Chapter 23

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Sami's POV
We sat in the room waiting for all of the trainees to show so we could start the second day of training it was pretty basic just going deeper into there skills and letting a lot of them go today.

I walked over to Austin not saying anything just looking back at the trainees and one particular catching my eye. "Oh yeah where's Kian?'' I asked and his jaw clenched. "I made him leave..he challenged me for Jasmine and now he's gone" he shrugged and my eyes widened.

"You did what! That was not your call to make! Of course he was going to challenged you for Jasmine. Speaking of he's had a crush on her since 1st grade" I yelled.

"Where the hell is he?" I asked and he shrugged. "No idea" he rode off and I shook my head at him walking away. I made my way over to Jack opening his laptop. "Can I help you?" He asked sarcastically and I just glared. "Find Kian now" I ordered and he gave me a dirty look but started typing. "Dammit" he groaned and I raise my eyebrows. "What?" I asked confused.

"He's in the Moonshine territory"

Paris's POV
*days before*
I walked behind my trackers as they searched for video surveillance of Sami. She's the reason Austin broke up with me and I told Austin he would regret that but he assured me I would never find her without her wanting me to and sadly it's been 5 years and I haven't found her just like he said.

I know she has some kind of contact with the Red Blood gang two years ago at a conflict with our gangs I saw Sami kill my mother and I know she killed my father too. She stole my parents, my love, and broke my brother's heart she doesn't deserve to live. So I have a group of trackers looking for her everyday.

"Boss we have a guy outside of the boundaries he's beat up and says he was kicked out of the Red Blood gang he's asked to speak with you" one of my members spoke from the doorway and I smirked. "Bring him to the first conference room I want to talk to him" I ordered watching him leave the room.

"Take a break I have a feeling you'll be working overtime soon" I smirked walking out of the room making my way to the conference room sitting down smiling as a boy around my age was dragged in by some of my main fighters.  "Hey ease up on him he's our guest" I smiled watching as the boy slid into the chair across from me.

"So what's your name" I asked and he smirked leaning forward. "Kian I was trained under Jack in the Reds" he spoke seeming to notice the excitement in my body language. "Lucky you my cousin is a smart guy" I spoke with ease and his eyebrows raised. "That's surprising" he said looking as if he was leading the conversation.

"Why's that" I wondered feeling curious truly seeing now that he would be a good asset to my gang he can drag you into a conversation without trying. "Well there way he talks about you, you'd assume you were a demon from hell" he winked and my jaw clenched. Asshole.

"See I was going to act nice here but you've pissed me off so your going to answer my questions if you want to live" I glared and he sat back crossing his arms over his chest. "What do you want to know" he asked and I sighed.

"Easy, everything" I smiled and he nodded. He talked for an hour telling me everything from the codes to weapons to the guards names at the door but the only price of info I wanted never left his mouth. "Yeah and so Austin's girlfriend is our knives thrower-" he spoke and I cut him off.

"Sami, is that Austin's girlfriend?" I asked clenching my jaws and his face contorted in fake confusion. "Who? I don't know a Sami his girlfriends name is Jasmine" his head shook and I glared.

"You haven't said one word about Sami that's what I want to know not about guards or the house layout I know all of that what I want to know is how to get to Sami and don't lie to me. You lie just like my cousin I see right through you" I threatened and a look of stubbornness took over his face. "I don't know who your talking about" he shrugged and I growled. "Take him to cellers" I ordered and men came through the door grabbing his arms.

"You'll stay there until I get my information and I promise you, I WILL get my information" I snarled and he only smiled as he was dragged out of the room.

Kian's POV
I sat in a dark room feeling no remorse for what I told Paris. Austin deserved it even Jasmine and Jack but Sami, her and Jake never betrayed me so I wouldn't betray them. I'll probably die here but I mean if I can't have Jasmine what does it matter anymore. Even though I still have feelings for her...

Jack's POV
I knocked on Paris's door glaring at the man who opened it with a gun towards my chest. "Yeah I'm gonna need you to stop pointing that at my chest" I spoke smoothly pointing to the gun in his hand.

"Who are you" he snarled and I chuckled. "Aw buddy you don't want to know" I smirked pulling the gun from him with ease and shooting his forehead watching as he fell limp to the floor. I smiled stepping over him heading upstairs to Paris's room.

I opened her door watching as she continued to type on her computer. "Really no movement what if I wanted to kill you?" I asked and she continued typing for a second before spinning in her chair to face me.

"I knew you were coming and I can tell you now before you even ask you can't have him back" she spoke and I glared. "He's my trainee" I snarled and she shrugged. "Don't care, you see he won't give me the information I want when he does that you can have him back" she smiled and I shook my head.

"He's stubborn, whatever you want to know he won't tell you and if he doesn't want to so keep him if you want but I promise you you'll regret it" I glared one last time and left her room. Bitch.

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