Chapter 6

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Jasmine's POV
I'm BORED! Austin and Jack left last night for a "business trip" and said they may not be back for days. DAYS! He left me, Jake and Kian here to entertain ourselves which is torture. Ever since Sami left Jake hasn't stopped talking about her, Kian keeps trying to impress me with his looks and then me which I couldn't stop thinking about Austin

We all sat on the couch with the tv in the background as we scrolled through our phones. I wished I could of went with Austin but I was to scared to ask. He's been ignoring me since we kissed and I know it's probably because Sami comes before me, but it's hard I really like him but I don't want to ruin his and Sami's relationship or me and hers.

When he left he told Jake to tell me because he barley even looks at me anymore. When Sami left she asked Austin to train Jake on fighting with me but he's having one of the other members train me instead of having them train Jake. I just wish he would tell me what's wrong because this hurts more than what Mark did to me.

"Guys there's a party tonight at West's house we have to go" Kian jumped up and I looked at him unsure. "I don't know Kian I've only been to one party and Sami was there" I shook my head having a bad feeling about it.

"Come on Jazzy its the party of the year you have to go, besides you're in a gang now and you know how to fight you don't need Sami to protect you anymore and I'll drive you guys there and back." he smiled at me and I sighed. "If you can talk Jake into it I'll go" I shrugged and turned to look at Jake who was already shaking his head.

"No, no, no I'm not going to a party" he made Kian huff and glare at him. "Come on you buzz kill you can't be a pussy your whole damn life, Sami might like you now but if you don't grow some balls who knows how long that will last" he laughed and Jake frowned.

"Sami's not like that Kian" he growled out and crossed his arms. "Really? Has she slept with you yet?" He asked and Kian shook his head. "No, but that has nothing to do with it" he defended and Kian put his arms up in surrender.

"Hey man, I'm just saying maybe she hasn't slept with you because she thinks your a pussy anyways" he chuckled and Jake growled. "Shut up Kian, get ready Jazzy we're going to a party" Jake stood up and stormed out of the room. "Let's go beautiful" Kian smiled and I smiled awkwardly before running up the stairs.

I looked at myself in the mirror fingering the leather jacket I was wearing. My outfit was way out of my comfort zone but I figured I'm not the same Jasmine anymore and I should change things up (her outfit above). I sighed and grabbed my black bag before I walked out of the house to meet Kian and Jake in the car.

Jake was wearing his normal grey button up and khakis with his glasses. Kian was wearing black skinny jeans and a blue button up with a red fedora. "Damn Jazzy your looking fine" Kian whistled and my eyes rolled. I know Kian has a crush on me but I just didn't see him in that way.

I sat in the front with Kian letting out a sigh feeling nervous. "Hey we're all going to have fun!" He shouted trying to get us pumped but I wasn't really feeling it. He grabbed my hand giving it a gentle kiss and we were on our way.

When we arrived at the party, cars filled the streets and the music could be heard from outside. "Are you sure about this Kian" I asked and he nodded before pulling me inside the house leaving Jake behind.

Me and Kian weaved through the crowd until we got to the kitchen. Kian mixed some drinks together before he gave me a red solo cup. "Drink up we're having fun tonight"

Jake's POV
Butthole! Dang he's right I am super lame. He just pulled Jasmine away leaving me alone at this party. I walked through the party seeing some people I knew from school but deciding to sit on the couch. "Hey hey hey jimmy right?" John Mills the star quarter back came falling next to me on the couch. "Uh Jake actually" I sighed and he shrugged.

"Well come on Jake I need a beer pong partner" he yelled and pulled me from the couch. "I h-haven't played before i stuttered as he pulled me threw the crowd.

"That's okay dude I'll teach you" he smiled and pulled me next to him at the end of a ping pong table. "Just shoot it"

Three rounds of beer pong later and two rounds of flip cup I was hammered not to mention the body shots we did. I stumbled over to a table and sat down drinking a random drink from the table.

"Hey sexy wanna come up stairs with me" a random girl who looked familiar for some reason spoke. "S-sure" I hiccuped but my mind screamed no. Why? Eh I can't remember. I let the girl drag me up to a bed room and pushed me on the bed connecting her lips to mine.

Why does this feel so wrong but so good?

Austin's POV
Where is she? Me and Jack got back from our trip early and Jasmine, Kian and Jake we're gone. "Marcus, where is our trainees" I asked my guards and he shrugged. "Kian was rambling on about some party and dragged Jasmine and Jake along with him" he spoke and I growled.

"Jack find where the damn party is" I ordered and he rolled his eyes but pulled out his laptop and started typing. Less then a minute later my phone went off and I saw a address. "Thanks" I mumbled and ran outside hopping into Sami's car that I got to use until she got back.

I sped all the way to the house and the car came to a screech as I slammed on the brakes and hopped out.

Jasmine's POV
I was stumbling all over the place but I had Kian grabbing my waist now and then helping me. I was drunk but I'm having so much fun with Kian right now and I don't know what I was so worried about. I was stopped by my thoughts when Kian pushed me up against a wall and kissed down my neck. I moaned but pushed him back thinking of Austin.

"Kian, babe, imma need more drinks before we do it again." I winked at him and he smirked leading me to the kitchen. We drank more and started to kiss roughly. I started hearing the music getting louder and my body swaying back and forth from the music.

Kian started pulling my waist closer to him and I just needed something so I kissed him long and hard receiving a more passionate kiss from him. Which soon turned into a heavy make-out session.

Austin's POV
I pushed past people making some yell in protest but I kept moving. "Hey sexy wanna dance" a girl whose dress looked three sizes to small asked latching on to my arm.
"Hm no now get your nasty ass hands off of me" I growled and pushed her off continuing to look through the crowd. As I pushed my way through to the kitchen I saw Jasmine's curls and I smiled a little until I remembered I was angry.

"Jasmine" I called but she couldn't hear me. I pushed a couple people out of the way until I could see her clearly and I growled when I did. Her lips were locked with that asshole Kian with a beer in her hand.

I walked over and yanked her back into me making Kian stumble a little. "Let go Austin" Jasmine growled and tried to yank her arm away. "Let's go Jasmine" I growled but she shook her head. "No at least he'll talk to me after we kiss" she snapped and clawed at my hands.

I froze for a second but long enough for her to snatch her arm away. "I'm not arguing with you Jasmine your drunk let's go" I growled and threw her over my shoulder carrying her squirming body out of the party. I set her in the passenger seat easily and she growled as I buckled her in. "Do not throw up in the car" I said slowly and she scoffed holding up her middle finger which she failed to succeed since it was the wrong finger.

I swear this girl will be he death of me.

Jakes POV
I blinked my eyes open and slightly hissed as sun flooded through the blinds. I scanned the room slowly not recognizing where I was or why I had a banging headache. My eyes wandered over to Trish Moran's mother Amanda Moran and father Bryson Moran her dad works for a local auto shop and her mother stays at home. I looked down at my self and her realizing I didn't have any clothes on a a used condom sat on my pants.

No no no dammit. I hopped up quickly throwing on my clothes and running out of the room. I checked my pockets feelingly my phone and sighed in relief.

"Hey. Yeah Jack can you come get me. Yeah. Thanks"

Sami's going to hate me.

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