Chapter 5

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Three weeks later

Austin's POV
"Aim Jasmine you can't just shoot" I yelled and she nodded pulling the trigger again and got on the outer ring of the target.

She tried again but she didn't hit the target at all this time. "Jasmine" I sighed walking behind her and moving her arms to the right level. "Focus on the target your motion will follow your eyes" I spoke and she huffed but nodded.

Her next shot was closer to the middle but still not close enough. "Take a break" I called but she shook her head and pulled the trigger again.

"Come on Jasmine" I spoke again and this time her bullet went through the middle of the target.

"Yes" I yelled and picked up Jasmine twirling her in circles. "I hit the middle" she squealed and I laughed. "Yeah" I smiled and set her down slowly. I looked down at her and my eyes travelled to her lips.

"W-we should um go" she stuttered but I shook my head and wrapped my arms tighter around her waist as I pulled her closer to me. I bent my head smashing my lips to hers. She kissed me back with passion as her hand gripped my t-shirt.

She pulled back slowly and a blush filled her cheeks. Sami's gonna kill me.

Jacks POV
"Faster Kian type faster get your fat fingers in shape" I yelled in Kian's ear as he typed out 500 words in 2 minutes. Seem impossible? It's not its easy he has thirty seconds left and 150 words left to type he's extremely fucking slow.

"I'm going damn" he bit out and his fingers sped up a little. "Your times up dumbass you missed 100 words" I sighed and he scoffed. "Like you could do it" he replied and I laughed a little.

"I can type 500 words in a minute" I shrugged and he pointed to the screen daring me to do it.  I cleared his screen and started tying finishing the words in 58 seconds.

"No words? Yeah that's what I thought" I shrugged and pointed to the computer. "Try again"

Jake's POV
"Jim Willow" Sami spoke and I paused for a seconds. "Married to Emma Willow daughter Brook Willow age 10 and works as an accountant for Pracks Enterprises" I smiled and she nodded.

"Kim Wang" she asked with a daring look and my mouth curled in a smile. "Don't try and trick me Sami, she doesn't exist, well maybe but not in Arizona" I laughed and she nodded throwing a grape in the air that she caught with her mouth.

"Your quiet good at this Jake Kirt" her smile  made my head spin and I leaned over my face close to hers and pulled back quickly taking the bowl of grapes with me. "What made you so bold" she gasped and I shrugged popping grapes in my mouth.

Around her I felt different and I'm not so sure if that's bad or good.

Jasmine's POV
I kissed Austin! Omg and I really want to tell Sami but what if she gets mad. We're all meeting in a conference room because we're voting today if Sami is going under cover and get the rival gang leader to fall for her.

This is all so weird. Last month I was talking to Sami about my new nail polish and now I'm in a gang and maybe starting a relationship with a gang leader not to mention my best friend is about to get her rival gang leader to fall in love with her, this is all so surreal.

I sat next to Austin at a table that sat 6 in a small grey room. Next to me at the end of the table and Jack sat next to Austin at the other end. Sami and Jake ran in 10 minutes later looking a little flushed and sat down at the table across from me and Austin.

I gave Jake a knowing wink and his cheeks turned red as Jack scoffed. "Could you wait until after our meeting to get it on and not show up 10 minutes late" his statement made Jake blush more and Sami smirk.

"No need to be jealous jacky I know I'm hot" Sami laughed and his eyes rolled. "Anyways back to the meeting I'll go first I vote no" Austin spoke making the table quiet down and look over to him.

"You can't just vote Austin I get to prove my point first" Sami scuffed and our attention turned to her. "The Vipers don't know who I am and we need in site, I'm a big girl and can handle Justin" she started but I cut her off.

"Who's Justin(above)" I asked confused. "The Vipers leader" Austin answered me and Sami continued to talk. "Plus, all I have to do is act like the complete opposite of me naive, weak, compliant, no sarcasm. It will be hard but I love a challenge" she shrugged and I laughed a little. "I vote yes obviously" she shrugged and Austin spoke up next. "I vote no"

Jack went "yes"
Kian said "yes"
I said "no"

We all looked to Jake seeing if he would tie off the votes.

"Ummmmm" he said looking around the room at everyone's eyes. "Jake, Sami will be gone for months with little contact, well she will have physical contact with Justin do you want another guy all over your girl?" Austin's speech made Sami glare and turn to Jake.

"Don't listen to him, please this will help my gang, our gang Jake please" she spoke and she brought out her world famous puppy dog eyes. "Don't do it Jake, don't look into her eyes there evil" Austin yelled but he was to late he already turned to stone. Hahaha just kidding but "yes?" Jake spoke as if it was a question and Sami smiled leaning over and placing her lips on his. "Thank you. now we're putting this in action tomorrow so, me and Jake have some things to do" she smiled and pulled Jake out of the room. Help.

Sami's POV

I fixed my flower crown on the top of my head and waited for the signal from Austin across the street. When he nodded towards me, I started walking towards the van.

Walking down the street with my coffee I looked up to see Justin on the phone. Looking back down I moved a little to my left making sure I ran right into him and spilled my coffee all over him.

"I-I'm  so s-sorry" I stuttered pulling some napkins from my bag and started to whip his shirt. "I'll call you back" he growled into the phone and hung up. "Can't you watch where your going" he growled and I looked up to him biting my lip slightly and his anger seemed to disappear.

"Hey I'm Justin".

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