Chapter 38

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Jake's POV
I threw the last of my stuff into a duffle bag setting it next to the rest. We leave for a mystery destination in four hours and the house is relatively silent. I leave the love of my life in four hours and she won't even know where we're going. Sami didn't want to take the chance of them leaking our location if they were tortured so Jack chose a country only telling her we're going to London but not being specific on where.

Sami walked in our room with all my old flannels I used to wear before my gang involvement. "Uh you look adorable in these so you should bring them maybe finish high school and become a doctor have the life you always wanted" she spoke laying the flannels across my suitcase.

"The life I always wanted is with you" I sighed wrapping my hand around her waist. "Please don't" she sighed "don't make it harder, you guys are leaving in an hour" she sad emotionlessly. "I though we had 4 hours left?" I asked my voice clearly showing I was upset.

"Not anymore. It's better this way, just be ready to go" she said clearly trying to push her emotions down as she walked out of the room. Shawn left last night no one knowing where he was going but hoping he wouldn't run into and other gangs on his way out of the country.

I put the flannels in my bag leaving my red one knowing it was Sami's favorite before carrying my stuff down stairs. I saw Jasmine and Austin talking by the car while Kian loaded the things in but didn't see Sami.

I walked my thing over to Kian turning to see Cameron help Jack carry out a load of bags. "Jack what the hell are in all these?" Sami asked and Jack glared. "Computer stuff and clothes" he answered gripping a duffle bag close to him.

"What's in the bag Jack" Sami asked walking close to him. "Nothing leave me alone" he said defensively but Sami all ready grabbed the bag starting a game of tug a war.

Not long after a lot of tugging and pulling the bag ripped and stuffed animals flew everywhere. "Are you fucking kidding Jack what the hell" Sami laughed and he glared picking up the animals.

"Their comforting" he defended and Sami walked away still laughing. She walked up to me not saying a word just pulling me down by my shirt kissing me hard. She pulled back slowly her eyes meeting mine, "don't forget about me okay?" She whispered and I nodded.

"Never" I replied kissing her one last time looking up to see Jasmine give Austin a watery kiss before hurrying in the car as she started to break down. Jack came up to Sami and I giving her a soft smile "don't worry gorgeous this is a new gate for us" he smiled sadly kissing her cheek as he pulled her into a hug.

"Take care of Jake, ok?" She asked sadly and he nodded walking over to say his goodbye to Austin. "I'll wait for you" I spoke softly with a smile and she looked as if she wanted I say something but didn't letting me walk away to get in the car.

Jack climbed into the drivers seat a few seconds later and we were off to start a new life without the people we cared about most.

The ride to the jet was silent with a few sniffles here and there and the walk onto the plane was reluctant. London here we come.

Sami's POV
Austin and watched as they drove away saying nothing for a couple minutes after the car was out of site. "We have to get ready" I said sadly turning to walk back into the house as we started to unload our weapons.

11 hours until they storm.


Austin and I stared out from the roof. Our members lined the fences and the area in front of us waiting for the other gang to burst in. If they are one a schedule we have 10 minutes before our whole gang crumbles.

I'm not giving up completely, our gang is the most skilled fighters you'll come upon but we're out numbered. We have maybe 15 hundred meaning if Jack number are correct, which they always are, each of are never would have to talk out five members.

That doesn't sound bad until you think of it as five people have to kill one of my members and that's where my positivity quits.

"I didn't tell him , Jake I didn't tell him" I spoke up as we stared off the roof. "Tell him what" Austin asked confused and I sighed. "That I was in love with him" I replied my voice breaking slightly. "You love him?" He asked and I scoffed. "Obviously, the only person who didn't know it was me and now that I do it to late" I shrugged.

"Maybe we'll make it he shrugged and gun shots rang in my ears. Thousands of men stoned the gate plowing down our members with ease heading straight for our house.

"Why do we have to stay? Think about just here for us right? If we leave so do they we can save more people." Austin spoke and I looked at him incredulously.

"You want to run and leave everyone here to die?" I asked in disbelief and he looked at me and shrugged. "This is the way out Sami they follow us and leave here just think about it" he pleaded and I ran it over in my head.

"Maybe we could I don't know it just seems so selfish and horrible" I argued and he nodded. "I know but when do we get to be selfish don't you want to see Jake again? This is the way Sami! We have to go" he demanded and I started out at the brawl before us nodding.

"Fine" I groaned the two of us running towards the exit and down outside in front of the fight. We ran into my car whipping out of the driveway a member saw us and shot at my car.

A bullet hit the tire and we spun into a tree making my head smack on the wheel and Austin's head on the dash board. "Dammit my car!" I yelled kicking my door open. "Let's go Austin" I yelled climbing out with my gun shooting at the armature members who tried to land a shot on me.

I covered Austin as he got out of the car with his gun out too and we shot at the crowd moving back into the forest that lined our borders. I went to shoot a member coming through the bushes and my gun made the annoying clicking noise of an empty round.

I shrugged chucking the gun at his head making him groan as blood ran down his fore head. He click the safety off his gun and stumbled closer to me. Austin gun was making the same clicking sound. "Dammit" he yelled chucking his gun too making the gun finally fall unconscious with another head shot.

I ran over grabbing his gun and spitting at him. I turned around to see Austin waiting for him before I hear a gun shot and saw a bullet fly through his stomach.


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