Chapter 34

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Sami's POV
Austin and I rode in the car on the way to the police station. I tapped my leg to the radio until Austin turned off the radio. "What the hell" I groaned and he sighed. "I think I'm in love with Jasmine" he rushed out and I turned to look at him wide eyed.

"What?" I asked and he sighed. "I think I love her" he sighed and I scoffed. "Your disgusting" I commented looking back out he window. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot your heart was ice cold" he growled and I laughed.

"It's not ice cold. I just don't have one" I laughed and he scoffed. "Please your telling me that you wouldn't care if Jake died" he questioned and I looked at him.

"I'm not saying I wouldn't care. It would kill me but that doesn't mean I'm in love with him. It would kill me if you, Jack, and Jasmine died but that doesn't mean I'm in love with you" I shrugged and he gasped.

"Wait are you saying you love me" he fake cried holding his hand his heart in fake hurt. "Definitely not" I laughed him joining along. "Besides love doesn't exist it's just lust combined with compatibility well in relationships" I commented and his head shook.

"I don't believe that maybe one day when you let yourself love someone, if it's Jake or someone possibly cooler, you'll understand" he smiled not missing the chance to make fun of Jake.

"Yeah ok" I laughed sitting up in my seat as we arrived at the police station. "I'll probably see you tomorrow but three days tops" I smirked getting out and walking in the police station seeing my face on a board of most wanted.

"Damn I'm worth 50 grand" I was in slight shock as I walked up to the desk. A deputy sat behind it typing away on his compute for a minute before he finally looked at me.

"How can I help you" he asked looking bored with his job. "Yah I was wondering if I turned myself in can I get the 50,000 or is their some sort of rule against that?" I questioned pointing to the poster and his eyes widened in realization.

He stood from his chair quickly pulling his gun. "Woah calm down deputy" I said with humor and put my hands in the air. He came around the desk his gun still on safety but I'm not sure he knew that. "Hands against the wall" he ordered and I followed his instructions knowing the longer I dragged this out was the longer I had to stay here.

"You are aware your safety is on right?" I questioned humorously. I heard the click of the safety and chuckled. He patted me down with one hand looking for weapons. I'm not dumb enough the bring weapons to a Police station especially if I'm going to be arrested.

He cuffed me and walked me down a log hallway to an interrogation room. He sat me in the seat and without a word, he left. I slipped the handcuffs off my wrist with ease. This isn't my first time in jail and let me tell you handcuffs aren't as hard to get off as they seem.

A police officer walked in setting a cup of water on the table and pulling out his keys for the handcuffs. "Oh don't worry about here you go" I smirked handing them to him and he looked at me wide eyed.

"We'll have someone into interrogate you in a bit" he said in monotone and left the room. I tapped on the table and drank the water in repeat until the water was gone and I was bored out of my mind. I stood up from my seat and walked around the room stopping in front of the large tinted window.

I had a staring contest with myself in the mirror until the door finally opened. "Their you are is as beginning to think you forgot about me" I smiled walking back to sit down.

The man in front of me was wearing a full suit with a grey tie. "You look to official to be a cop" I commented and he nodded. "I'm not a cop I'm with the behavioral analysis unit of the FBI" he relied taking a seat across from me.

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