Chapter 35

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Jake's POV
I stared into the mirror my heart racing as I fumbled to fix my tie. Any other day I could put this on with ease but something's different about today. Oh yeah, I'm about to marry the girl of my dreams.

"What are you doing?" Jasmine asked walking over to me. She smacked my hands away and retied my black tie. Sami wanted to wear black so I'm wearing white. Not really a surprise, I was expecting it ( yes I know he's wearing black in the picture but that's whatever).

"Have you seen Sami?" I asked as she patted the tie down. "Yeah she looks gorgeous. She complained for a while about having to wear a dress but she got over it" she replied and I laughed.

"She walks out in 5 so get it together and go get married" I smiled kissing my cheek and leaving the room. I looked myself over once more before walking out of the room.

A few of the gang members were here. We decided to get married in the front of one the gang owned buildings. The gang members kids went to school here and their was a nice garden area. I always picture getting married to Sami by a beach or something but I'd take this over the living room that Austin though would be a perfect place.

I stood in front of Jack who insisted that he'd ordain the wedding. He was wearing an obnoxious blue suit but I didn't really mind.

Here we go.

Sami's POV

I flattened down the sides of the dress. I didn't really like it but Austin said I could wear my leather jacket to dinner so I complied. "You know it's still acceptable for you run I won't judge" Austins voice came from the couch and I glared at him through the mirror. He was laying on a couch in a simple grey suit.

"Stop" I warned and he sighed. "What happened to we'll grow old being badass gang leaders with no one in our way?" He sat up from the couch and looked at me in the eyes through the mirror. "Do you know how many problems this could cause? And what if you get pregnant? You want to raise a kid in this life?", worry was the only emotion on his face as he rambled.

I turned around finally looking at him and placed my hands on his cheeks. "I'm not going anywhere and I'm for sure not having kids. Stop worrying about me and be a good best friend and walk me down the isle" I whispered and he frowned up at me.

"Your acting like a actual girl it's ridiculous" he scoffed and I laughed. "I should get one day right. Don't worry tomorrow I'll be back to being a badass" I winked and he stood up holding out his arm for me to grab.

"You know he asked me if he could marry you" Austin spoke and I smiled. "He obviously didn't listen because I said no but whatever" he shrugged and I laughed. "Good" I shrugged and we made it to the door I was supposed to walk down.

Jasmine walked out first giving me a smile. Austin gave me on last look before started the short walk up to Jake. Jake had a watery expression his smile wide and tear in his eyes. Jack behind him gave me a cheesy grin before strightening his white and black striped bow tie.

When we finally reached Jake, Austin held his hand out for Jake to shake. Surprisingly Austin didn't crush his hand just gave him a firm hand shake before kissing my cheek and siting down in the front.

Jake looked at me and I knew this was worth it. Yes maybe weddings aren't my thing and I would much rather of just signed a paper but this is for him. I don't want to strip away all of his norm just because I don't particularly like it.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate a wedding between two opposites. Light and Dark. Good and Evil. Salt and Pepper. Ketchup and Mus-" I elbowed jack really hard in the ribs making him groan but stop his annoying speech.

"The two have written vows I assume which they will read now" Jack glared stepping away from us. Jake went first giving me a cheesy smile before starting.

"I can't say I was expecting this. I'm about to marry the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and a pretty badass gang leader. I didn't plan for my life to go this way but I'd much rather be here with you. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he finished his speech and I smiled.

"Well I'm not one for spilling emotions so I'll keep this short" I stared awkwardly and he laughed. "But I will say that Jack not to long ago told me I was going soft. And any gang member or leader will tell you that's a shot to the heart but as I thought about it I kind of am. But only for you and I really just want you to know that" I finished with and awkward rock but he his smile was huge.

"Jack hurry up and finish so I can kiss her" Jake spoke and I laughed. "Of course" Jack nodded taking the rings out of his pocket. "By the power invested in my by some website" he paused handing us the rings. "If you two take each other to be your lovely wedded wife and spouse which I'm assuming or then we wouldn't be here" he rambled as we slid each other's rings on.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" Jack finished and didn't waste anytime before kissing me passionately.

When he pulled back he didn't give me a chance to say anything before he swept me up wedding style and carried me to the car. I could help but laugh wrapping my arms around his neck.

I just got married.

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