Chapter 4

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Austin's POV

Me and Jasmine walked into my training room and I saw her look around the room at the lines of guns and knives. "W-what do you do in the gang" she asked looking at me with a little fear. "I give warning and I'm an assassin usually I specialize with guns and long knife throws" I told her picking up a knife and she nodded slowly.

I pointed to a target on the wall and threw the knife hitting the middle of the target. I turned smirking at her but she didn't look impressed. "That's easy it's like darts" she shrugged and I held my arms up in defense. "Then by all means try it out" I handed her a knife and she nodded. She stood back and flung the knife hitting the end of mine and sticking there.

My mouth hung open and turned to look at her she was smiling at me with a told you so look. "Damn I need to wife you" I shook my head and she laughed. "I have a boyfriend so that would be a problem" her words made disappointment fill my body but her body language confused me.

"What's his name" I asked trying to engage why she looked so stiff. "Mark" she said turning her head not to look at me and my head turned in confusion. "Why are you so nervous?" I asked and she froze a little. "N-no reason" she shook her head and walked over to pull the knives out of the wall.

"Jasmine I know we just met and everything but tell me please I can help you" I asked and she shook her head setting the knives down on the table. "It's not-" she was cut off by her phone ringing and when she pulled it out Marks name flashed on the screen. She went rigid again and I reached up to my ear turning on a bug so I can hear there conversation.

Jasmine- "H-hey Mark"
Mark- "Where the fuck are you stupid bitch? You were supposed to be here an hour ago."
Jasmine- "I'm w-with Sami, Mark."
Mark- "I told you not to hang with her. How many times do I have to tell you Jasmine!"
Jasmine- "I'm sorry baby I-"
Mark- "Come over here now we have stuff to do"
Jasmine- "But M-Mark I can't just leave I-"
Mark-" I don't care if you have plans Jasmine. Now get over here. Don't you love me and care about me?"
Jasmine- "Of course I'm-."

Her hands were clenched. She looked at me curiously and she frowned. "I um have to go" she sighed and started to turn to walk away but I grabbed her arm. "Your not going anywhere Jasmine come on let's go talk to Sami real quick" I spoke and pulled her out of the room.

I barged into Sami's room seeing paper all over the floor and Jake hovering over Sami on the floor. "Hey uh Jake is it? If you don't get off of Sami in two seconds I'll kill you" I sang out but venom filled my voice. They both jumped a little at my voice and Jake stood up holding his hand out for Sami to grab.

As he helped Sami up she glared at me until she saw Jasmine. "What did you do to her" she snapped and Jasmine flinched. "I need to talk to you.... Alone" I spoke nodding my head over to the side. We walked over to the corner and lowered our voices.

"Who's Mark?" I asked and she looked confused. "Her old douche of a boyfriend Jasmine said they broke up like three months damn he was such a dick." she whispered/yelled and my eyebrows furrowed. "She told me he was still her boyfriend and then he called her and called her a bitch and told her to come over because they have work to do or some shit" I whispered and her jaw clenched.

"Let's send her over I'll drive her and pretend to drive away and then move in saying she forgot something, you and the others should be down the block though" she whispered and I nodded. "Let's go" I nodded and we turned to see Jake and Jasmine talking.

"Jasmine let's go" Sami ordered and Jasmine followed her out of the room. "Let's go" I ordered and Jake rolled his eyes but followed me. I opened the door to Jacks office to see Jack looking pissed.

"This guy is an idiot the space bar dammit just click the fucking space bar" Jack yelled and I chuckled a little. "Come on Jack we have something to handle" I called and he nodded grabbing his laptop and following me. I have a bad feeling about this.

Jasmine's POV
"Where are we going" I asked Sami looking at her pissed face. "I'm dropping you off at Marks, why didn't you tell me you guys were still dating?" she asked and her face turned to sad. "Sorry" I shrugged in fear of going to Mark's house. I'm already late and he wouldn't be happy about that. Just last week my phone was blowing up with hundreds of text messages and voicemails when I was at the mall with Sami. Another reason why he didn't like Sami.

We sat in silence until we reached Mark's house and I saw him sitting on the porch. Sami got out with me and walked up to Mark who looked pissed. "Hey Mark long time no see you must be pretty special for Jasmine to leave my girl time for you" she spoke in a weird tone and his eyes rolled.

"Well your pretty bitchy so I'd understand why she wanted to leave" he growled and she smirked. "Hey buddy news flash for yah I don't play your games so shut your fucking mouth" Sami snapped and he growled.

I looked at Sami with pleading eyes knowing she was just pissing him off more which, he would take out on me. "Bye Jazz and if you need anything please call okay" she spoke and I nodded at her. She walked back to her car and I felt hopeless without her.

He stood up and hugged me making his grip tighter making me whimper as Sami drove away. "Don't think I'll let you get away for her ignorance, bitch, now get inside" he snapped in my ear and I nodded walking inside. "C-can I use the restroom" I whispered and he scoffed. "Hurry up" I nodded and ran towards the bathroom searching through my bag for my phone. I dumped everything out but couldn't find it. I left it in Sami's car!

Tears ran down my face and I felt nothing as I walked out of the bathroom. "Oh don't cry you ruin all the fun" he laughed. "Baby please..I-I can't do it anymore." I sobbed. He walked over to me and grabbed my cheeks kissing my tears. I felt uncomfortable not knowing what he was doing. He looked down at my lips and attempted to kiss me, but I pulled away."Jasmine?" He whispered I looked down trying to ignore him. Our eyes meant contact and he kneed me in the stomach. I crouched over and groaned. He punched my cheek making me fall and curl into a ball. "Get up" he dragged out  pulling my hair but the front door opened making him turn.

"You son of a bitch" Sami screamed with my phone in her hand. He dropped me and walked over to her with a threatening demeanor. As he reached up to slap her she moved making him growl. His arm flew fast as his fist made contact with her cheek throwing her head to the side. She growled and closed the door with her foot.

"Aw honey you'll be sorry you did that" she growled and went to swipe his legs but he moved. When he went to lunge for her and she slid under his legs to the center of the room. "Aw that was a cute try" she laughed and he growled again.

"What's wrong can the big bad wolf not handle a girl" she laughed and he twisted his body in the air kicking her in the face. She flung to the side of the wall, hard. When she pulled back her lip was bleeding and he smirked. Sami chuckled and doing the same kick as he was making his head fling.

Before he regained himself she swiped his ankles and he fell to the floor before she could continue the door opened and Austin ran in looking at all of us. While Sami was distracted Mark kicked her in the knee making her scream and fall.

"You bitch" Sami screamed but Austin was behind him with a knife to his neck in seconds. "You think you can come in here and hurt my girls?" Austin asked making Mark growl. "Kill me I dare you my gang won't be very please" his statement made me gasp. Sami stood up and pulled a gun out pointing it to his head.

"I don't care" she spoke before a loud bang went off I screeched at the sound and sight of Mark's body fell limp to the floor.

He's dead.

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