Chapter 39

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Austin's POV
All the air left my lungs as the bullet flew through my stomach. I stumbled to the ground grabbing my stomach hearing Sami scream and I watch another bucket fly through the embers head.

She ran over to me skidding to her her knees in front of me repeat the words no over and over in a mumble. "I-I g-got shot" I mumbled slightly chocking on blood. "I know I know don't talk your making it worse" she rushed ripping her leather jacket into piece to tie around my stomach.

"I know your hurt but we have to move, we can't stay here" she rushed out lifting me up from the floor all my weight leaning against her. The forest around us ran for miles and thought of walking all that way made me exhausted.

My eyes closed slowly and I saw nothing but black.

"Austin. Austin!" Sami's voice rang through my head in an echo. "Please Austin wake up" she pleaded with me before an eye opening smack landed on my face.

My eyes shot open seeing we were out of the forest and by an abandoned road except for a box truck a couple yards away. "I got us a car ok? We just have to get over there but I need you to keep your eyes open for me" her voice was soft but broken as she lifted me up.

We limped over to the car my eyes seeing an dead truck driver on the side of the road. She lifted me into the passenger seat tightening the jacket around my wound before running over to the driver seat.

When she pulled off the side of the road the radio came on with police news. "Be on the look out for a Caucasian female around 5'7 brown hair brown eyes and a Mexican male around 5'11 brown hair brown eyes" I scoffed out a laugh at the Mexican guess but groaned right after.

"Fuck! We can't take you to a hospital now. Dammit!" Sami yelled smacking her hands on the wheel. "We'll just drove as far as we can maybe hit another state and then take you to a hospital but you have to stay awake understand" she asked and I nodded sleepily not being able to help when I fell asleep again.

I woke up slowly seeing Sami look nervous. "What's wrong" I croaked softly and her head shook looking towards the dark road. "Don't worry about it" she shrugged but she check the monitor in front of the wheel again.

"We're almost out of gas aren't we?" I asked knowing we couldn't pull over to get more because the cameras would spot us telling the Feds exactly where we were. "Yeah just sleep but don't go into the light ok" she spoke giving me a soft smile through the pain on her face.

"Ok" I replied letting myself fall asleep once again.

"Austin we have to go" Sami yelled making my eyes heavily open. "The trucks out of gas. It just had to run out on a city street! We have to walk try to find another car but we can't stay here. Can you hear the sirens too. Their close we have to hurry" she rushed out he voice sounding rushed as she helped me out of the truck.

We moved slowly down the street pain ripping through me with every step and I knew I wasn't going to make it much longer. "Sami" I groaned but she didn't answer and continued to pull me down the street.

"Sami!" I tried to say louder but a groan followed it. "Don't hurt yourself" she rushed moving us into an ally way and laying me down. "Do you need a break? I can't promise it with be long we still have to move" she rushed brushing some hair out of my face.

"Sami I'm going to die" I chocked out and she shook her head. "No your going to be fine Austin" she rushed out and my head shook. "No I'm Not but I need you to tell them everyone you have to find them and tell them" I spoke softly. "Tell them what?" She asks reads in her eyes.

"Jasmine that I love her. And jack that he was my best friend. Tell Jake he's not such a bad guy okay?" I asked and she nodded a tear falling down her cheek. "Make sure Kian knows" I coughed and her eyebrows furrowed. "Knows what?" She asked and I coughed again. "That I still hate him" I answered making her laugh sadly but nod.

"I need you to do me a favor Sami" I asked and she nodded for me to go on. "I don't want to die because of an amateur little boy, I need you to kill me before my wound does" I asked and her eyes widened and her head immediately shook.

"No! I can't. You can't ask me to do that" she rambled and my hand went up to grab hers. "Sami I love you, your the most important person in my life and I need you to do this for me please" I asked again and tears were now streaming down her face.

She pulled a gun from her belt and raised it to the side of my head. "I-I can't" she chocked out and I nodded. "You can. Jut do it please" I pleaded.

Her fingers shook on the trigger and she closed her eyes before squeezing and everything went black one last time.

Sami's POV  
The sound of the gun shot rang off the walls and a chocked sob left my lips and I heard the sirens get closer. I have to go but I can't I won't let myself leave him.

"Sami!" Shawn voice rang from behind me but I didn't move. "Sami their close they we have to go now" he yelled before I heard a car door slam and his eyes wrapped around my waist before he pulled me off of Austin and towards the car.

I slid into the passenger seat wiping the tears from my eyes. Shawn reached over to his backpack pulling out a red flannels of Jake's. "I think he left this for you I found it when I went back to help you fight. We won there isn't many of us left but they won" he spoke softly handing me Jake's flannel with a soft smile before taking off down the street.

Austins dead.

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