Chapter 10

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Sami's POV

Walking in I froze as I saw Austin and Jasmine making out on the meeting table.

"What the hell" I yelled making them jump apart and guilt filled their faces. Austin looked panicked for a second. "Jake cheated on you" he rushed out looking guilty as soon as he said it and hurt flashed through my face and I froze.


"Surprise, your home" Jasmine laughed nervously and I stared at Austin not knowing what I was feeling right now. "Oh... " Jasmine spoke and slapped Austin in the back of the head making him groan. "He wasn't supposed to tell you that. Kian talked me and Jake into going to a party and made Jake feel like he wasn't good enough for you or man enough and John Mills got him drunk. And-and... It was an accident. He's been upset since..if that makes a difference" she sighed and I didn't say anything.

When I turned to leave I heard Jasmine sigh and another slap. "Your an idiot Austin!" Jasmine yelled followed by mumbles from Austin.

When I walked into my room I stopped short seeing Jake asleep on my bed with only a towel barely around his waist and his hair looked damp. Damn he's fucking hot. Wait stop Sami your mad at him. You hate him. Right?

I set my suitcase down by the door and took off my jacket laying it on the chair by my desk. I sat next to him on the bed and looked at his sleeping form, frowning. Why would he cheat on me with some skank at a party. Is he upset about me going with Justin? Does he not really like me and I read him wrong all these years?

I felt my eyes fill with tears and I sighed. Closing my eyes slowly I pushed back the tears but one fell down on my cheek as I wiped it away more fell and I found myself crying for the first time since Jim and Karen were murdered.

Jake's breathing changed and I knew he was awake but I didn't open my eyes and just let the tears fall. "Sami? What's wrong?" Jakes voice rang through the room. "Is it true?" I asked my voice shaking and I felt him tense before he sighed sadly.

"Who told you" he whispered and I shook my head. "Is it true?" I asked finally looking at him and he nodded slowly and pain was written all over his face. "That's all I needed to know" I sighed and stood up from the bed. Before I could walk away Jake grabbed my wrist and tugged me on top of him and then flipped me over so he was looking down at me and I saw his towel slip off his waist.

A blush filled my cheeks but I shook it off looking up at Jake with a frown. "Please don't walk away from me" he whispered and searched my eyes with sadness prominent in his eyes. "Why?" I whispered and he looked hopeful for a second probably because I wasn't pushing him away yet.

"I was drunk, which is no excuse. I don't remember much of anything all I remember is John Mills making me play these dumb party games that I was no good at and then waking up next to a naked girl that wasn't you and hating myself everyday because of it" his words made me feel a little better but I was still mad.

"Who was it?" I asked wanting to know what bitch slept with my boyfriend. "Uh...Trish Moran" he whispered and my jaw clenched. I flipped him over straddling his stomach and pinned his hands above his head.

"You cheated on me with the fucking school pothead" I growled and he looked nervous. He nodded slowly and I slammed my lips to his. "Your an asshole" I growled and I kissed him harder. "I know" He mumbled pulling my shirt above my head making our lips I disconnect for a second.

*Um this might be PG-13 or more ;)*

As my hands ran through his hair he unbuckled my pants making me lift up slightly so he could push them past my waist I helped him take them off throwing them to the floor leaving me in my black lace underwear and bra.

"Your so sexy" he groaned rubbing his hands up and down my sides. I could feel him growing making me smirk and move my hair to the side as I reached back and unclasped my bra. As it fell down my arms were around Jake's neck and his eyes turned dark with lust and I threw my bra on the floor.

Jake lifted up slightly grabbing one of my nipples in between his teeth making me moan and grip his shoulders. He smiled slightly and licked my nipple with his tongue bitting down harder making me hiss. He moved to assault the other and I rotated my hips on his hard on making him moan.

His head fell back onto the pillow as my hips moved faster and his hands slid down to grab my hips. "If you don't stop I won't last much longer" he growled but I moved my hips faster and his head fell back as he panted. As he came closer to his peak be flipped me over and pinned my hands above my head.

His eyes were black by now and my core pounded with desire. "You get to be in charge everywhere else but here it's my turn" he whispered in my ear and trailed his lips to my neck until he reached the spot that made my breathing hitch. "O-okay" I stuttered whimpering slightly as he sucked hard onto my neck. I never seen him like this before...I kinda like it.

His lips traveled down my chest and stomach stopping at my underwear to look up at me. I nodded slowly and he slid my black thong down my legs and propped my feet up on the bed. His fingers ran through my folds making me whimper at his touch and he slammed two fingers in with no warning making me gasp loudly and fist the sheets. "Holy fuck Jake! Don't stop please" I moaned as he slid his fingers fast into me.

He added in a third finger making me squirm as my eyes rolled into the he back of my head. He pulled his fingers out making me whine but his tip was at my entrance before I could complain.

"Are you still on the pill?" He asked and I nodded making him slowly push into me. Hissing I dragged my finger nails down his back and wrapped my legs around his waist. When he was all the way in he stopped for me to adjust.

Nodding to him to continue he slid half way out of me before pushing back in. He connected our lips and kept his same slow pace irritating me. "Go fucking faster" I groaned out but he just smirked at me and slowed down.

"Say please" he taunted in my ear making me frustrated but excited me on no end. I smirked back at him flipping us over so I was riding him and I slammed myself onto him. "Holy!" Jake cried out and he bent his knees to slam up into me as I came down. "So fucking tight" he growled and my stomach did flips as he cursed. "Fuck me hard Jake" I whispered to him and he growled flipping us back over for what seemed to be the 100th time tonight.

He grabbed my waist and slammed into my g-spot hard making me scream out. I scratched my fingers down his back harder. He set a punishing pace making me see stars as my peak came closer.

"I'm gonna cum" I panted gripping his shoulders as his lips trailed down my neck. "Me to baby" he groaned and sped up. One more trust onto my g-spot and I came harder moaning loudly as he filled me up still thrusting slowly.

When we both came down from our highs he pulled out of me and rolled over. "Damn" he panted and I laughed loudly rolling over to peck his lips.

"Round two in the shower?"

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