Chapter 30

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Jasmine's POV

The four of us sat around the couch that we had moved Sami to waiting for her to wake up. I rested my head on Jakes sleeping form as my hands ran through Austins hair who's head was on my lap.

He was scared. I know he would never admit it. Especially when he wants to get back to the badass gang leader he once was, but he was scared he was going to lose her. Hell we all were but she's strong even if you wanted her dead she's to stubborn to go.

I watched as Jack sat forward in his seat resting his head on his arms that were balancing on his legs. He stared at Sami with an empty expression but I could tell he was just as scared as Austin.

He finally leaned back into the chair letting himself dose off after awhile leaving me here alone with the quietness. After a while of sitting in silence I stood up letting Austins head gently fall onto the couch and went to the kitchen for some water.

I filled up my glass resting against the counter not wanting to go back into the living room. "Can't sleep?" Jakes voice came from the door exhaustion in his voice. I jumped a little turning to see him walk into the kitchen yawning.

"How can I my best friend is dying right in front of me" I sighed and he shook his head. "Don't say that. She's going to be fine" he spoke sounding like he was reassuring himself and not me.

"I know she will it's just hard" I spoke and he scoffed. "I'm aware,seeing the love of your life like that is worse" he spoke sitting down at the table and resting his face in his hands.

"I'm sorry" I spoke not being able to imagine how it would feel if it was Austin instead of Sami. "Thanks" he said his voice muffled by his hands.

"Sit back down your going to hurt yourself again!"

"Austin I'm fine let me up" Sami's voice came making Jake hop up quickly and run into the living room me close behind.

Jake's POV
I ran into the living room seeing Austin trying to get Sami to lay back down on the couch. I pushed him out of the way and slammed my lips to hers my hands cupping her face.

"Don't ever do that to me again" I demanded pulling away from her. "No promises lover boy" she smiled making me glair. "Please" I whispered and she smiled nodding, "I'll try now let me up" she spoke sliding around me standing up off the couch.

The four of us went to catch her expecting her to fall but she didn't giving us weird looks. "You guys ok? I'm not dying chill" she laughed pulling up her shirt to see the stitches lining her torso.

"You have a 6 in slice through your stomach. Jake had to sow you back together you definitely shouldn't be standing" Jack argued and she shrugged. "I've had worse and I'm not about to be out of work so schedule initiation for tomorrow" she ordered walking out of the room and up the stairs.

"She so bossy she acts like she rules the gang of something" Jack scoffed with and smirk making Austin laugh a little both of them turning to walk out of the room.

"Your just going to let her walk away she's going to hurt herself" Jasmine spoke making them turn around. "You wanna try and change her mind I don't know how long you two have know her but since the day she was born she didn't settle well with not getting her way" Austin spoke and Jasmine and I looked at each other nodding and following the two out of the room.

I walked upstairs and into my room hearing the shower running. I laid down on the bed sighing relief filling me. She's ok. I knew she would be it's just more comforting seeing her back. Not to mention I didn't see her for a week because of her parents.

I heard the shower turn off and Sami walked out in a sports bra and athletic shorts. Her stitches were red but they didn't look infected.

"Are you really going to do the initiation tomorrow you are injured and it can wait" i tried already knowing the answer. "Im doing the initiation Jake " she said sternly climbing into bed next to me. "I know io just hate when you hurt yourself" I sighed and wrapping my arms around her as she laid her head on my chest.

"I know" she whispered closing her eyes and me doing the same and falling asleep with the love of my life in my arms.

Jasmine's POV

Jake and I stood side by side watching as Austin, Sami and Jack argued with each other. Jack brought up that Jake and I had never went through initiation and that we should have to join the rest of the trainees tonight. Austin thinks it should only be Jake and not me. While Sami doesn't think either of us should.

"Why do they get out of it they're still trainees!" Jack yelled because non of the arguments between the three of them were ever clam and collected.

"They trained the new trainees if you wanted them to be beat the shit out of you should of brought it up earlier.

"I think Jake needs a good ass beating but Jasmine is not going in that hell pit" Austin said sternly and Jack and Sami's eyes rolled in unison.

"That's not even fair if your going to one you have to do the other" Sami argued and Jack agreed.

"Life isn't fair" Austin barked and Jack scoffed. "How about we flip on it heads their safe tails well they'll be in for a long night" Jack proposed and Austin and Sami agreed.

"Um I don't want think I agreed with my whole safety and such going to a coin flip" I spoke up but Jack shushed me and pulled out a quarter flipping it in the air, catching it, and flipping it onto his hand.

He looked at all of us before raising his other hand revealing the tails side of the coin. "Shit" Jake whispered and I felt my heartbeat pick up. "I'm mean Jasmine's lucky we don't do initiation like other gangs" Jack shrugged making Austin growl punching his shoulder.

"How do other gangs do it?" I asked afraid to know the answer. "Other gangs usually rape girls in and beat guys in we just beat the shit out of everyone" Sami shrugged making my eyes widen.

"Get your trainees ready their in for a long night" Jack laughed and walked out of the room. Sami moved first pulling Jake out of the room and Austin doing the same with me.

When we got to our room he started pacing for a second before he stopped turning to look at me. "There is 5 other new trainees besides you so there will be 8 members only girls take on girls so you don't have to worry about anyone else. Kylie is the weakest member stay close to her" he told me and I nodded.

"Do not I repeat DO NOT stay by Sami. She doesn't give a damn who you are stay away!!!!" He spoke and I nodded slightly shocked. "Just be safe please" he spoke looking extremely worried.

"What was your initiation like for you?" I asked and he laughed. "Horrible why do you think I'm so worried about you?" He replied looking stressed.

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine" I spoke not believing it myself but hoping to calm his nerves. "Ok I have to get the other members ready I'll see you tonight" he smiled kissing me quickly and running out the door.

I'm going to die.

Jake's POV

Sami pulled me into our room and immediately started talking. "There will be 8 trainees, that's including you, you'll be in a circle all facing 10 guy members Jack and Austin in the past have used baseball bats if they swipe your legs don't go stomach up. Stay in the middle of the group and do not fight back! They go after the fighters. Oh and stay away from Carl" she spoke in one breath pacing back and forth, my eyes were wide from all the information.

"What's wrong with Carl?" I asked and she stopped her pacing to look at me. "Uh he has a problem with being very touchy just stay away from him" she spoke looking worried.

"What's on your mind?" I asked and she sighed. "I was beat unconscious at the age of 10 in my initiation I just don't want you to get hurt" she spoke and I smiled softly walking over to wrap my hands around her waist looking down at her.

"You don't have to worry about me ok? I happen to have a badass girlfriend who has taught me a couple things" I winked and she smiled. "She sounds awesome but I have to get the members ready I'll see you out there you'll be awesome" she assured me kissing me and running out of the room.

I'm going to die.

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