Chapter 16

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Jack's POV
We rode back from Justin's compound with Jasmine packing Austin's wound. He took a bullet to the shoulder but he'll be fine. It's not like it hasn't happened before.

"Jasmine I'm okay. What about you?" Austin's question made Jasmine's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" She asked making Austin glance at me.

"You and the guy who shot me fought on the roof. It was pretty rough" as he spoke. Jasmine only looked more confused. "That never happened what are you talking about Austin?" The four of us glanced at each other and then back at her.

"Maybe she's in shock" Kian tried. "Yeah or maybe she has a concussion" Jake added and Jasmine looked more concerned as we spoke.

"Hey Jazz grab the other medical box from behind you for me will you?" I asked speaking gently and she nodded. As she turned all for of us gasped and My eyes grew wide. A knife was lodged in between her shoulder blades.

"What?" She asked as she turned around and saw our faces. "Nothing... uh here I'll take that" I smiled at her grabbing the box and opening it so I could grab a needle. "Hey Jasmine can you turn and see what that clock says" I asked her shaking the bottle contents into the rag. "Uh sure" she spoke turning to look at the clock and I made quick work of holding the cloth to her face.

She struggled for a second before she went limp in my arms. "That's cool you have chloroform" Kian spoke picking up the bottle. "Put it down Kian" I snapped and he groaned putting the bottle back into the container.

When we arrived back at our compound the four of us carried Jasmine slowly inside trying not to wake her.

"Austin we got this don't hurt yourself " Jake spoke as we went up the stairs towards the medical room. "I'm fine Jake, keep moving" he spoke through gritted teeth.

When we finally made to the room we set Jasmine face down on the table."Alright Jake what do we do." I asked and he looked shocked.

"Uh I don't know" He shrugged looking panicked as he stared down at Jasmine. "Well what's the best solution Jake!" Austin snapped. "Well maybe if you would shut up and calm down I just might think of something." He yelled looking Austin dead in the eyes.

Austin glared but said nothing and Jake continued to think. "Ok. Okay we can do this" Jake took a shaky breath and moved over opening a cabinet and grabbing gauze and gloves. He gave each of us some gloves and set the gauze on the table.

"Jack your going to pull the knife out. It has to be at the same level it went in no movement and a steady hand. Kian you'll apply the pressure with gauze until the bleeding stops and I'll sow it up" he spoke and Austin was the first to protest.

"Why can't I apply the pressure I don't want Kian touching her" He snapped and Jakes eyes rolled. "I don't know if you noticed but you have a hole in your arm" Jakes response made me chuckle and Austin glared at me.

"Alright on three" he spoke and Kian filled his hands with gauze. " 1, 2... 3" as I pulled out the knife blood went every squirting in all directions. I held my hand out in trying to block my face to stunned to move.

"APPLY PRESSURE! APPLY PRESSURE!" Jake screamed shielding his face and Kian still stood in shock. Austin was the first of us to move quickly putting his hands over the hole. I moved next giving him gauze and we sat there until the bleeding stopped.

Jake moved forward and sowed the hole his gloves covered in blood. When he finished we all looked at each other and then over to Kian who didn't move or say anything.

I moved over grabbing a mop from the supply closet and handed it to Kian. "Clean this up idiot" I snarled and walked out of the room. Holding the door open for Austin as he carried Jasmine out of the room.

Well that was.... Interesting.

Kian's POV
It's been three days since we stormed Justin's compound and Jasmine is fine. Oh and Austin's fine but no one cares about that. I made my way to the kitchen only to see Jasmine and Austin making out on the counter.

My heart stung a little and i spoke harshly. "You'll be with a guy that wouldn't talk to you after kissing you but I've cared for you for how long and you still choose this asshole" I spoke out making them pull apart and Austin's eyes rolled.

"Did you think she would want to be with the guy who kissed her while she was drunk instead of the guy who saved her from the guy who was taking advantage of her?" Austin snapped out and Jasmine grabbed his shoulder softly.

"You pushed her away for weeks do you even care how that made her feel? She was upset about it for so long and all you care for was yourself" I shot bald and Jasmine spoke this time.

"Kian stop" she pleaded and I looked over at her hurt even more. "You too? I really can't believe it. The whole time he didn't have a care in the world for you I was there and you don't even care. You rather stay with an ignorant asshole who doesn't care for you?" As soon as the last words left my mouth Austin lunged at me knocking me over with hit to the jaw.

I gritted my teeth pushing myself up and threw a punch quickly hitting his jaw and I could hear Jasmine let out a scream. His head flew to the side and his lip spilt open front he impact. He snarled and tackled me to the floor raining down hits. I threw him off me standing quickly and he hopped up to.

We went on for what seemed like hours throwing punches bald and forth until I felt my body starting to shut down. I felt myself starting to go lightheaded and saw him get swing again.

He hit me once more and I collapsed. He walked over pulling me to my feet and wiped the blood off of his lip. "Leave and don't think of ever coming back here or I swear to god I'll kill you" he snarled out and I pulled away from his grip.

"I don't doubt it because you'll never be anything more than a murder. You have to live with that not me" I looked him straight in the eye and then over to Jasmine who looked petrified and walked away from the Red Blood compound forever.

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