Chapter 19

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Jasmine's POV
We sat in the meeting room in silence looking at each other. Jake sowed us up even himself and we left the remaining members to patch and clean up outside. Sami was the first to speak staring off with a sigh. "We took a hit and I'm sorry for that I should've gave you more notice on Justin's death" this was rare. Even before I found out Sami was in a gang she rarely if ever apologized to anybody.

"You didn't know they would storm that fast and it had to be pre planned. The number of vipers here almost doubled ours. Justin would only ever dream of having that many people he was paired with another gang no doubt" Jack spoke and Austin's eyebrows raised.

"Moonshine? Paris did work with Justin" Austin asked but Jacks head shook. "Couldn't of been she doesn't have the numbers ether. My best guess would be the Bronze Skulls" Jack spoke and Sami scoffed.

"The Skulls? Please James can rule a gang about as good as Justin could. Well know that I think about it I could see why they would be alliances" Sami spoke and Jake and I's heads just moved toward the person as they talked.

"We need more trainees and everyone needs to train" Jack looked at Sami making her sigh. "I mean at least people will take directions from me now" she sighed and Austin laughed a little.

"Jake and I too?" I asked and Sami and Austin made eye contact before nodding. "Yeah we uh haven't trained anyone since before Jim and Karen were- we just need five people as trainers" Austin spoke looking pained as he mention his parents.

"There's five stations during training we get thirty trainees and at the end of evaluation 5 will be gone. The stage two five more and stage three most stay we usually don't loose a lot of people then." Sami spoke sitting up a little in her chair.

"Stage one will be with me, fighting, stage two Jake with memory, stage three Austin with shooting, stage four Jazz with knife throws, and end with Jack with computer skills" it fast 10 minute rotations at the end you'll give each trainee a colored mark on there are with your initials.

Red- great
Blue- good
Yellow- okay
Blue- needs work
Green- no

Easy enough?" she asked and me and Jake nodded.

"Alright everyone needs to bring back 6 trainess doenst matter what they specialize in. Everyone get some rest we'll start in the morning" Austin spoke and we got up from the table. I walked out of the room hand in hand with Austin as the ending of our long day.

Jake's POV
Sami walked into our room crashing on out bed with loud groan and I smiled. I laid next to her and she moved to cuddle into my side. "Are you okay?" I whispered and she nodded not speaking. "No your not. Talk to me please" I whispered and she sighed.

"I want to be honest with you but I don't want to hurt you" she whispered and I looked down at her. "Will it hurt more if I find out from someone else?" I asked feeling nervous. "Yes" she said simply and I shut my eyes breathing out slowly.

"Tell me" I whispered and she sat up slightly. She straddled my hips and looked down at me. "Part of my undercover jobs have always been to engross myself into my job ...and a lot of the time it includes s-sex" she stopped talking and my eyebrows furrow. "I knew that Sami, is that what your so worried about bec-" my sentence was cut short.

"No that's not it Jake" she sighed and I was completely confused now. "Then what?" I asked and she refused to meet my eyes. "I've never wanted it to happen before" she spoke and I didn't understand yet. "But I didn't try hard enough to stop Justin and I'm not sure why" she didn't give me a chance to respond before she went on.

"He's charming and attractive and nice when he wants to be and for a short amount of time he had me forgetting that I was there on a job, Jake and I don't know what to do with myself now" she finished looking at me finally and she looked broken and I have never seen her in this state.

"Okay" I spoke pushing down my jealously and anger because she didn't need that right now. "What?" She asked, looking shocked. "Okay, there's nothing I can do about it. I knew what I was getting myself into so okay. If you want to get rid of me.. your going to have to try a lot harder then that because I'm not planning on letting my princess  go." a smile I haven't got to see in a while made my day and she bent down to kiss me, still smiling.

"Thank you" she whispered and I only kissed her again. She's perfect.

Austin's POV
Jazz laid on our bed staring at the ceiling not noticing I got out of the shower or staring at her from the door way. Wow that sounds creepy. "Penny for your thoughts?" I asked breaking the silence as I walked over to my drawers dropping my towel and pulling on some black boxers.

"Three months ago I was in school to be a doctor or a fricken accountant if I wanted but today I killed people with blood rushing down my back because three days ago a knife was lodged in between my shoulder blades. My best friends had holes in their legs and arms from bullets. I fell for a guy that I would've never pictured myself with. I think I'm just shocked about how much has changed and the more...
I think about it and I don't even know anything about you and it's weird" she stopped talking again never pulling her eyes away from he ceiling.

"My favorite colors black, if you could imagine. I used to not be able to sleep in the dark because it brought me back to the night my real dad shot my mom in the head. I was a kid then and my parents were arguing like always" I walked towards the bed and sat down on the side of it. "The only difference is they were arguing about money because neither of them payed the electric bill so the lights were shut off. My dad was drunk and my mom just snorted cocaine and I was in a closet with a flashlight hoping they would go upstairs so I could run to Sami's house and it went silent for a second" I paused my story and Jasmine looked at me sadly.

"So I peaked my head out of the closet to see my dad with a gun to my mothers head and she was smiling. She told him he wouldn't do it just edging him on and when he pulled the trigger I didn't cry. I didn't even shed a tear and when my dad shot himself I just left walked over to Sami's and waited for the police to come. I haven't talked about that to anyone but you better feel special" I finished laying down next to her and she rested her head on my chest.

"I'm sorry" she whispered and I sighed. "Don't be I have a lot more fun being an asshole gang leader with a sexy girlfriend" I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes. "Your ridiculous" she smiled and closed her eyes.

"Good night beautiful" I whispered clicking off the light.

Jack's POV
I need a girlfriend.

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