Chapter 13

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Sami's POV
Jake was sitting on the bed trying not to acknowledge that I was there. "Can we talk?" I asked and he didn't answer making me sigh. "Jake please don't ignore me" I tried again but he just continued to type.

I kicked off the door and say in front of him on the bed. "Don't act like you can't hear me Jake" I called and his face didn't move a muscle. I can't say I'm not impressed. I climbed up on his lap grabbing his phone from him and placed it on the night stand.

"Listen to me please" I spoke softly and he looked at me, his eyes unreadable. "Jake it's not that I don't want a life with you if that's what your thinking. I just wasn't planning on ever doing any of that stuff. But we can compromise if you want to marry me so bad one day then I won't be opposed to that I guess" I tried and small smile played on his lips.

"You'd marry me?" He asked and I laughed a little. "You are the only person I'd ever consider marrying" my comment made him smile wider and I felt my heart skip.

"Now enough of this goofy shit it makes me gag after a while so" I smiled and his eyes rolled but he kissed my cheek. "So why was Austin yelling your name?" He asked and a blush took over my cheeks.

"Long story but if he asks about sound proofs rooms don't answer" I smiled and he looked at me weird. "Don't ask" I excused and he nodded softly pulling me down so my head was resting on his chest. I closed my eyes suddenly feeling tired and felt him kiss my head softly. I smiled and slowly fell asleep.

It's been three days since I came over here and sadly I have to go back to hell. "Are you sure you have to go?" Jasmine whined as I walked towards the door and I only nodded. "When are you going home? Your parents aren't asking for you?" I asked and she smirked slightly. "For all they know I'm at you house while your parents are gone" I smiled at my best friend and whipped a fake tear. "You grow up so fast" I sniffled and she laughed.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and looked at Jake who rested his head on my shoulder. "Be safe and don't fall in love with him your mine" he smiled and I laughed kissing his cheek and pulling away to peck his lips.

"You guys are gross, now here Sami" Jack spoke breaking us apart to hand me some glasses. "There's a camera in them so we can see you and what's happening. Be safe babes" he smiled and I smiled back. I walked out of the door putting my bag in my trunk.

As I shut the door I turned jumping slightly as Austin stood in front of me. "Holy shit Austin" I gasped holding my hand over my chest. "You can't  surprise people like that!!!" But I'm me so I get why you didn't see it coming" he smirked and my eyes rolled.

"Shut up" I laughed and he smiled at me. "Don't do anything stupid and move fast we need you back here" he said straight faced. "Don't" I shook my head and his eyebrows raised. "Don't hide your feelings around me I know you better then you know yourself" I scuffed and he nodded frowning.

"Do you have to leave?" He asked and I nodded. "I'll be back don't let any of us die while I'm gone" I laughed and climbed into my ugly ass car.

As I pulled away I saw Jake wink at me from the porch and I winked back to him. Hell here I come.

Jakes POV

I smiled as Sami winked at me and pulled away but frowned as she sped down the street. "Are you okay?" A girl named Megan, she was part of the kitchen staff asked as I walked back into the house. "Uh yeah" I smiled quickly at her. She has been flirting with me since Sami left and I do my best to brush her off. She's great and all but Sami is the only person for me.

Oh God I sound like a love sick puppy.

"Jake" Megan's voice rang through breaking my thought and I looked back to her. "Sorry, I spaced off what did you say?" I asked and she smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to go get dinner with me sometime?" She asked and my eyes widened a little. "Your a awesome girl and all Megan but I'm dating Sami" I frowned at her and her face turned narrow. "No I understand. Well uh see you around Jake" she smiled weekly and I felt bad for her as she walked away.

"Hey Jake, your parents are blowing up your phone" Jasmine spoke handing me my phone. I looked down seeing eight miss calls from my mom and multiple texts from my dad. I shrugged slipping my phone in my pocket and Jasmine raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything.

"So what's up" she asked walking over to lay down on the floor. "Nothing" I shrugged laying next to her. "Liar! Come on tell me" she demanded flipping over to lay on her stomach and rested her head on her hands holding her self up with her elbows to stair down at me.

I sighed and moved into her position. "It bothers me that Sami is at Justin's. Not that she's in harms way because my girlfriend can kick some ass, but the fact that she has to kiss him and all so be believes that she loves him just hurts a little." I told her truthfully and she nodded.

"She's running a gang and things like this are in her job description. I bet it hurts like a bitch and I'm sorry truly I am. When I was dating Mark I tried to leave because I found out he was dating another girl but he became abusive and forced me to continue the relationship when he had another relationship. I'm not telling you to break up with Sami but if it feels like your being forced to stay in your relationship just know you don't have to" she spoke and my head shook fast.

"I want to be in this relationship with her it's just a complicated one" I sighed and she nodded. "You guys will work it out, I mean hey I'll support you with whatever you do. But I know for a fact she's in love with you even if she's bad at showing it" Jasmine's words made me smile which she returned.

"Now Jack wanted us in the conference room like 10 minutes ago so better hurry before he gets his panties in a bunch" she smirked and I laughed loudly.

I wonder what Jack called a meeting for.

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