Chapter 20

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Austin's POV
I stood next to Sami looking out at the 30 trainees clearly unimpressed. There is maybe 10 I would take to do. But there are some that don't look like the fighting type so we better have a good computer crew.

I looked at Sami only to see her glaring at a trainee wearing all black except for a white beanie. "They've been here for 10 minutes, how has that girl already managed to piss you off?" I asked and she looked over at me with her jaw clenched. "That's Trish Morgan" she growled and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Am I supposed to know who that is?" I asked and she sighed. "She's the bitch who slept with my boyfriend" she shrugged trying to seem unaffected by it but I knew exactly what she was feeling. I mean I know her better then she knows herself.

"Really? But she's ugly" I spoke, smiling as she chuckled. "Exactly but we have to get started. Make sure she's in my last group" she spoke and I nodded.

"ALRIGHT!" I yelled getting the attention of the trainees and smirking as the room went silent. "Sami and I run this gang and have no room for idiocy. I don't care how badass, tough or intelligent you think you are because you aren't. The people here are above you so if you challenge them then you'll regret it. You'll all be split up following one of us to test your skills. Alright number 1-6 follow Jake" I spoke and Jake raised his hand leading his group off.

I numbered off the rest making sure Trish's group would hit Sami last. This will be fun.

Sami's POV
I looked at the six trainees in front of me examining them closely. Two of these guys better be damn good at computer because they are no fighter, funny how I can already tell. I chuckled to myself getting all of their attention. I then looked at the two girls in front of me they could possibly be good fighters but we'll see. The two other boys caught my eye. One of them was jockish reminding me of Kian- wait where's is Kian? I'll ask Austin later anyways. The last boy was extremely attractive. He was tall, strong and cocky I already don't like him.

"Hey pretty boy what's with the smirk?" I asked raising my eyebrows and the smirk left his face instantly. "Uh nothing" he spoke shaking his head and I smirked. "Mm hm you guys will wear a boxing helmet and we'll both wear gloves you can go for a head shot on me but expect to be knocked on your ass after. Red shirt your up first"

I got threw the first 5 trainees and saved the pretty boy for last and hoping he would show some skill seeing how the last 5 didn't get a higher rating then an okay.

He moved up into the boxing ring putting on the helmet and gloves his smirk coming back onto his face. "Again with the smirk pretty boy?" I asked and he shrugged. "Explain" I spoke and he shook his head. "It's nothing really" he spoke and I scoffed. "Not an option" I spoke and he sighed.

"You said to be tough but frankly I don't see it" he shrugged and I smirked. "Mm hm well we'll see pretty boy" I laughed. "It's Cameron" he said and I shrugged. "Don't care gloves up and please don't go easy on me" I smirked winking and him.

We fought for about ten minutes he was trying his hardest to land a punch on me but being sadly unsuccessful. He swung for my head shocking me and successfully hitting me across the cheek. I smirked, spinning and kicking him across his face making him fall to the ground.

"I warned you pretty boy, we're done now take the gear off" I spoke breathing heavily as I pulled my gloves off grabbing the red marker. "Your good, better feel lucky pretty boy not a lot of people get red marks" I spoke signing the letters SH on his arm.

"I thought the highest mark was a black mark?" He asked and I looked surprised. "No ones got a black mark for 9 years we don't even give out black marks anymore" I laughed and he nodded. "I heard the last person to get a black mark is a high trained assassin or something he's said to have killed hundreds"  I laughed a little and shook my head.

"He wasn't a he. He was a she and she knocked you on your ass 2 minutes ago" I smirked and his eyes lit up with excitement. "Your the death assassin" he asked and my face scrunched in disgust. "That's a horrible name I need to get that changed somehow, but I guess. Alright all of you will go to the room to the left with Austin. Good luck." I winked at them and waited for the next group. A few hours I was up to my last trainee who was smirking at me in the rink and I glared.

"I know you from somewhere? Oh right we went to school together, right!! My names Trish do you remember me?" She spoke in a taunting voice and I chuckled. "I don't give a damn who you are put the helmet and gloves on" I snapped and she scuffed. "Your not wearing a helmet why do I have to?" She asked and I raised my eyebrows in complete shock.

"We're not equals, put the damn helmet on" I growled and she just crossed her arms over her chest. I chuckled slightly and raised my hands in surrender pulling my gloves off. I heard the door open and looked over to see Austin walk in. "The rest of you can head out we have food for you" he spoke and the other trainees nodded leaving the room.

"What's up?" He asked and I smirked. "Dumbass here doesn't want to put her helmet on because I'm not wearing one" I spoke and he laughed. "Aw sweetheart you have no idea what your getting yourself into." He smirked at her and winked at me. "have fun you too." he chuckled and left.

"I took my gloves off so are you going to do the same?" I asked my eyes glazing over with excitement. Some would call me a phsycopath but I prefer passionate. She took her gloves off and set them next to the helmet looking up at me.

"I can tell you hate me and I have a few guesses why but my best guess is it probably has something to do with Jake" she spoke and my jaw clenched. "Awe I'm right. And it has to do with how well I fucked your boyfriend's brains out.. right? How I had him moaning taking his innocence. And trust me he wasn't thinking about you" she stated and I chuckled. "You don't want to do this with me" I spoke pulling my gun and setting it next to my gloves.

"It's funny how you act so tough ha it's cute really." she smiled and I laughed shaking my head. "You really are stupid aren't you? Do you have any idea how many people I've killed?" I questioned and her eyes rolled.

"Please I bet you haven't killed one person it's all just an act" she shrugged and my mouth hung open in shock. "Mm we'll see now I'll ask you again to put on your gear it's a courtesy" I smirked and she didn't move in her spot. "Fine have it your way. Oh and don't worry I'll go easy on you" I winked.

She lunged at me and I turned watching her body hit the floor. "Aw is that the best you can do?" I asked watching her pull herself off the floor. She moved towards me and I threw a punch as she got close knocking her down as my fist connected with her jaw.

"Get up bitch we're not done yet" I taunted watching her pull herself of the floor again. When she was on her feet I threw another punch hitting the other side of her face. She stumbled slightly but stayed standing. "Come on now! Fight back bitch!" I yelled and she bared her teeth her mouth full of blood. 

She ran at me again and I stayed still letting her tackle me down but rolling us quickly. I rained down punches not stopping until she was pleading for me to stop. I stood up looking down at her and smirked. "Have fun in hell bitch I'll see you there" I spoke slamming my foot down on her neck watching as she slowly ran out of air and fell limp.

I whipped my hands on my pants pulling out my phone. "Hey Shawn I need a clean up at the compound trading room three. Yeah, thanks buddy" I slipped my phone into my pocket grabbing my gun and walking out of the training room.

I met the others at the front of the room and waited for Austin to speak. "We have rated all 29 of you by your skills-" Austin started before he was cut off by a guy in the back. "I thought there were 30 of us?" He asked and I smirked. "There were don't ask questions" Austin spoke and I looked over at Jake who shook his head at me and rolled his eyes. Jackass.

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