Chapter 18

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Sami's POV
What did I do?!? Yeah I've slept with other people while I was undercover it's part of my job but this.. this felt different. I listened for the shower to turn on and gave Justin a few seconds to get in before I dialed the only person I could talk to about this.

"What's up" Jacks voice came through the phone and I sighed. "I'm in deep shit Jack. I need you to remind me who Justin is because I won't let myself do it" I spoke and Jack was silent for a moment.

"Sami this is the same guy who beat and raped Karen until she died forcing Jim to watch. He took part of the only real family you had away from you. Not to mention he's planning to kill Austin, Jasmine, Jake and me, especially you. he just doesn't know it yet. If he found out who you were...he'll kill you in a second. Don't fall for his charm, stay strong and get out of there" I closed my eyes as Jack spoke and nodded slowly. "I'll be back soon if I'm not back in a week tops come get me" I spoke into the phone as I stood up and pulled my bag from underneath the bed.

"Be safe babe and bring me a souvenir if you can" I smiled and rolled my eyes at his lack of seriousness. "For sure, but I got to go, see you soon Jack" I spoke lifting my bag into the bed. "I'm counting on it" when I hung up with Jack I threw Justin's T-shirt on and continued to pack up my stuff.

As I slid the bag back under the bed the shower turned off. I turned and pouted as he walked out. "I was gonna come join you" I spoke out feeling my disgust for him start to return. "I could hop back in if you'd like" he smirked and I shook my head. "You take long to get ready and you promised me dinner so I'll shower myself" I shrugged walking past him.

"Fine but Sami" I turned to look at him and he was smirking. "Can I have my shirt?" He asked and I held back my eye roll pulling his shirt off and tossing it at him. When he looked me up and down I shivered in disgust and hurried into the bathroom.

He'll be dead soon. I'm counting on it.

Surprise surprise, Justin pissed at me again. At dinner the waiter was flirting with me and apparently since I didn't ignore his existence completely I was flirting back. I sat on the edge of his bed waiting, as he said, for him to come up here.

When he finally came through the door he looked as pissed as ever and my eyes rolled with out permission. "Did you just fucking roll your eyes at me" he barked and I sighed. "Yeah what's your point" I found my fake personality slowly leaving and figured a good time to leave would be now.

His hand raised to slap me but I caught it and threw it back towards him. My hands felt the side of the bed for the gun I hid when I first came here. When he tried to lunge at me I moved quickly pulling out the gun and pointing it at him who was now in the position I was seconds ago.

"What the fuck do you think your doing" he snarled and I chuckled. "You didn't honestly think I was here because I'm in love with you, did you?" I spoke and hurt flashed through his face. "I'll admit you had me falling for a second there but it didn't take long to remember what kind of a person you are" confusion filled his face and I chuckled slightly.

"Who are you?" He asked looking angry now and I smiled at him. "I run a gang" I shrugged and he looked confused once more. "The only female leader in Arizona is Paris of the moonshine gang" he shook his head in denial and I laughed again.

"I don't run the gang myself you might know my partner in crime, Austin, you know him right?" I spoke and his face turned from shocked to sad to angry in seconds. "You played me since day one" he spoke and I laughed nodding.

"However I must admit you're pretty good in bed" I winked at him but he didn't accept my compliment. "I'll kill you for this" his threat made me shake my head and walk closer to him. "You didn't honestly think I'd leave you alive did you?" I asked and he looked into my eyes with hatred.

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