Chapter 3

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Jasmines POV
Awe my head hurts. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to see Sami, Jake, and the guy from the cafe standing over me wow what a hottie. I sat up slowly looking around and not remembering anything.

When I saw a gun on cafe guy's waist everything rushed back to me. On instinct my foot kicked up hitting cafe boy right in the jewels. He groaned and fell to the floor holding his uh...stuff and Sami laughed.

"What in the heck were you thinking pointing a gun at my best friend" I screamed and Sami laughed harder. "Aw boohoo Austin get up" Sami spoke and he glared up at her. Hmmm its Austin that's interesting.  "Control your friend" he growled and glared at me.

"Don't glare at her you idiot" Sami growled as he stood up from the ground.  I was so confused what's going on? I looked over and saw Kian who looked unconscious and Jake standing there looking terrified. I started shaking nervously wondering where am I and who is this Austin?. "What are you gonna do about it" Austin growled making me jump out of my thoughts and Sami smacked him in the face hard. "Do it again and I will hit you back" he growled and I gasped. "You don't hit women" I gasped trying not to sound scared it made him laugh.  I can already tell this guy is a total jerk.

"Sami's not female" he laughed making Sami slap him again. Austin swung at Sami but she ducked and he stumbled a little as he missed. "You got to be quicker then that" she taunted stepping behind him. He turned fast swinging again and missed. Seriously there is something wrong with this picture.

"Miss me miss me now you got to kiss me" Sami sung and made kissy faces at Austin. "Are you to done" a curt voice rang through the room and I turned to see a blond boy a little shorter than me standing in the doorway. Who are these people? I never seen these people at school. How does Sami know these people..we've been friends for as
The long as I could remember. I wonder how long this has been going on..

Sami and Austin instantly stopped and turned to look at the boy. "Why must you ruin all of my fun Jack" Sami pouted. And I looked at the boy curiously. "I don't need you killing each other I'm to pretty to rule a gang" he laughed and Austin rolled his eyes.

"So new members?" Jack asked walking towards me and a still unconscious Kian. "One day maybe" Sami spoke and my eyes widened with fear. "Really weakling over here can handle himself in a gang" Austin scoffed pointing towards Jake.

"If you egotistical head can fit through a door I think he'll be fine" Sami glared at him and Jack chuckled. "You two need to stay away from each other anyways I need a trainy so give me one of them" Jack demanded and Sami looked at Me, Kian and Jake.

"Take Kian when you can wake him up because I got Jake" she smiled and Jake blushed. "No cause I got ball kicker" Austin whined and I rolled my eyes not knowing what was going on. "Sami..." I spoke sternly taking a deep breath and getting everyone's attention. "Why aren't you telling me what's going on here." I sighed.

She came down to my level since I was still sitting on the floor terrified. "Welcome to the Red Blood's, my gang." She smirked standing up holding a hand for me to grab.

I looked away not knowing what to say but I grabbed her hand to stand up. "Actually it's our gang. We're the gang leaders." Austin proudly spoke. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch.

"Anyways you're with Austin so have fun." She smiled. "B-But Sami I don't like him." I stuttered nervously. "Boo hoo my best friends need to like each other and both of you be nice" she snapped and I nodded but was still surprised at the situation. "We're not best friends?" Jake asked looking at Sami. She leaned over whispering something in his ear and his cheeks turned bright red.

"We got to go, Jack grab Kian and Austin please don't do anything stupid" she smiled at us and pulled Jake out of he took with her. Jack walked over and slapped Kian making him pop up.

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