Chapter 12

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Jacks POV
"Hey Jimmy boy it's Jack I need a favor. I got a new arrogant trainee I'ma bring him over to something to aggravate him and when the dumbass tries to fight you set him straight"

"Yeah. Thanks bud I'll be there in a bit. Bye"

I clicked off my phone popping my lollipop back in my mouth and zipping up my suit case. I grabbed my car keys and walked out of my room only to be pushed past by an angry looking Jake.

"Well damn boy watch where your going" I snapped and he turned to glare at me. "Bite me" he snarled and walked down the hallway making my eyebrows raise. Well damn.

I continued down the hallway till I got to Kian's door banging my fist on it. "Let's go" I called and the door swung open revealing an annoyed Kian. "Fuck off" he snarled and my hand grabbed his shirt bringing him down to eye level.

"Watch it asshole" I growled and his eyes rolled but he nodes. "Now we're going to see my friend Little Jimmy. He's... Different so don't be an ass" I smirked and opened the door to garage revealing my baby.

"You drive a jeep? That's dank" Kian laughed and I turned to glare. "You drive a 2001 Honda" I scoffed and he shut up quickly. "That's what I thought now don't talk to me the whole way there got it"


I pulled up into Jimmy's driveway and slapped Kian making him wake up with a jump. "Morning sunshine. Let's go"

I jumped out of the car with a smile on my face knowing dumbass here was going to get his ass beaten. I waited for Kian's lazy ass to get out the car and once he did I knocked on Jimmy's door. When Jimmy opened the door Kian's eyes where wide open looking up and down at my "little" friend Jimmy.

"Uh umm Jack. Can I talk to in private please.." Kian's voice shook. I grabbed his arm and walked pass Jimmy pulling Kian aside. "What's the problem" I snapped. "What do you mean what's the problem this guy is like 6'8!!! Dude I'm 5'7 !" He whined and I smiled.

"And? We're just here to talk" I smirked and we walked back. "Sup Jim long time no see how's the shipments going?" I asked hopping up onto the counter. "It's great, money flows good. Hey pansy grab my knives" Jimmy snapped ordering Kian who gave him a pointed look but walked over picking up the two knives from the table.

"It's Kian by the way" he spoke and Jimmy's eyes rolled. "Yeah I don't care pansy" Jimmy snatched the knives from Kian and I watched Kian give him a dirty look.

"Asshole" Kian muttered under his breath and I raised my eyebrows in amusement. "Excuse me pansy?" Jimmy snapped and Kian turned around to look at him. "Oh I'm sorry I'll say it louder for you, you ready? Yeah okay. ASSHOLE! Is that better?" He asked and Jimmy fist flew fast making contact with Kian's jaw.

Kian stumbled into me and looked wild eyed. Should I stop him? Nah I can use entertainment right now. Kian shook his head and went towards Jimmy who smirked and threw a punch knocking Kian on his ass. "give up Kian" I spoke out knowing Sami would be all pissy if she knew I didn't do anything to stop it.

Obviously Kian didn't listen and stumbled back up only to be shot down again. I held up my hand to Jimmy signaling him to stop and helped Kian up. "Let it go Kian you won't win I promise you that" I sighed up he stumbled up, his eyes having a foggy film over them.

"Dammit Jimmy you didn't need to give the boy a concussion" I sighed and help Kian stumble to the door. "You may of taken Anthony's job but I'll take it real quick" I snapped feeling a little bad at Kian's condition.

"You told me to teach him a lesson asshole" Jimmy snapped and I set Kian down on the floor turning to him. "Excuse me?" I asked looking up at the man who was more then a foot taller then me.

He came closer trying to intimidate me with his height. I laughed a little pulling out my gun and shooting his knee making him scream and bend down so he was eye level with me. "I don't give a damn how fucking tall you are asshole I'm in charge get it? Now I didn't tell you to practically knock him out. Now get to work" I snapped tucking my gun away and pulling Kian up and helping him to the car.

I started me car and pulled away from Jimmy's house with a smirk.

Sami's POV
I sighed sitting back into the couch as Jake left the room. What was I supposed to say? That I wanted 18 kids and to get married and never work again. No! This isn't 19 kids and counting!! He's just being ridiculous.

I decided to let him cool off for a little before I went to talk to him. I got up from the couch and made my way into the kitchen seeing Austin and Jasmine who looked as if they just got out of the shower to.

"You know Austin I'm extremely glad we had these rooms sound proofed". I commented not knowing if he heard me. My comment made Jasmine's eyes widen and she looked away from me. Austin cleared his throat and chuckled nervously.

"Haha yeah" he smiled a little and turned the other way. I stared at them for a second before my eyes widened and I gasped. "You two?" I asked making Jasmine and Austin freeze. "Uh well you see we were going to tell you but you uh were at Justin's" Jasmine spoke looking at her hands the whole time.

"You guys are cute together" I smiled and both of their eyes widened. "Y-your not mad?" Austin asked and I raised my eyebrows. "No? Why would I be?" I asked and Jasmine and Austin started laughing. "We thought you would tell us we couldn't see be together" Austin laughed and I gave them a weird look.

"Wait then, if you didn't know we slept together what was the whole thing about the soundproof rooms?" Austin asked and my eyes widened a little and I chuckled nervously.

"Uh.. Well I got to go" I smiled a little and ran out of the kitchen. "SAMI!" Austin yelled down the hall and I slipped into my room slamming the door seeing Jake sitting on the bed.

I guess it's time to talk.

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