Chapter 15

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Jasmine's POV
I let Austin trail kisses down my neck as I worked on unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it down his shoulders. I ran my hands up his muscles and he found my sweet spot making me gasp.

His hands trailed under my shirt making me shiver as his hands roamed my waist and his lips met mine again. He stopped when his hands reached my bra pulling back to look at me in the eye. "Do you want this?" He whispered his eyes dark. "More then anything, but I can't do this if your just going to ignore me again. I don't do one nighters" I whispered vulnerably and he smiled softly.

"Be my girlfriend" he whispered and I smiled widely connecting our lips. When I pulled back I gave him a smirk and leaned up on my elbows so I was next to his ear.

"Please me Daddy"

Jake's POV
I slammed my hands on my steering wheel pressing my foot on the gas pedal as I raced back to our gang compound. I think I got Sami in a lot of trouble and how I want to go help her but I could get us both killed.

I hopped out of my car quickly running into the house and heading toward Austin's room. I opened the door without knocking to see him and Jasmine laying down in bed their with their bodies clearly not wearing clothes but I was to worried to care. "Sami's in trouble" I rushed out making Austin shoot up and Jasmine clasp the sheet to her chest doing the same.

"Get out" Austin snapped and I shut the door. I waited a minute until the door opened revealing the two straightening their clothes. Austin started walking and I followed along with Jasmine. "It's my fault I was angry and I didn't know what to do so I went to see her and Justin found out I was in a gang. He doesn't know which one but he was going to kill me and Sami stopped him and held his own gun to his head. I know she's in trouble and I can't save her myself" I rushed out as we made our way into the conference room.

"Your a fucking idiot do you know that" he snarled and I didn't say anything. He pulled out our plans for storming Justin's compound when Sami got the information and looked over it. "We have to do this now" he spoke and Jasmine's eyes widened. "We're not ready Sami doesn't have the info yet" she spoke and his head shook.

"We have enough and if we don't move now she may not come back with anything or come back at all" he walked over to the speaker system and held down the button. "The attack on the Viper compound will commence in 5. Be out there and ready to go" he spoke and his voice ran through the house.

We made our way to the weapon room and loaded up. Austin and Jasmine got their M40 rifles (long distance shots) and I grabbed two Beretta M9's.

We made our way out to the white van that had Jacks stuff set up in the back. When Jack and Kian hopped in the back Austin drove off. Jack gave an ear piece and a bug that went into the inside of my shirt. "Your going to find Sami if she's dead you come out shooting if she not its her choice to stay. If she's unconscious we'll move in and get her out" he spoke and I nodded.

"She comes first. That means if you take a bullet to the head to save her make it happen" he snapped and I nodded. "Of course" I spoke and he nodded.

When we got there Austin and Jasmine hopped out making their way to the roof to shoot down and I started my way slowly into the back. "Oh shit" Jacks voice came through my ear. "What?" I asked and looked around me. "Keep moving Paris's gang is storming to! What the hell is going on! Kian get me a member of Paris's gang I need answers" he ordered and I slipped into the door. I walked through the house slowly waiting for Jack to tell me where I was going.

"Paris's gang is storming for money! But it's fine more of a distraction. Head around the corner, there should be a hallway with rooms start checking and keep high alert" he ordered.

I rounded the corner with my gun up. I saw guy down the hall and shot landing a hit right on his forehead making him go limp. I ran quickly down until I got to a door and opened it. "What's in there?" Jack asked and I looked around.

"Storage" I spoke and continued down the hall. I went door to door not reaching anything until I came up to a room that was completely dark with no windows.

"Check it" Jack spoke and I ran my hands across the wall until my fingers ran over a light switch. When the light flicked on I saw nothing but a cellar door in the middle of the room floor. I walked slowly over and leaned down to open it revealing stairs that lead down. Hesitantly I walked down into a dimly light room revealing Sami on the floor with a hand over her stomach and the other limp by her side.

"I found her" I spoke my voice cracking as I stared at her busted lip and forming black eye. "Jake?" She spoke somewhat normally and tried to stand up. "Don't" I whispered crunching down.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered my voice low and started at her. "I'm fine what are you doing here?" She asked and I grabbed her hand. "We stormed the place. Paris's gang stormed without us knowing. Jack says is chaos out there" I spoke bringing her hand up to my lips.

"I miss you already" I sighed and she smiled a little. "I'll be back soon I almost have everything" she spoke and I sighed. "You don't have to stay" my voice pleading but she shook her head. "I'm finishing this all the way through" she spoke strongly and I nodded sadly at her.

Before I could speak the stairs creaked behind me and I shot yo pointing my gun to see Justin doing the same to me. "Your an idiot to come back here" he snarled and I smirked at him feeling a weird confidence come over me.

"Am I? Because it seems to me I know a lot more about you than you know about me so what an advantage I have" I said strongly and he glared.

"Your with Austin's gang?" He asked and I chuckled. "Maybe. Or, maybe I'm with Paris's gang. You may never know" I said with humor and he growled lowly. He shot his gun by my head making me move quick enough that my ear piece fell out. Me and Justin made eye contact for a second before lunging for it. He got there first holding it to his ear and he smirked.

"I knew Paris wasn't dumb enough to have you on her gang. Austin is an idiot letting members like you come here" he snarled and I laughed. "He's the idiot? Funny. Says the one who has no idea who our other leader is" I laughed and his face fell flat.

"Now I'm going to tell you house this is going to work. I have eyes on you at all times. If I find out you lay another hand on her. I'll kill you I promise you that" I snapped my voice laced with venom. I walked out of the room slowly and he stood there with shock.

When I reached the van Jack called the gang back and we made our way back leaving he fight to The Moonshine gang and the Vipers.

I can't believe I just did that.

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