Chapter 32

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Jasmine's POV

Its been a couple days since initiation and Austin, Sami and Jack have been cooped up in the meeting room ever since plotting they're revenge on Paris.

The last I heard the plan is to go on Friday. They are taking a small group and are planning on getting in, killing Paris, and getting out.

Seems pretty simple to me but it must be more complex seeing as how they've been in the room for 2 days now.

Jake and I both healed we only walked away with a couple of bruises. I some on my chin and cheek. Jake had a cut by his eye and a busted lip but we were definitely not as bad as the other trainees.

I heard the meeting room door open for the first time in two days watching as the three of them walked out of the room. "How did you not starve in there!'' I yelled hopping up from my place on the couch.

''There's a mini fridge and a hot burner in the connecting room as well as a couch and bathroom" Sami shrugged opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle water.

"You might want o catch some sleep we leave first thing in the morning" Jack yelled as he walked up the stairs.

"What? Its Monday I thought we weren't going until Friday" I asked Austin since Sami had already slipped out of the room. "Sami's impatient she wants to head out tomorrow so were going tomorrow. You don't have to go if you don't want to. Its going to be dangerous lots of heavy shooting" he spoke obviously trying to talk me out of it.

''Im going Austin Im not going to sit here as the helpless girl anymore Austin" my voice hard and face full of annoyance. "Ok" he shrugged my eyebrows furrowing as he didn't argue with me. "Ok'' I smiled heading up the stairs Austin close behind.

Jake's POV

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. Sami has been in the meeting room for two days scheming with Jack and Austin about Paris. Frankly im starting to get bored the house isn't exactly a fun environment-. My thoughts were cut off by my door opening and Sami walking in.

I sat up quickly making her smile and walk up to me. "Did you miss me?'' Se taunted and my eyes rolled pulling her down to straddle my waist. ''Of course you went MIA for two days. What going on with Paris?" I asked and she sighed.

"There is no good day to attack the guards are heavy everyday since Jack and I were last there. No good entry points and even if we got in they would have every exit closed off so we couldn't get out. We decided to head out in the morning get it over with you know. She doesn't deserve to live any longer'' she explained her voice coming out hard.

"What am in doing there?'' I asked wondering if i was even going. "I need you to check the basement where he was see if he left anything" she shrugged and I nodded. ''It late do you want to rest up for the morning" i offered seeing she wasn't in the mood for anymore talking.

''Yah goodnight" she smiled kissing my lips and climbing off my lap and stripping to her bra and underwear climbing into bed next to me. "Goodnight princess" I whispered kissing her forehead and falling asleep with the love of my life right next to me.

Sami's POV

I woke up the next morning dressing in my usually attire of all black and my leather jacket. I walked over to Jake who was still asleep and kissed his lips softly smiling as he slowly woke up kissing me back. "I only smile this much around you so you better feel special" I commented as he sat up. "I feel extremely special I didn't know gang leaders could smile this much" he spoke and I nodded.

"Usually they don't but Jim and Karen weren't the typical gang leader you know Austin and I tried to stick by their ideals." I replied watching as he got dressed in all black like me but without the jacket.

"Have I told you, you look sexy in all black?' I asked sliding his glasses on his face. "I think so" he smiled kissing me for a second before walking in the the bathroom to fix his bed head. "Im gonna he'd out meet me in the artillery ok" I called waiting for his ok before heading out. After the five of us were up, ready, and armed we hopped in Jacks security van and were on are way.

Paris is going to regret ever being born.


Austin and Jasmine had taken Jake to the roof hopping to slid him in my the chimney while I waited for their signal in car with Jack. "So Jake really likes you huh" Jack commented and my eyebrows raised. "Uh yah I guess so" I shrugged taking a drink of my water. "Have you told him you love him yet?'' He questioned making me choke on my water trying to catch my breath while he laughed.

"Im guessing thats a no" he chuckled and i glared. "Im not really comfortable with the whole L word thing" I shrugged and his eyebrows raised in amusement. "I can tell" he laughed and before I could respond Austin came through the walkie talkie. ''You're clear stay safe" as his voice cut out I nodded at Jack slipping out of the car and making my way quickly to the front.

Paris's members filed out of the front door shooting at me making me dive for cover. Austin and Jasmine were instantly on them taking members as I did until they were all dead in a heap leaving the front door wide open.

I moved quickly slipping inside the door and turning on my ear piece. "Alright Paris's room looks clear give me a sec ill find her" Jacks voice came through. He had managed to override there security camera. "Shes in the kitchen" he spoke not 5 seconds later. I moved quickly into the kitchen seeing Paris about to put a sandwich in her mouth.

''I know your not deaf Paris you heard the gun shoots how dumb do you have to be to stay in here'' I question honestly slightly confused.

''Honestly I didn't think you'd make it it the front door'' she shrugged putting her sandwich down and staring down the barrel of my gun.

"Shoot me"

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