Chapter 9

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Jakes POV
Jasmine and I sat in the car outside of a warehouse waiting for Austin and Jack. We left for this trip this morning and they filled us in telling us about the ex gang members who have  betrayed us. (been spilling gang secrets.) When we arrived they told us to stay in the car while they scoped things out.

"I'm getting worried Jake it's been 20 minutes." Jasmine's voice shook and she stared out the window. "I'm sure their fine Jazz just hold on a little bit longer" I spoke trying to reassure her.


(Don't know what to write for a gun sound sooo)

Jasmine jumped and turned to me with wild eyes. "Jake please we need to go check on them" she begged and I stared at her for a second before nodding. I got out of the car and waited for Jasmine as we jogged up to the building.

We walked in through a door seeing Austin and Jack being held at gun point and loud voices rang through the room. The man holding the gun to Jack saw me first and moved his gun towards me making Jack start to move.

"Don't move or my buddy here will shoot your friend" he growled and Jack rolled his eyes but stopped moving. "You" he ordered looking at me and I stilled. Austin does say, I can make anyone feel bad for me so let's see how this works.

"M-me" I stuttered and looked for a change in his face. And he nodded, "P-please don't hurt m-me" I said and started to make myself cry like Sami taught me. "T-they said that if-if I uh didn't come they won't g-give me b-back my g-g-girlfriend a-and if we just left h-he'd kill my mom... who's already in the h-hospital with um cancer" I told my fake sob story and the guys face changed to pity.

"Why would you do that to this poor guy" the guy asked and Austin looked at me curiously for a second before scuffing. "Why the hell do you care" he snapped and the man pointing the gun to him pressed it harder into the middle of his forehead.

"Come over here behind me when their dead we'll help you get your girlfriend back" he spoke and waves me behind him going back to pointing he gun to Jacks temple.

I walked behind him with smirk on my face and stood there for a second. "Oh yeah I forgot something else" I spoke tapping him on the shoulder so he'd turn around. When he did my fist came up and made contact with his cheek making his eyes roll to the back of his head and him fall to the ground unconscious I moved quickly grabbing his gun and pointed it to the back of the other mans head.

He slowly lowered his gun but Austin grabbed the gun and shot him straight in the head making blood spirt into my face. I spit on the floor to get his blood out of my mouth and watched Austin shoot the other guy in the head.

"Uh guys" Jasmine's voice shook out and we turned seeing another guy with a knife to her neck making us freeze for a second. Before I could think I raised my gun and shooting the guy in the center of the forehead making Jasmine scream. When he fell to the floor limp Jasmine ran fast and lunged into Austin's arms who looked shocked at what just happened.

Austin's arm went around Jasmine's waist as he pulled her closer to him. I smiled at them knowing that he really liked her and saw her visibly shaking.

I just saved Jasmine's life.

Sami's POV (it's been awhile)
I sat on Justin's bed waiting for him to get up here and tell me something important. I've been gone from the house for 3 and 1/2 weeks and I miss Jake. Oh! And the rest of them of course.

Justin is arrogant and rude. He rules an unstable gang that I'm surprised is still standing and is very demanding. Since I've been here I've been under strict rules. One of those including I can't leave, which extremely sucks.

He doesn't tolerate back talk so you can imagine what I get myself into. However when a sarcastic reply slips it always ends up with him slapping me and me wanting to rip off his head, but I don't have enough information yet.

Justin walked into the room with a suitcase and smiled at me. He's already in love with me, I can tell. Does he show in the right ways, hell no but it's whatever I guess.

"Hi baby I have to go on a little business trip so I'll be gone for a couple days" he spoke and I fake pouted. "Can I go visit my parents while you're away?" I asked with a puppy dog face and he thought for a minute before nodding. I smiled brightly and hopped off the bed placing a kiss on his lips holding back my grimace. "Thank you" I smiled and ran off to grab a bag to pack. I get to see my Jake.

I packed quickly and kissed Justin bye as I ran to the pink sport car he bought me. It's gross looking but what am I gonna do. I sped off to our gangs house and slammed my car door shut running up to the house.

Before I went to surprise my boyfriend I had to go turn off my locater in the meeting room. Walking in I froze as I saw Austin and Jasmine making out on the meeting table.

"What the hell" I yelled making them jump apart and guilt filled their faces. Austin looked panicked for a second. "Jake cheated on you" he rushed out looking guilty as soon as he said it and hurt flashed through my face and I froze.


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