was fast asleep on my bed. She kissed Kian! Out of all the guys in the world it had to be that asshole! And what the fuck was that with all the 'at least he'll talk to me' bullshit. I talk to her..... Well Kinda.

We can't date, Sami would hate me and I can't have Sami hate me she's my second half. What if she didn't hate me though. What if she was happy that her two best friends we're together. Is it possible?

No of course not she'll hate me. But will I hate myself if I let her go.

Jacks POV
I picked Jake up a little bit ago and he hasn't said a word since he got into the car. His face shows worried and hurt and some anger but he sat there not saying a word. "Are you going to tell me why you look like you want to throw up?" I asked and he shook his head. I sighed and pulled the car over making him look at me curiously.

"Now what the hell happened" I growled and he sighed looking hurt. "I did something horrible and now the only person I really care about is going to hate me" he sighed and I rose my eyebrows.

"What" I snapped not into playing his damn games. "I got drunk off my ass and sleep with a girl okay" he snapped and my eyes widened a little before I growled. I stepped out of my he car walking around and pulling up out of the car.

I flung him into a wall and held my hand to his neck. "You fucking cheated on Sami you fucking prick" I snarled and he nodded sadly. "You can't make me feel worse then I already do okay Jack. I know I fucked up and I can't do shit about it now so my life is over she'll hate me and never talk to me again" he sighed and so did I.

"I know Sami she'll be pissed but she won't hate you. Damn she's been in love with you for years it's kind of annoying really. She'll be mad maybe ignore you for a couple hours before she'll go and scar the shit out of the girl who your dumb ass slept with and you guys will be fine" my little speech made relief take over his face but I smirked.

"Oh I forgot something important. Austin and I, not so forgiving" I winked and he looked scared for a second but nodded. "Good now get in the car"

What a dumbass.

Austin's POV
I sat on the couch in my room my eyes still on Jasmine's sleeping form. As her eyes started to move I sat up and watched as she blinked and groaned holding her forehead. I sighed getting up and bringing her Advil and water.

"Thanks" she moaned and her voice was raspy making my manhood jump. After she took the pills she sat up a little and looked around noticing she was in my room. "What happened?" She asked and I sighed. "You got drunk at a party and made out with that asshole Kian" I growled and her face soured. "Well at least he'll talk to me after" she whispered and I growled again pinning her to the bed as I hovered over her.

"Do you think that I don't like you or something or that I don't want to kiss you all the time? But I can't... Sami is important to me and you know she is to you to and I can't have her hating me or ruining your guys relationship" I spook and my eyes met hers.

"She's not here so what's stopping you now?" She whispered and I just smashed my lips to hers. Her arms came around my neck as she pulled me closer to her. I let her flip me over and she straddled my hips kissing me harder.

"Austin we need to- oooo ..Jasmine huh.. umm we need to umm talk" Jack burst into my room making Jasmine pull of me and a blush filled her cheeks. "Your an ass" I growled but he shrugged.

"We need to talk like now" he hissed and I nodded. "I'll be back" I whispered in Jasmine's ear and left the room.

"What" I snapped after I closed my door. "Oh I'm not telling you come with me" he smirked but I could see that he was pissed off in his eyes. I followed him down stairs and saw a nervous Jake sitting at the table.

"Whats wrong" I asked and Jake eyes met mine. "Go ahead tell him why you woke me from my beauty sleep" Jack spook and Jake rolled his eyes slightly making my eyebrows raise, this kid has balls.

"This is awkward. Jack I don't want to talk about it" Jake sighed and I looked at Jack weird. "This asshole cheated on Sami with some hoe at the party last night" Jack growled and I saw red.

I moved fast pinning him to the wall and he hissed a little. "I didn't fucking like you in the first place what the hell is your problem do you have a death wish" I growled and he sighed.

"I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing I bet i hate myself 10x more then you do" he sighed and for a second I understood why Sami had a soft spot for him. "You have this weird quality that makes people feel bad for you. How do you do it?" I questioned and he looked confused.

"What are you talking about?" He asked and I turned to Jack and he nodded in agreement. "Yeah I realized that to we can use it to our advantage though" he commented and I nodded. "Your lucky because next time I'll kick your ass" I hissed and slapped him hard in the back of the head as I pushed him away from me.

"Training room in 10 hurry up" I snapped and he nodded. He can help us in the future I feel it.

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