Chapter 37

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Jack's POV
I filed through online chat rooms looking for info. The bronze skulls do most of their planning on hidden chat rooms and I heard their trying to align with moonshine and the vipers.

Before Paris and Justin were dead I wouldn't be worried about it but Paris's brother Joshua took control and he's just the same amount of crazy but with better conversation skills. However Joshua hates Austin. Yes the two best friends seemed to make two twin siblings fall for them, break their heart, and have the twins blame the other friend for their pain.

Steven is more of,a team player than just simply because he wants Sami dead and James is pretty open to everything along as it ends in our gangs demise. As you can see we're not great at making friends.

A chat room popped that looked suspicious enough for me to skim through. I read the chat seeing the whole conversation was in code which made me groan as I started to decode it.

M- I want Austin dead just let me know when and we'll be their
B- I say we move in on Friday that gives us 6 days to plan
V- Fine Friday but Sami's mine to kill
M- Claim who you like but I'm taking Austin
B- Friday at 5 bring your weapons and people its time for the Bloods to fall.

Shit shit shit!

I ran out of the room and sprinted to Sami's bursting in on her doing push-ups. "Problem like really really big problem" I rushed making her stop doing pushups to look at me. "What?" she asked and I shook my head.

"I'll get Austin and meet us in the meeting room leave the others out of it at first" I answered and ran out to get Austin. When the three of us were in the meeting room I explained to them the plan I intercepted.

"Uh Jack do me a favor and check for more info I have to talk to Austin alone for a minute" Sami spoke saying the first words since I told them. "Ok but we're going to get through this don't worry" I reassured running out of the room

Sami's POV

I've tried to think of every way out since Jack started talking but I just keep coming up dry. We didn't have the people or the fire power. We're were down men by thousands and out resources. I asked Jack to leave because I only had one way out.

"They have to leave, Jack, Jake, Jasmine and Kian they have to go we'll send a trainee to help but this is our fight and were not making it out of this one" I sighed and he nodded. "I know all the solutions I keep coming up with just end with everyone dead but they won't leave they'll try to stay" he answered and I shook my head.

"We won't let them this is our gang and even if I has to pull the superior card I will" I spoke with a hint of disbelief in my voice but my decision wasn't gonna sway. "When are we going to tell them?" Austin asked and I sighed. "We should get it over with give us enough time for goodbyes" I sighed and Austin nodded.

He pushed a button on the wall that would call the others down. We sat down waiting for the rest and I could feel my heart break. The probability of me walking away alive is practically non existent and I'm about to leave my husband and best friends. I was expecting this someday all the people Austin and I have double crossed and all the people we've killed I'm just surprised it took this long.

"I think you should leave too" I spoke up and Austin looked at me wildly. "Excuse me?" He asked in shock and I sighed. "I killed both Paris and Justin leaving their right hand to take over and actually succeed in coming up with a plan to attack. Your engaged and we both know we're not making this out alive" I answered and he scoffed.

"You're married and were in this together all the way you didn't know this would be the end result I'm staying that's final" he spoke strongly and I sighed nodding knowing no matter how long I argued with him he wouldn't leave.

Kian, Jake, Jasmine, and Shawn filed into the room followed by Jack. Austin and I exchanged a look as they all sat down and we were silent for a minute. "You all have to leave" I finally spoke and confusion etched across their face.

"The vipers, moonshine, and the skulls are storming on Friday and you can't be here when they do" Austin elaborated and Jack looked mad. "You think I'm gonna run and leave you to here to fight? No way in hell am I doing that" he demanded getting 'yeah's' from the rest.

"It's not an option the five of you need to leave. Take a trainee and go it's not safe here anymore" I spoke my voice not loud but strong. "If you think I'm leaving you your crazy I'm not going anywhere" Jake snapped and I sighed.

"Your all leaving I'm not letting you stay" Austin snapped back and Jakes eyebrows raised in shock. "Are you fucking kidding me we're all part of this gang you can't expect us to run" Jake argued back and I sighed.

"Your right your all apart of this gang and I'm your superior and I'm telling you your no longer apart of this gang and you have until Friday morning to be out" I ordered standing up and leaving the room not staying to listen to their response.

I walked into my room slamming the door and broke down falling on the floor. I didn't cry, I didn't blink back tears I just stared at the ceiling. The door opened and Jake walked in laying down next to me.

"I don't want to leave you" he spoke after a while of silence and I closed my eyes slowly. "I know but I can't watch you die here it would kill me before a bullet would" I replied and he turned over so I could see him.

"How do you expect me to do this? Let my wife stay back to be killed while I run?" He asked. "Do you trust me? Do you believe I'll kill thousands to get back to you again? Do you believe that Jake?" I asked my voice broken. "Yeah I do and I'll wait everyday until you find me again" he whispered moving so he was hovering over me before he kissed me softly.

Austin's POV
Jasmine and I were the only ones left in the meeting room. Jack stormed of pissed and Kian followed. Shawn told me he wouldn't go with them but he'd leave if we wanted them to before he walking out. Jasmine stared at me from across the table. "Why?" She asked and I groaned running my hand over my face.

"I refuse to watch you get killed over problems I caused" I answered. "Take Cameron. He has the hots for you if I don't make it back move on" I gritted the thought making me sick but I knew that was the probability.

"So this is it your just done. Your giving up? I may of only know you for over a year but I know your not the type to give up Austin" she asked and I sighed.

"That's the thing you haven't known me for long so you can get over me and move on" I croaked a lump in my throat. "Your unbelievable" Jasmine scoffed and I sighed standing up from my chair walking around to her side of the table.

"I love you Jasmine and that's the reason I'm not letting stay here" I explained but she refused to look at me her arms crossed as a tear ran down her cheek.

I pulled her up so she was standing in front of me wiping the tear away. "Look at me please" I asked and she finally turned to me with tear welled up in her eyes. "Id rather feel the pain of letting you go than the pain of watching you die" I whispered kissing her hard like it was the last time I'd see her.

"I'll wait for you Austin"

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