Chapter 26

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Austin's POV
Sami and I walked down the road heading for the forest at the end. "Do you remember when we would run away to the woods instead of going to training?" I asked Sami and she smiled.

"We didn't need the training we were the best ones there" she laughed kicking a rock on the street. "Why do you think Jim left instructions for the gang to be left to us if he died?" I asked as we walked I to the peaceful forest.

"No clue. We're probably the worst gang leaders in existence I don't know many ruthless bad ass leaders that walk through the forest as a nice afternoon walk" she shrugged and I laughed.

"Yeah I don't think they exist other then us but if we're not dead our way must be working yah?" I asked and she nodded walking up to the large 100 year old tree that held our childhood tree house we build in fourth grade.

"Do you think it's safe? I mean it's still standing so that has to count for some thing right?" she asked lifting up the moss covered rock hiding a grappling hook we stole way back when.

"Only one way to find out" I shrugged standing back as she swung the rope around letting it fly up and rap around a large tree branch. "Damn still got it" she smirked scaling the tree in seconds and hopping into the tree house.

I stood at the bottom of the tree for a few moments until Sami's head poked out our 'window'. "You coming?" she asked and I nodded grabbing the rope. "Was just waiting to see if fell both of shouldn't die that would be tragic especially if it was me" I smirked sliding into the tree house.

She only glared at me before sitting down on the old wood and I followed. "I'm sorry that you lost Kian" I spoke and her head snapped up to look at me but she didn't speak for a while.

"I'm sorry to he was a good guy didn't deserve that" she sighed leaning her head on my shoulder. "It just makes me so angry that she killed him when we were so close to getting him back I should of just taken him with me the first time" she sighed.

"You couldn't have you wouldn't have got out in time and she would of stormed us. We're still rebuilding none of us would have survived that" I spoke and she nodded.

"Wanna talk about what happened in the house?" I asked and she laughed. "What?" I asked and she smirked. "Nothing just thinking about how your still a horrible kisser" she laughed and I glared as her pushing her away from me. "I hate you" I laughed and she laughed harder.

After she died down she turned to me with a pointed look. "You know I'm still going to beat the hell out of Jasmine, right?" she asked and I sighed. "No your not Samantha Renee" I demanded and she glared at me for calling her Samantha.

"Why not you aren't nice to my boyfriend why do I have to be nice to your girlfriend?" she asked and I scoffed. "What are you talking about I'm nice to Jake" I defended and she laughed sarcastically. "Yeah and I'm not a gang leader" she spoke and I groaned.

"Fine how about this I'll be nice to Jake it you do beat the shot out of Jasmine" I countered and she thought about it for second before shrugging and nodding. "Okay fine but let's stay here for a little longer" she spoke and rested back on the tree house floor.


Sami and I walked back into the house and I saw Jake sitting on the couch and Jasmine outside on the back porch. I walked towards the couch as Sami made her way towards the backyard.

I sat next to Jake who had been looking at me questionably. "I don't like you" I stared and her scoffed but I cut him off before he came up with one of his annoying witty comments. "and I probably never will because Sami's important to me and your the person who can hurt her the most. So as long as you don't hurt her I can try to be okay with you" I spoke and he nodded holding out his hand for me to shake.

I shrugged and shook his hand facing the tv that was playing a chess game. "What the hell is this?" I asked and he looked over at me. "Chess it's Nationals" he said defensively and I scoffed. "Your such a fucking nerd" I laughed and watched his stupid chess 'game'.

Sami's POV

I stood outside not yet being noticed by Jasmine calming myself down before I tried to talk to her. I sighed moving to sit next to her and my eyes rolled involuntarily as she asked "Where did you go? Did you and Austin make out some more or maybe had sex you never know" she bit out and my jaw clenched.

"I'm not playing your games Jasmine you weren't around at the time we kissed and he didn't know when we slept together your over reacting and I think you know you are you just don't want to stop" I spoke holding my chill.

"Can you even imagine how I feel? Austin and I are nothing alike! Your badass I'm just Jasmine!" she yelled and I sighed.

"Your not just Jasmine. You're brilliant and gorgeous and he's doesn't like me he likes you so I shouldn't even be a worry of yours. Jazz I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to make you doubt yourself but you need to understand that way back when in sophomore year I wasn't thinking about how I was going to upset you seriously Jazz" I spoke and she nodded leaning over as we both awkwardly tried to hug while sitting down.

"For future reference if you ever kiss my boyfriend again I'll kill you" I spoke voice not wavering and she nodded. "Right back at ya" she laughed and we stood up.

I headed for the door her close behind before I stopped suddenly. "Oh and Jazz" I called turning around and slapping her hard across the face. "Don't ever slap me again" I spoke as she held her cheek but nodded.

"Good now let's see if the boys will take us to dinner" I smiled and walked in through the back door.

Things are going to be okay.

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