Chapter 11

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Jasmine's POV
Sami just walked out of the room and I slapped Austin in the back of the head again making him groan. "Your and idiot" I yelled and he mumbled something under his breath as he rubbed the back of his head."I'm sorry I panicked" he sighed and I scoffed.

"Well now you probably ruined their whole relationship" I sighed and got up from the table. "Good I didn't like him anyways" Austin grumbled and I turned to glare at him. "Jake is the nicest guy and I know he made a mistake but at least he doesn't kill people" I mumbled the last part but I know he still heard me.

"That's what you think about me really" he looked hurt but I couldn't find it in me to care right now. "Maybe" I shrugged and walked into my room trying to close the door but he just followed me in closing the door behind him. He grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall.

"What's your problem Jasmine" he growled and my heart raced in excitement. He was so sexy mad. "What are you talking about daddy?" I asked innocently and his eyes darkened looking almost black. His lips smashed to mine and I smiled looping my arms around his neck and my legs came up to wrap around his waist.

"Call me that again baby" he groaned and moved us over so he was hovering over me on my bed. "Does Austin have a daddy kink?" I teased kissing up his jaw line. "Yes" he groaned as I sucked on the place where his shoulder met his neck. "What are you going to do to me daddy" I growled in his ear and he groaned slamming his lips to mine.

Austin's POV
"Well, what do you want me to do to you baby girl?" I asked her and trailed my lips down her neck and my fingers fiddled with the buttons on her shirt. She was so beautiful and I wanted her so bad. Sami might make me break things off with her so might as well have fun while it lasts.

"I need you" she whimpered as I kissed down her chest. She sat up slightly so I could slide her shirt off her shoulders. "You are so beautiful" I whispered and she blushed laying back down. Her hands came up to pull up my shirt and her fingers ran down my chest until they reached my belt.

"What do you need from me baby girl?" I asked leaning down to kiss her neck and getting lower and lower. "I just need you, Austin" she begged pulling down my pants off with her. "What'd you say?" I asked stopping my motions and looking at her. "I-I need you daddy" she moaned sounding a bit frustrated. I smirked and started dragging her shorts off her legs so she was only in her pink lace bra panties.

I started kissing and sucking her neck leaving hickeys everywhere, which she hated. She moaned and flipped us over where she was on top of me. She leaned down and kissed my lips roughly. I started to take off her bra and it fell down her shoulders I threw it somewhere still looking in her eyes. She started rotating her hips on my crotch making me groan loudly. I flipped us back over so I was on top.

I had a major hard on from just looking at her, she was so beautiful and I knew this had to be her first time. Even though she was desperate and needed my touch I could tell just by looking at her.

She looked down then at me noticing my hard on, smirking at me, she took my boxers off and laid back down grabbing the back of my neck so we were eye to eye.

"Ready baby girl?" I asked her I looked in her eyes and kissed her lips softly. She nodded slowly looking nervous. I slid off her pink lace panties slowly feeling her shiver beneath me. I gave her another kiss and looked into her eyes.

I still felt worried just looking at her expression on her face. "Austin?" She questioned. "Yah?" I questioned getting out of my trance. "I'm ready Daddy." She smirked up at me. Which only lead me to dirty thoughts.
"I'll go slow baby girl."

I kissed her and trailed kisses down to her neck, sucking and biting on at her neck.

I pushed into her groaning feeling her body clench around me. I rested my
head between her neck and shoulder breathing hard.

I started thrusting faster and the room was filled with moans. "Mmm baby you're so fucking tight" I grunted out and she grabbed my shoulders yelling my name throughout the room. I just smirked at her knowing I was giving her the release that she needed for me.

I slowed down my thrusts and after a few more slow and steady thrusts she was ready and I started pumping into her. She screamed in pleasure making me smirk even more.

"Oh god" she moaned "don't stop" she gasped out and my lips met hers as my thrust sped up even faster. "Daddy" she moaned loudly as I slammed into her and I moaned as she clenched her body around me.

"I'm close" she gasped out making me speed up. "Me to baby" I moaned and watched her as she came undone in front of me and I pulled out cumming in her and moaned loudly. I laid beside her pulling her close noticing she was trembling.

"Wow" she breathed out and I laughed a little. "Austin?" She questioned. "Yah baby girl?" I sighed from exhaustion closing my eyes "You're my first."she breathed out. I opened my eyes and looked at her. I kissed her wrapping my arms around her and just laid there until we both fell asleep. This girl will be the death of me I swear that.

Jacks POV
"Fuck Kian" I groaned out as sweat dripped down my forehead. "Aim mother fucker" I growled and he threw another punch at me that I blocked easily. I threw a punch fast and nocked him straight in the jaw making him groan. "That didn't hurt we have gloves now pay attention this isn't a fucking high school fight get your hands up and fight like its for your life understand" I growled and he nodded shaking his head a little before putting his hands up to block his face.

"Now if I shoot at your stomach what are you going to do?" I asked and he thought for a moment before he moved his elbows slightly down. "There yah go now protect" I ordered and threw punches switching between face shots and body shots.

"Good" I nodded as he blocked every punch. "Now try and land a face shot" I spoke moving my hands in front of my face and blocked all of his shots with ease. "It's impossible" he said his breathing labored and he wiped his forehead with his shirt.

"No it's not protect" I ordered and his hand came back up. My left arm threw a punch making his hands protect as my right came up and landed a punch on his jaw. "Fake left shoot right, got it" I smirked as he laid on the ground looking exhausted. "That's it for today go take a shower 8 am tomorrow. DON'T be late" I called walking out of the room. He's not so bad I guess.

Jakes POV
Me and Sami sat on the couch down stairs she cuddled to my side as we watched some movie on TV. I just slept with the girl I've had a crush on since 7th grade and I couldn't stop smiling. "Do you think we'll be together for a long time" I asked breaking our silence and she looked up at me.

"I hope so, I mean why wouldn't we?" She asked and I smiled at her answer. "Yeah. It won't be long before we have kids".  I mused and she gave me a weird look. "I don't want kids" she shrugged and I sat up quickly.

"What do you mean you don't want kids?" I asked incredulously and she scoffed. "Exactly that I run a gang Jake kids would take me out of the game" she ran her fingers through her hair. "So if we got married you don't want any kids" I sighed and so did she. "Married? Really what's the point of that why can't we just be together no need to spend money on a wedding" she shrugged and my eyes widened.

"You don't want to get married either" I asked and she shook her head. "I-I can't even look at you right now" I stood up and she tried to grab my hand. "Jake wait-" she tried but I held up my hand. "Please just, no" i cut her off and walked away.

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