Hey Guys

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So this book is written by Sami and edited by Jasmine in case you were wondering which you probably weren't so anyways.
Hi I'm Jasmine!! And I hope you enjoy this amazing book!! 

Austin Rivers is the town bad boy. When his dad kill himself after killing his mother he moves in with his neighbor a best friend Sami. Will his past of abuse and now hard personality from ruling the biggest gang (Red Bloods) in Arizona stop Jasmine from falling for him or will his charm win her over.

Jasmine Hill is hidden in the shadows. She goes to school stays out of trouble and gets straight A's. When she meets the town bad boy can she get over his troubled past or will she have one of her own. I guess you'll have to find out.

Sami Horn is Jasmines best friend and the school bad ass. With her parents never home her and Austin can run a gang with no problem. When Her friends find out about her secrets will it rip them apart or will they be able to accept there gang leading best friend?

Jake is a little nerdy to but trust me extremely attractive and has a little (huge) crush on Sami but when he discovers her secret will it change?

Kian is in love with Jasmine and will her new bad boyfriend get him out of the picture or will he win Jasmine heart.

Jack is the genius of the operation helping lead a gang with his two best friends and his mad computer skills he's the most important person in the operation which makes him a prime target.

Soooo stay tuned and please comment and vote thanks guys.

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