Chapter 36

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Shawn's POV

I carried a heavy box into the living room. It's Christmas Eve and Sami decided she wanted to decorate. For one day. But I've come to learn that she has killer puppy dog eyes and gets pretty much what ever she wants.

So here we are decorating the whole house while Christmas music played. Jake walked up dropping a box next to me with a sigh. "What's with Sami and Christmas?" I asked and he shrugged. "At the last thing Austin and her did with Jim and Karen before they died so every year she makes it her mission to bring it to the house" Jack answered.

"Can you explain why the four of us are here while Sami, Austin, and Jasmine are at the mall?" Kian asked pulling stockings out of a box. "They're gift shopping and then we'll go and they'll do the outside decorations" Jack answered.

"You really do have all the answers don't you?" I asked and he smiled. "It's my job now stop standing around and let's go" Jack ordered pulling a long strand of lights out of a box and walking to hang them up by the stairs.

I'd never really seen this side of Sami and Austin. They seemed like the average asshole gang leaders but not exactly. Yah their assholes but their funny and seem to care for the people close to them.

"Hey Shawn can you pull your head out of your ass you've been standing their starring into space for 5 minutes idiot let's go" Jack snapped making me jump slightly. I looked around seeing Kian and Jake smirking at me as the hulled an obnoxiously large Christmas tree through the door.

"Sorry" I shrugged walking over to help with the tree. This place is actually pretty dope.

Sami's POV
I let Austin drive my car because I didn't wasn't in the mood and he takes any chance he gets to drive my car. Jasmine was sitting in the back will I road shotgun. "Can you slow down your already a shitty driver and if you crash my car Austin I swear to god I'll kill you" I snapped.

He was going 80 in a 45 with to many cars around. "He groaned slowing down and switching lanes. "Austin you just cut that guy off" I groaned listening to the annoying honking from behind us.

"So?" He questioned and I heard the car speed up tot he side of us. My window was down so his yelling was loud and clear. "Hey asshole how about you learn how to fucking drive you prick" he screamed which Austin returned with the middle finger.

"Oh your a tough guy huh how about you pull over bitch you won't do shit" he yelled and my eyes rolled as I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him through the window.

His tires screeched as he came to a stop and Austin and I laughed. (I love this video if you haven't seen it you should) "Are you crazy what if he calls the cops!!" Jasmine yelled and I shrugged.

"The licenses plate on the back of fake we'll be fine" I shrugged and we continued on to the mall. Jake wanted to come with but he'd see his present so I took Jasmine and Austin. The rest are going later while we decorate outside but we only have so many hours of daylight so we have to hurry. Hence why it's currently 7 in the morning.

Austin whipped into a parking spot making me glair. "Don't fuck with my car asshole this shit is expensive" I growled making his eyes roll. "So I'm shopping without you two because I know for a fact neither of you can keep a secret so we meet at the car at 8 no later" I ordered making Austins eyes roll but nod before I hurried off into the mall.

I love Christmas.

Austin's POV

Jasmine and I made our way through the store picking up present for everyone. I decided to get Jake a book called "How Not to be a Fucking Nerd" despite Jasmine telling me not to.

I got Jack a new wifi router, Shawn a black t-shirt to match his others, and Sami another gun holster. Yes I know my gift are bad but that's what I'm know for and Sami and Jack don't expect anything better.

Jasmine got everyone matching sweaters saying it's what she did every year. "So what are you getting me for Christmas?" I asked sweetly and she looked at me humorously. "You really think I'd tell you? Find out tomorrow" she laughed and I pouted.

"Well I can't really get your gift without you so come on" I smiled pulling her into K jeweler. "Why are we in here?" She asked as we walked up to the counter. "Well I was thinking that I'm not planning on being with any other girl out there so why not make you permanently mine" I answered and she looked at me in shock.

"What are you saying?" She asked and I smiled. "I'm not exactly a romantic but will you marry me?" I asked and she squealed hugging me. "Yes of course" she spoke quickly kissing me.

I just proposed.

Sami's POV

I hunted through the stores looking for a present for Jake. I have already got everyone else a gift and I couldn't find one for him I've been in every store in this whole damn place. I already have a pretty nice car being shipped in but it won't be here for a week and I want to get him something for tomorrow.

"Hey miss we have a sale do you want to come in and look around" a sales person called making me turn to tell her no before I saw the store she worked at. I stared for a second weighing my options before nodding.

"Awesome welcome to Victoria's Secret"


Kian's POV

I woke up with a jolt as a hand slapped me hard in the face and Jack's laugh rang through my room. "Dude what the hell" I whined cupping my cheek. "Wake up its Christmas!!" He yelled running out of my room.

I dragged myself out of bed and down stairs where the huge Christmas tree stood. We finished decorating around 6 yesterday and spent the rest of the night wrapping presents which were all set around the tree.

Everyone was awake and dressed already. "Why are you up and ready it's so early" I asked with a yawn and Sami's eyes rolled. "It's 9 and we'e going to Church in two hours" she answered and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Church? You do remember you kill people right?" I asked and Austin laughed. "Well yah but we're already basically damned to hell so we might as well try to get in right?" Austin asked nodding to Sami.

"You can't cheat your way in to heaven idiot" I scoffed sitting on the couch. "You don't know that" Sami argued and Jack and Austin nodded in agreement while Jasmine and Jake looked at them with the same level of mystification.

"Let's just open gifts" Jasmine smiled and we sat around the tree passing gifts around no one shocked that Austin didn't get me a gift. Jasmine returned with her horrible ugly matching sweaters which we all 'promised' to wear tomorrow.

Sami gave Jake a box telling him to open it later which we all knew what that meant. "We leave in 10 so Kian get dressed" Sami yelled as I ran to the stairs.

Jake's POV

There was a knock at the door which Sami went to get. "Wait it's here? It wasn't supposed to be here until Tuesday!!" Sami yelled turning around. "Jake your actually presents here" she yelled and I got instantly excited. I walked out side my mouth hanging open as I saw silver Lamborghini Veneno sitting on the driveway.

"So I get a 22 caliber and you get him a 4.5 million dollar car?" Austin whined clearly pouting. I ran up to Sami wrapping my hands around her waist as I spun her around. "Your amazing" I smiled kissing her.

"Merry Christmas princess"

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