Chapter 27

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Jake's POV

I put on my new black leather jacket and smirked lacing up my black boots. "No mean to knock your new style but what are you wearing?" Sami's question came out in a laugh from the doorway.

I turned around showing her my almost all black attire consisting of black boots, black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. "Austin told me I dressed like a nerdy high schooler so I decided to dress exactly like him for training today just to spite him" I explained and she smirked walking over to me to run her fingers through my hair.

"Well you look extremely sexy in all black, however I am missing the glasses" she spoke pulling my head down to kiss me. I smiled against her lips moving my arms to wrap around her waist.

"I'll keep that in mind" I smirked, "I have to get to training before Austin makes me do burpees. Have you done those I swear the devil himself made them up" I groaned making her laugh and a smile she didn't normally have took over face.

"Mm fine but I have to go to my parents house in a bit so do you wanna come with me after training" she asked and I nodded kissing her one last time before rushing out to training.

I walked into the training room to see a table full of knives and a bullseye hung on the wall. Ug I hate knives throws, at the beginning they were only making Jasmine doing them, but leave it to Jack to convince Austin and Sami of the 'benefits of knife throwing', asshole.

"What the hell are you wearing", Austin's voice came out in disgust. " I smiled looking over to him as he walked into the room. "You said you didn't like the way I dressed so I decided to model my clothes just like you" I spoke humor in my voice.

"You look hot Jake definitely a good look for you" Jasmine spoke walking into the room earning a glare form Austin. "I personally think you look ugly" Austin scoffed but I didn't pay any mind knowing he was just being an ass.

"Get your shit ready were moving right from knives to guns today so get everything" Austin ordered and Jasmine and I looped our holsters around our waist sliding a gun on each side of our waist in. Next we slide on a calve holster that held our knives and slipped six in the pockets.


Two hours of torturous training later we we're finally done. I went to my shared room with Sami crashing down on our bed. "No you can't go to sleep you said you'd come with me" Sami spoke from beside me pushing her bottom lip out in a pout. " I don't know gang leaders had a puppy dog look?" I commented and she glared playfully at me.

"I know how to get what I want from different people. And I know you happen to know you think its extremely sexy when I bite your ear" she whispered biting my ear softly making my eyes flutter shut.

"If you want to leave for your house anytime soon I'd advise you stop doing that" I said breathlessly and she smirked against my ear pulling back slowly. "Usually I'd take you up on that but we have plenty of time for that later" she spoke getting up and sliding on her running shoes to go with her work out shorts and t-shirt.

We hopped into Sami's extremely expensive car and took off down the road. "Are you parents home?" I asked and her head shook as she turned into a neighborhood. "Their not supposed to be home for 2 more months" she spoke stopping in front of her house I haven't been at for a couple months now.

We got out of the car and walked in following Sami up the stairs to her room. I looked around her room seeing the walls a baby blue and all her furniture was white with souvenirs lining the walls and dressers. "Your parents travel a lot I assume" I spoke lifting an small Eiffel Tower replica off her dresser.

"Yah" she spoke opening her closet. "No offense or anything but your room doesn't exactly scream Gang leader" I spoke looking around the room earning me a glare.

"What do you want from me guns lining the wall? As far as my parents know I'm their perfect little princess" she smirked winking at me. "Mm you are a princess that's for sure" I smiled walking up to her and looping my hands around her waist.

"I know" she smiled kissing me once before trying to pull back but I pulled her back to me. "Question" I spoke smirking slightly, "have you ever made out on your bed?" I asked and she smirked too. She put her hand on my chest and pushed me back onto her bed.

Straddling my waist she kissed me hard and my hands ran up her thighs to her butt. I sat up and hoisted her up so she could wrap her legs around me as I pushed her against the wall. Her fingers ran through my hair pulling slightly making me groan.

Before anything more happened I heard a gasp from the doorway and pulled away quickly seeing two people I'm assuming we're her parents, since they're never here to meet, standing in the doorway.

I let her down from the wall and she straightened her shirt smiling awkwardly.

Sami's POV

"Hey Mom and Dad? Why are you guys home I thought you were supposed to be in Australia for two more months." I asked as my dad glared holes into Jakes head. "We came home for the weekend and a good thing too, our daughter is involved with some, some gang member!" my mother yelled and I didn't say anything trying to find the right words.

"I bet you are in a gang aren't you son" my dad questioned and my eyes closed knowing what he has to answer. My gang leads with pride we don't deny our position in a gang or the gang were in when asked. Jake had no choice but to answer yes.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh" Jake spoke his voice raising slightly higher before clearing his throat, "yeah I am" he spoke confidently and I swear my mom had a heart attack.

She clutched her chest and gasped my father shaking his head. "I won't allow my daughter to date a bad influence such as you. She will not be around any gang affiliation in this house get out now!" My father demanded and Jake looked back at me not sure what to do.

I pulled him into a hug whispering quickly, "let Austin know I'll be back as soon as possible don't worry about me and be careful with my car" I whispered before my mother ripped me away from Jake.

Jake left quickly and my parents face showed nothing but anger and shock, time to put on a show. "I don't know why your so upset mother he's nice and gives me a lot more attention then you two you'll never understand me" I yelled my dramatic teenage girl kicking in.

"Involving yourself with a gang member is not the way to go about your attention problems he's dangerous"  my mother screamed and I scoffed. "He'd never hurt me he loves me and I love him" I demanded. Gross I sound like a low quality teen romance movie.

"My daughter will not be in love with a guy like him your mother and I don't have to go back to work until next week so we'll be staying with you and give you all the attention you've been missing" my father ordered and my arms crossed my chest.

"I'm not living here, I've been staying at Jasmine's" I spoke and my mother shrugged. "Not anymore. Go get your stuff you can take your fathers car and if your not back in an hour you'll be grounded for a month" my mom spoke and I glared grabbing the keys from her outstretched hand.

All I wanted was some more socks and a sweatshirt.

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