Chapter 41

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16 Years Later

Jasmine's POV
"Cam I can't find my  briefcase" I yelled through the house hearing him laugh. "What's new?" He questioned walking out from our room to the kitchen. "It's under the table where you leave it everyday Jasmine" he chuckled handing me my case while I glared at him.

"Thank you" I smiled standing on my tippy toes to kiss him. "Mm do you have to go to work? Just stay here with me" he pleaded and my eyes rolled. "You know I can't even if I really want to but I'll be home early tonight. Tell Jackson I said bye since he won't wake up for hours" I called as I walked out to my car.

My life's been a lot different since I left London. First of all we made it back to the US deciding to move to New York wanting the noise of people after being cooped up in that bar loft for three months.

The biggest thing however is not very long after we left Paris I started to get really fat and bloated before I put one and one together and realized I was pregnant with Austins kid.

Cameron was upset about it for a while but he got over it and now I have a 16 year old kid who looks a lot like Austin. It's kind of a bitter sweet really. I still have a memory of Austin but he sometimes reminds me of all the things I let go when we left.

Everyone I cared about pretty much left out of my life the second I decided to walk out the door. My best friend, second half, people who had come to be the most important people in my life and the only people I have left is Cameron and Jackson.

I wouldn't call it complete PTSD but I can't even look at guns without thinking of the people I've killed and seen killed. Cameron and I decided we didn't want to lie to Jackson about what we've done but wanted to wait until he was 18.

I know it could ruin our relationship with him but he deserves to know the reality of us not the full details just because hat we've done things.

I pulled up to my law firm wiping a tear I had under my eyes before sighing. Normal life. I'm just trying to get back to my normal life. And even though I had to let go of people I loved it's better.

I checked my make up on last time before heading out of my car. Normal life.

Sami's POV
I drove down the street takin on my bluetooth piece. "Yah Sharron I think we should schedule the PTA meeting next Friday" I hinted as I pulled into the school drop off zone. "Bye Colby have a good day at school" I smiled waving off my 14 year old son watching him wave goodbye and the door to my car close.

"Jack I swear to god if this drug deal doesn't go through I'm gonna put a bullet through your head understand me" I growled and I could practically feel his eye roll.

"I'm working on it but we ran into a smidge of problem back here" he chuckled nervously and I growled. "What" I seethed and pulled out of the school quickly speeding off home. "We might've had to tie up the mailman" he spoke nonchalantly.

"What the hell! Why?" I exclaimed my foot pressing harder on the gases I ran through a red light. "He came to deliver the mail and Kian opened the door without thinking first when we had all the guns and drugs laid out on the table" he explained and I sighed.

"He literally an idiot" I scoffed turning into our neighbor hood. "I know are you almost home?" He questioned and I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me. "Uh yah I'm about to pull in, bye" I answered not giving him a chance to answer before hanging up.

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