Chapter 31

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Austin's POV

Sami, Jack, and I stood around the arena starring at the trainees who looked like they were about to crap themselves. "This is my favorite night for sure I love initiation"Jack smiled putting his bat on his shoulder.

"I cant believe you two use bats it seems a little childish to me you cant cause real pain with only your hands?" Sami taunted and I scoffed. "Please girls couldn't handle the bat" I argued and her eyebrows raised.

"Wanna bet?' She dared and I smirked flipping my bat around in my hand. "Aw sweetheart I don't want to hurt you" I smirked and she laughed. "Your already assuming that you'll land a hit" she smirked and it was my turn to laugh.

"Your over confidence is amusing" I taunted and we circled each other while Jack stood by looking extremely amused.

Jack's POV
I watched as Sami and Austin circling each other Austins twirling his bat in his hand. Jake and Jasmine came over looking confused but didn't ask. Austin took his first swing aiming for the head and Sami ducked just in time coming up with a look of shock.

"You almost hit me in the head that could kill me" she yelled looking extremely pissed. "I thought you were confident in your abilities" he smirked and she glared doing a kick flip for his face that barely missed.

"You've been training trying to be a better fighter than me might as well give up I've been better since we were 10" Sami smirked knowing she was hitting Austin at a weak spot.

"If I remember correctly you got a yellow mark during training. Do you remember what I got Austin?' She taunted and he growled swinging for her feet but she jumped over the bat with a smirk.

"What did Sami get" Jake asked and i answered without looking at him not wanting to look away from the two fighting like children. "She got a black mark' I commented sighing as he asked more questions.

"What is that? I don't remember it being one of the options on training" he questioned ands I nodded. ''Its the highest level of fighting skills possible. Sami was the last person to ever get it so we just didn't continue to use it'' is shrugged hoping he would shut up watching Sami duck from another swing to her head.

"But Sami said she was knocked unconscious at her initiation if she was so good why didn't she fight back" he questioned and I sighed. ''She did fight back but she was 10 against a bunch of adults and no one told her the go after the fighters" i shrugged and he nodded not asking any more questions.

Austin tried to land a hit multiple times coming up unsuccessful before he pulled something dirty. He swing the bat making Sami duck again while his foot came up and hit her right in the stitches.

She let out a yell of pain and blood started to come through her shirt. But Austin dint stop he sweep her legs with the bat making her fall on her back and he went to come down on her stomach but she moved pout of the way grabbing the bat and pulling him down to the floor.

She ripped the bat from his hand and straddled his waist throwing hard punches at his face until i dragged her off of him. "Bitch!" He groaned spitting out bloodiness the ground. "Oh my bad you have a mouthful of blood how about eh copious amounts of blood seeping through my shirt asshole" she seethed and he rolled his eyes. She pulled herself away from me sticking her hand out to help Austin up.

'You're helping me sow these back together" she demanded and he scoffed but nodded the two of the making there way towards the house. "How are they just cool after that? I don't understand they were trying to kill each other ten seconds ago" Jasmine asked and I laughed.

"They're best friends if anything happened to the other they'd be heartbroken whether it seems like it or not they care for each other" I shrugged Jake and Jasmine giving each other a weird look before shrugging and walking down to join the rest of the trainees.

Austin and Sami returned, sami wearing a new shirt and Austins face clear of blood. "You guys ready?" I asked and they nodded.

It's show time.

Sami's POV

I looked down at the 8 male trainees surrounded by ten of the male trainees Austin and Jack still supporting their bats. "Alright ladies the rules are simple my men have 15 minutes to beat the living hell out of you. If you run you out of the gang. If you die to bad. Oh and trainees you should definitely try fighting back" i smirked picking up my gun.

"On the shot! 1,2,3" I counted down shooting the gun in the air watching as Jack and Austin went first taking the bat to the trainees on their side legs.

I keep my eyes on Jake seeing Christian, on of the drug dealers, land a punch on his check making him stumble but stay on his feet. Christian swing again but Jake ducked making my groan. Even dogging is a no go they assume your fighting back and more will gang up on him.

As if my words were magic Omar, a trainee recruiter, swing at Jake too but missed as Jake ducked again. The two members went to swing agin one on each side of Jake and hit each other as Jake ducked on last time.

The two members stumbled from the others punch before falling. I laughed watching as Jake stood there in shock at the two unconscious gang members in front of him.

Before he could even start to celebrate he ran into much larger problem then two gang members. Carl. Carl is a larger guy standing at 6'9 and definitely not skinny. I don't know what his problem is maybe he doesn't get enough action as a big guy but he is extremely touchy.

He walked up to Jake grabbing his jewels and squeezing making Jake yell in pain. My eyes widened in shook and i yelled Carls name. "CARL!' I screamed but he didn't hear me continuing his assault. "CARL!" I yelled agin making him turn and look at me.

I simply motioned him to come over with my finger and he dropped Jake walking over to me. "Carl stop man handling my boyfriend or any trainee for that matter you can throw first not grab junk get it" I asked and he nodded running back to the brawl.

Austin was beating up four members with Jack by his side. I saw pretty boy, Cameron, throw a punch back missing and getting knocked on his ass by two member reviving multiple hits as he covered his face.

"Stupid" I scoffed looking at my timer seeing its been 18 minutes. Whoops my bad. I shot the gun in the air again watching the fighting slow down and the trainees limped away or pulled other unconscious members off the arena.

Jake walked over to me still limping his hand holding his goods and blood rushing down his face. "Aw my poor baby" I gushed making him pout slightly and kissing me. "Ew you taste like blood" I laughed wiping my lips.

"When are you up?'' He asked. "Right now are you going to stay and watch me kick ass'' I asked and he nodded. ''Of course kick ass babe'' he smiled kissing my check and I made my way towards the arena full of frightened trainees not excluding Jasmine.

"Alright ladies same rules apply oh and good luck trust me your going to need it" Austin laughed shooting the gun in the air and I immediately went for the girl in front of me throwing a punch straight to her cheek laughing as she fell to the floor limp.

I went to the next the other members taking down the others until only one trainee was left standing. Jasmine. The other members made a move for her but i stopped them signaling them to stand back.

"Give me all you got Jazz" I smirked throwing a fist that connected with her check making her stumble. "Come on Jazz fight back" I yelled seeing Austin give me a pleading look but didn't care at the moment.

She nodded catching her balance putting her hands in front of her face. I threw another punch at her face that she blocked making me smile and throw another.

I threw punches for a while nodding as she blocked them. I realized my time was almost up and couldn't let Austin win the points for most unconscious he got 6 since he got to include the two members that knocked each other out and at the moment I only had 5. I spun kicking in the air my foot crossing Jasmines face and she fell unconscious to the floor.

I was tied but that's not good enough for me so I spun around hitting one of my members underneath her chin watching as her eyes rolled up and she fell limp to the ground. As I turned to knock out another one Austin shot the gun my time running out.

The members helped the trainees off the arena and Austin ran over sweeping Jasmine up. "Dammit Sami shes out cold" he groaned walking back towards the house followed by Jack, Jake and I.

I love initiation days.

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