Chapter 21

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Jake's POV
I looked away from Sami with an eye roll. I understand why she wouldn't want Trish in the gang but to go as far as killing her it's ridiculous. When Austin let them go to eat she walked over to me with her arms across her chest.

"What's with the eye roll" she asked and I huffed in annoyance. "You killed Trish..She didn't know I had a girlfriend, how is that her fault?" I asked and she scoffed shaking her head at me.

"Ugh I never liked her anyways and if it makes you feel better my plan wasn't to actually kill her, she brought that on herself." She smirked. "If you want to be uptight about how I do my job go ahead but don't say shit to me about it" she snarled and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I'm not some trainee you can bark orders at and expect me to fear you. Look at me in the eye and tell me you didn't kill her because I slept with her." I bit out looking her right in the eyes.

"If I wanted someone dead for what happened that night I'd do it right then especially to the guy who knew he had a girlfriend yet still slept with another girl. That "accidentally" got killed because she forgot her place just like you. " her response made me laugh in shock and shake my head.

"My place? I didn't want to be part of this gang in the beginning I did it for you because I love you not for you to be a complete bitch all the damn time" I growled out and she raised her eyebrows in shock.

"What the hell did you just call me?" She asked and my eyes rolled. "What the hell is your problem Jake? If you really have a problem with being here then leave. I'm not begging you to stay!" she bit out but I could see the hurt in her eyes.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to call you a bitch" I sighed knowing I couldn't leave us like this. "I know" she sighed running her hand through her hair.

"She refused to put on the boxing gear because I wasn't wearing it, even after the multiple chances I gave her she still didn't. Then tested me about sleeping with you. Her big mouth got her killed, jealously was only a part of the problem" she explained and I nodded.

"Okay" I nodded deciding not to get to worked up on it seeing as how she did bring it upon herself. She nodded turning to walk away before turning back biting her lip softly.

"Oh and you look extremely sexy by the way" she winked at me and I smiled widely watching as she walked over to talk with Jasmine. This girl drives me crazy.

Jasmine's POV
Sami walked up next to me following my eyes to the guy I'm calling 6'4 guy for now until I learn his name. He's tall and attractive and-

"And you have a boyfriend" Sami finished and I looked at her confused. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked and she laughed. "Every word and his name is Cameron" she said motioning towards him.

"Let's go talk to him" I spoke moving towards him but she caught my arm. "Again you have a boyfriend and so do I" she shook her head and I gave her a weird look. "First of all, since when do you not flirt with guys and it's a innocent flirting no harm done. Plus don't you and Jake make it up to each other when one of you gets jealous" I said teasingly and she looked over at Jake.

"Yeah okay" she nodded walking over to Cameron with me. "Hey pretty boy" Sami called getting his attention and he turned with a smirk. "Can't get enough of me huh?" He smiled and Sami rolled her eyes. "My boyfriends a lot less cocky then you" she shrugged and he shook his head. "Damn I knew you were to pretty to be single good thing your friend here caught my eye from the beginning" he smiled looking over at me.

"Taken to sorry" I shrugged and he looked discouraged for a second but quickly smirked. "No problem he doesn't have to know" he shrugged and winked at me. "He runs the gang I think he'll know" I said wishing I could give in.

"Why don't we find out?" He offered and I bit my lip instinctually. Before I could reply hands wrapped around my waist and I was pulled away by an extremely angry Austin but damn I loved when Austin was angry it always turned me on. He stopped pulling me backwards and turned me in his arms.

"What the hell was that?" He growled and I shrugged. "I don't know what your talking about" I denied and he tighten his grip more showing he was boss look he always did. I gasped and he let go of me. "You were clearly flirting with that trainee" he bit out crossing his arms over his chest. "Stop acting like a child" I said as my eyes rolled. "Excuse me if I'm a little shocked that my girlfriend is a whore who flirts with other guys" he glared and I raised my eyebrows in shock. How Im I a whore! He's the whore! Like what the hell! Well that's a turn off..

I was to angry to handle Mr. Perfect so I decided not to answer and walk away from him knowing he wasn't the type of guy that would come after me. On my way out of the room I ran into another trainee named Nate. He was cute but honestly quiet annoying. "Hi uh I know I may be a little out of your league for you... but your beautiful and I wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with me sometime?" he asked and I stared at him for a second before smiling. "How about tonight?" I smiled knowing Austin would be pissed but no caring at the moment.

"Yah that's great its actually perfect. I'll pick you up at 7 is that all right? "he asked and I nodded. "Awesome see you later Jasmine." He smiled widely showing all teeth and winked at me before walking away. This is going to be a great night.

Sami's POV
I watched Austin pull Jasmine away and laughed turning back towards Cameron. "Damn I'm guessing he figured it out" he sighed and I laughed. "Yeah good luck in training with him tomorrow he's going to be pissed" I warned him.

"Thanks for the heads up and hey does your boyfriend happen to be Jake?" He asked and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Yeah why?" I asked and he pointed past him.

"He's on his way over and I'm guessing he figured it out too" he spoke and I felt someone grab my hand pulling me backwards. "See yah later pretty boy" I winked at him and he sent one back turning back to eat his food.

Jake stopped pulling me when we were out of the room pushing me up against a wall. "What the hell was that?" He growled and I smirked. "No idea what you're talking about" I teased making him growl and pin my hands above my head on the wall. "Flirting with trainees when you have a boyfriend what am I to do with you?" he smirked kissing my neck softly.

"How about you start with taking me to our Bed.." I whispered in his ear and he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. "I can work with that" he smirked kissing me roughly and carrying me up the stairs. I love jealous Jake.

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