Chapter 40

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Shawn's POV

3 months later

We've been looking for Jake and the rest for three months in London and came up with nothing. My buddy had a jet and flew us here after Austin dies and we've been looking ever since. Sami sat in the drivers seat tapping on the window wearing Jake's flannel that she rarely ever took off.

"Can we just go over once more on what everyone said to you before they left" I asked and she sighed. "Who first?" She asked and I shrugged "Jack".

"He said, 'don't worry gorgeous this is a new gate for us' " she said the last part slowly before sitting up fast in her seat. "What?" I asked and she pointed to the map in my lap. "Hand me that" she demanded and I gave it to her still confused. "Holy shit" she gasped pointing to a street on the map. "New Gate street?" I asked and she looked at me. "I think we've found them" she smiled starting the car and taking off down the street.

We stopped in front of the street looking at the business down the road. "Where do you think they are?" I asked and she scoffed. "Our best guess is the pub knowing Jack that'd be his first choice" she answered and I nodded looking for on coming cars before crossing over to the pub.

We walked into the bar seeing a few people around and a worker wiping off the bar. "Question" Sami asked leaning against the bar. "Is there an upstairs loft here?" She asked and my eyes rolled at her complete loss of suddenness.

"Yeah but it's currently occupied sorry" he brushed off and she looked back at me for a second. "Who's up there?" She question and the guy put down his rag. "Look miss I don't have any place available stop asking questions" he said harshly and Sami chuckled before grabbing his shirt and pulling him down so he was eye level with her.

"Listen I'm looking for some friends of mine and I pretty positive their up there so you can show me upstairs or I'll put a bullet through your head and look myself understand" she growled and he smiled.

"Jack said you'd act like that. I'm sorry but people have came looking for your friends before just had to make sure your the right people they want up there" he answered and Sami let go of his shirt.

"They've been completely off the grid and sadly they were starting given up on you two showing up" he spoke as he led us to a stair case with a door at the top. "Just right up there" he smiled and Sami nodded staring at the door not moving.

"What are you doing go" I spoke out and her head shook. "How am I supposed to tell them Austins dead?" She asked and I shrugged. "You'll know when the time comes but go" I spoken and she scoffed stepping on the first step up.

We found them.

Sami's POV

I climbed the stairs up stopping in front of the door raising my hand to knock but I didn't. "Jack where the hell is my cookie if you ate it I swear to god!" I heard Jake's voice from inside and I sighed in relief of hearing his voice for the first time in a while.

I knocked softy hearing all the noise stop for a second before I heard feet walking over. The door opened reveling Jack who smiled as soon as he saw me. "Hey gorgeous long time" he smiled and I hugged him hard looking up to see Jake turn the corner.

Jack pulled away with a small smirk and bro hugged Shawn who had came up the stairs now. Jake ran over to me picking me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist and our lips slammed together. "I fucking missed you" he panted pulling back for a second. "I love you so much" he said staring me in the eyes as he set me back down on the ground.

"I love you too" I whispered and a cheesy smile took over his face before he kissed me again. Jasmine and Cameron turned the corner and all the happiness in me started to drain.

"Where's Austin?" Jasmine asked getting a nod from everyone but Shawn. "He um he- he didn't make it back" I chocked out and she looked confused.  "Where is he? Why would you leave him there?" She asked and and jack looked as if he knew what I meant but didn't want to admit it.

"He was shot and didn't make it" Shawn spoke up and I looked at him sadly. "What the hell do you mean?" Jasmine demanded and I sighed. "He was shot in the forest and I carried him until I found a box truck and drove all the way to Colorado where we ran out of gas the Feds were after us and I couldn't pull over so we went on foot looking for another car and he couldn't go on" I explained fast and monotone not really wanting to talk about it.

"Some weak ass gang leader took out Austin?" Jack asked and my head shook. "He made me put a bullet through him head" I replied dryly ready to move on completely.

"You want me to believe that you made it back and he didn't. Surprise surprise the most selfish person I know comes back without my fiancé who she killed!" Jasmine yelled and I looked at her surprised.

"You really think any of this is my fault? You didn't even know him!" I yelled and she scoffed. "I was in love with him" she shot back and I laughed. "Please because I'm pretty fucking positive the hickey on your neck isn't three months old in his last dying breath he still cared about you when you were bunking up with a trainee so don't try and tell me you loved him because that's bullshit" I snapped and she didn't speak her hand just coming up to cover the hickey on her neck.

Jake came up behind me setting his hands on my waist as I felt myself calming down. She said nothing just turning away and storming off to a room with Cameron behind her.

"Did he say anything about me?" Jack asked and I nodded. "He wanted you to know you were his best friend" I smiled and he nodded looking slightly upset but walking away motioning for Shawn and Kian to leave us alone.

"Let me guess he wanted you to tell me he still doesn't like me" Jake asked as I turned around in his arms to face him. "No" I laughed, "he said you weren't such a bad guy and to take care of me for him" I smiled and he did to kissing me softly. ''Wanna catch up in my room?'' He smirked and I nodded jumping to wrap my legs around his waist.

It's good to be home.

Cameron's POV

''Jasmine what are you doing?" I asked as she tried to shove all her clothes into one bag. "I'm leaving. Austin is dead, Sami hates me, and frankly the gang life isn't for me anymore so I'm gone" she's replied getting another bag that she started to shove clothes into.

"Your just going to leave? Where are you going? How are you going to get there? With what money? Are you thinking any of this through?'' I asked and she shrugged. "I don't know yet, maybe head back to the states go to college start a new life it cant be that hard" she answered and I scoffed.

"Yah its hard! Your going to leave everyone you know! Because of one fight? You don't have money to even get back to the US" I pointed out and she shrugged. "Ill figure it out but right now I just have to go" she replied zipping up the two duffle bags.

"Then I'll go with you" i said making her look at me in surprise. "What?" She asked and I nodded. "Let me go with you. I have some money saved up, enough to get us back and we'll go from there" i suggested and she smiled.

"You want to go with me?'' She asked and I nodded. "Id follow you anywhere" i smiled slightly and she grinned. "Ok ill help you pack" she spoke bending down to pull another bag from under the bed.

We're leaving.

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