Chapter 14

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Jake POV
I waved bye to Jasmine as I pulled out of the drive way in a car that Austin let me borrow. I'm going to talk to my parents who haven't stopped blowing up my phone. I'm not sure what I'm going to say though.

I pulled up to my house smiling as I saw my black jeep. I didn't have it when we went to check on Sami and haven't came to get it. I ran my hand down the side of my car before walking into my house.

My mother was cutting vegetables in the kitchen while my dad typed on his laptop. My mother looked up and gasped as she saw me. "Jake Arthur Kirt where have you been young man" she yelled sternly making my dad look up.

"With Sami" I shrugged and my mother tisked. "You've been gone for a month with no contact and have missed two weeks of school. Your lucky your on spring break. And with that girl. I've told you how many times what a bad influence she was. The church says she is sent from hell with her-" she rambled on an my fist clenched at my sides.

"Enough mother" I barked and she looked shocked. "That's my girlfriend you are talking about and I don't give a damn about what the church says about her" I snapped and my mother gasped.

"Don't you dare swear in this house of God" she hissed and my eyes rolled. "That girl is a disgrace some say she's in a gang!" She yelled. "She is and so am I mother" I snapped not thinking about what I was telling her. "Jake Kirt how dare you sin against God!" She yelled and my eyes rolled.

"Please mother your the town gossip, that's a sin, I can't do this I'm leaving don't expect me back" I snarled and walked out slamming the front door. I left Austin's car and took my jeep having Jack send someone to grab the car I borrowed.

I pulled back into the driveway I hopped out slamming the door to my car. I walked into the house seeing Jasmine and Austin working on their laptops. "Hey how did it go" Jasmine asked and I began my rant. "She had the nerve to start bashing Sami like she fucking knows everything about her then starts to tell me I'm a sinner or some bullshit-" my rant was cut off by Austin who looked angry.

"You told them you and Sami were in a gang!" He bellowed and my eyes rolled. "Yeah what about it" I snapped and he was pissed. "You idiot you can't just go telling people and blowing Sami's cover!" He yelled and I snapped.

"Oh shut up you don't know anything about parents since yours are dead" I snapped and Jasmine gasped. "JAKE!" Before she said anything else I left without another word and sped off while putting in the location into my phone.

I speed off not completely thinking what I was about to do. I got out of the car and walked though the gates knocking on a door to the very expensive house.

When the door opened I silently rolled my eyes as Justin opened the door. "Who the fuck are you?" He snapped and I scoffed. "A 'friend' of Sami's. I need to talk to her" I snapped and he glared. "Babe, who is it?" Sami's voice rang and I gritted my teeth as she called him babe.

"Some prick who says your "friends" he called and Sami came into view her eyes widening as she saw me. "J-Jake what are you doing here" she asked regaining herself as she spoke. "Hey, I need to talk to you" I smiled softly and she looked up to Justin.

"Justin can we talk alone for a minute" she whispered to him and he instantly shook his head. "Whatever he wants to say he can say it right here" he snapped and I glared at him.

"I told my parents I was in a gang and they flipped. I got in trouble with my leader for apparently blowing the cover of someone important" before she could say anything else Justin had a gun to my head.

Sami let out a small yell. "Justin put the gun down" she pleaded but he ignored her. "What gang are you from?" He snarled and I stared at his eyes without fear. "The Red Bloods" I spoke and my words made him click the safety off. When Sami heard this she moved so she was standing in front of me and Justin gave her a wild look.

Sami's POV
I jumped in front of Jake as Justin clicked the safety off and Justin's face was full of rage. "Move Sami" he demanded but I held my place knowing I was digging a hole for myself when Jake left. "No" I spoke strongly and his hand came up instantly making contact with my face.

I hissed but didn't move making his eyes full of rage. Before he could speak I quickly disarmed him so I was pointing the gun to him. "What the hell do you think your doing" he growled and I stood strongly with the gun towards his skull.

"You don't know how to even use that" he scoffed and I shook my head. "Find out" I dared and he looked shocked. "Go Jake" I ordered and I heard him leave keeping the gun pointed until I heard his car pull away. I slowly lowered the gun to my side and Justin took a handful of my hair pulling me toward the stairs. This should be pleasant.

Jasmine's POV
I stared at Austin who looked detached as he sat on the couch. I walked over sliding into his lap and ran my fingers softly through his hair. "I know Jake didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. He was mad and took it out on you. You didn't deserve that" I whispered and his eyes slowly met mine. "Thank you" he whispered and I smiled softly at him leaning down to peck his lips.

"I can make you feel better if you'd like?" I teased into his ear and he stiffened under me before picking me up from the couch and walking towards his room. He laid me down on the bed and I kissed down his jaw line.

"Make me feel better baby girl"

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