Chapter 28

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Sami's POV

I speed into the gang house driveway slamming the door as I got out. I walked up to the door seeing a trainee with his gun on the floor texting on his phone not keeping guard. I glared at him walking over to pull him up by his shirt, "Your going to be first at initiation day dumbass, get off your fucking phone" I snapped taking his phone and chucking it into a wall, "and get back to work."

I pushed the trainee back smirking as he scrambled to pick up his gun and turned to stand guard. Walking into the house I saw Jake and Austin talking in the kitchen.

"Dammit how long are her parents staying for?" Austin asked and I decided to cut in and answer. "They leave next week so initiation is going to have to be pushed back I have to leave in 50 so hurry up" I demanded and he nodded both of us making are way to Jack's room.

I walked in seeing him type away on his computer looking confused. When he saw us he immediately asked, "Did you drive home? It took you 16 minutes when you usually take 10 minutes" he asked and my eyes rolled.

"Stop bugging my car and no Jake. My parents came home early and I'm in trouble I only have 47 minutes here so I need a disposable phone" I asked and he scoffed.

"You kill people daily but Mommy and Daddy are too much to handle" he teased and I glared. "May I remind you that the money the leave me pays a lot of our bills so I'd like to keep that benefit!" I snapped and he raised his hands in surrender.

"Just asking we've all noticed you haven't really been you for a while." he shrugged going to grab a phone for me. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked and he smirked.

"You've gone soft." he shrugged and my eyebrows raised in shock. "How do you figure?" I demanded and he chuckled. "Please ever since you and Jake got together the badass Sami only sees butterfly's and rainbows now. Badass Sami would've told her parents to fuck off but here you are getting your stuff like a good little girl because if not you'll be grounded." he laughed and my jaw clenched.

"Will you still think I'm soft if I kill you because I'm really thinking about it right now." I growled even though I knew he was right.

"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings? I didn't know you had any." He smirked and my jaw clenched. "You just won't understand because no ones ever loved you before Jack and with your head that far up your ass no one ever will" I bit out and he smiled.

"There she is, now here's your phone have fun playing board games with your parents!" He smirked throwing the phone to me. I didn't say anything just walking out of the room with Austin. "Do you think he's right?" I asked knowing I didn't want to hear the answer.

"Yes, he said the same thing to me earlier, were going soft just like Jim and Karen were before they were killed." He sighed and I sighed walking into the kitchen to grab my keys.

I'll text you with what you need to do after they leave." He smiled and I nodded walking out the door. The trainee was back on his phone making me growl and I snapped his neck with no warning walking to my car.

Seeing a box full of clothes in the front seat making me smile a little and pull out of the drive way.

I'm not going soft.

Sami's Moms POV *a week later*

I walked through the aisles of the store grabbing a few things for the plane tomorrow back to Australia. I turned into the food aisle seeing Sami's friends Jasmine's grandma.

"Oh Caitlin how have you been" she greeted when she saw me and I smiled. "Fine just about to leave back to Australia tomorrow I hate to leave Sami but to pay for her college I have to work." I spoke and she nodded in agreement.

"But thank you so much for letting her stay with you I know she must get lonely in out house." I smiled but her eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Jasmine told me she was staying at your guy's house I haven't seen Sami in a couple months." She said confused and I shook my head knowing she's been lying to us. "Sorry I meant letting Jasmine stay at our house." I spoke and she nodded saying her goodbyes while I rushed out of the store forgetting my shopping.

Sami's POV
I finally got out of my house! It's been a week of my annoying ass parents and they finally let me go out as long as I took my dads car. I sped down the street to a house full of people who were supposed to be dead last week.

I pulled into the drive way sliding a gun in my boots, one behind my back, and one in my hand. I walked into the house seeing Tim, and an old dealer of mine, on the couch with his bitch he stood up saw me pulling a gun.

"Who the hell are you!" He yelled pointing the gun at me. I smirked picking up a picture on his counter looking at him and his hoe.

"Bitch are you trying to die!" He screamed and I raised my eyebrows in humor, "please Tim you haven't killed anyone in front of your bitch and your not about to start now". He scoffed and shot the gun putting a hole through the wall by my head making me laugh.

"You missed!" I pointed to the wall in amusement. "It was a warning now get the hell out of my house!" He yelled and I sighed. "You really don't know who I am?" I asked and he looked confused shaking his heads no.

"I haven't been undercover for a while now you still don't who I am? Damn I have to get Jack on that." I spoke amused as his face only filled with more confusion.

"Apparently people call me death assassin I personally don't like the name but I'm not sure how to go about getting that changed." I spoke pulling my gun fast shooting his hand to where his gun fell to the floor.

I advanced quickly pushing him back onto the couch as he screamed in pain gripping his hand. I picked up his gun watching as his whore tried to stop the bleeding. "Don't bother he'll be dead in a second anyways" I shrugged and her eyes widened.

"Don't lay a hand on my husband you b-" she yelled being cut off my the bullet that flew through her skull. "Sad we'll never hear the end of the sentence." I smirked turning back to Tim.

"Don't worry sexy you can join her in a moment but first where the hell is my money?" I yelled and he looked at me empty faced. "Damn I'll find it myself!" I shrugged pulling the trigger watching it fly through his throats smiling as he gasped for air until falling limp.

I turned on my heals making my way though his house until I found a duffle bag of cash under the floor board.

Soft? Never.

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