Chapter 8

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Jake's POV
I stripped my shirt off not being able to stand the heat in the room. "No time trainee let's go gloves up" Austin snapped and my eyes rolled as I put my boxing gloves up again to cover my face a little.

"Now you have to cover up your face, that's good but it leaves your whole torso exposed elbows in and arms ready to block" Austin called and I moved my elbows. He lunged moving fast and a fist going for my face, the other for my stomach. My arms flew fast blocking both and then going for a face shot on Austin.

He blocked the shot and continued to swing aiming for my ribs and neck. we fought for what seemed like hours until I tapped out not being able to breath any longer. "Aw come on we were just starting the fun" Austin laughed as I gulped down water.

"Sports not my thing" I panted and he chuckled. "I had no idea" he smirked and I shrugged bringing my water to my lips. "30 more minutes and then we'll work on shooting" he spoke and I nodded putting my gloves back on.

When we were done fighting sweat dropped from my body and he sent me off to shower. On my way there Jasmine stopped me and her hand made contact with my cheek.

"What the heck" I screamed and held my cheek but anger filled her eyes. "How dare you cheat on Sami you freaking fruit low life son of a ugh I have no words to fracking describe how much of a pig you are! She trusted you and you slept with some, some WHORE. You disgust me" she screamed and stomped down the hallway.

Great another reminder of the asshole I am. I sighed and walked into my room. I stared at myself in the mirror for a minute before stripping my clothes. Why am I such an idiot.

Jacks POV
Where the hell is my trainee? This mother fucker won't answer his God damn phone and I've been waiting for two hours. I growled and put my phone to my ear just to have it send me straight to voicemail.

I growled again and went to my computer to track Kian's phone before I could start typing the dumbass himself came strolling in not having a damn care in the world.

"Where the fuck have you been?!? Training started two damn hours ago!" I growled and he shrugged. "Dude chill the hell out I'm having such a fucking hangover." he scoffed and I growled. I stood up from my seat and walked up to him. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are but if you don't pull your head out of your fucking ass we'll have a problem" I growled put and he chuckled.

"Please dude your like 2 inches tall" he laughed and I grabbed his arm flipping him fast and made him land on his stomach on the ground. I pinned his arm behind his back and pulled him up. "Listen asshole I'm in charge here, understand? You do what I say and you keep your fucking mouth shut. This isn't high school and if I need to get your annoying ass killed. Don't think I won't because right now it's not seeming like such a bad idea. I'm in charge not you" I snapped and shoved him to the floor.

"Now get up we have work to do"

Jasmine's POV
Freaking Jake. How could he do such a thing to Sami she really likes him and now she's going to be so upset. I was on my way to shooting practice with Austin and I'm kind of excited. I wish that he wouldn't care so much about what Sami thought she'll understand. Right?

I walked into the shooting range seeing Austin on his phone without a shirt making me bite my lip subconsciously. I coughed a little to get his attention and his head snapped up for his eyes to meet mine. "Jasmine" he smiled and I smiled back shyly walking up to him. He didn't say anything he just connected his lips to mine surprising me.

I stood there for a second before I kissed him back with a smile on my lips. "Really so your kissing each other behind Sami's back but make me feel bad any chance you get." Jakes voice rang through the room making me pull back and my eyes widen.

"It's different" I defended and he gave me a pointed look. "You sleep with another chick dude you have a chance to regain yourself" Austin scoffed and hurt took over his face. "You really think so?" He whispered and I frowned feeling sorry for my friend. "He doesn't mean that Jake, you guys will be able to work it out" I assured him and he smiled slightly.

"There it is again! How do you do it?" Austin asked and I looked confused. "Do what?" I asked and he looked at me. "He can make anyone feel bad for him even me and I hate him" he scoffed and Jake rolled his eyes.

"That's not a nice word... how about strongly dislike?" I said and his eyebrows furrowed. "What's the difference" he argued and I just pouted my lips making him smile. "Fine I strongly dislike him" he said making me smile. "Thank you"

"Are you guys done?" Jake's voice broke our little moment making me glare at him. "Can we just shoot now?" He asked ignoring my glare and Austin nodded. "Grab a gun"

After we shot for an hour or so we we're done with training for the day and Jake looked drained. He's been training all day and I know for a fact Austin didn't go easy on him. "Guys go to the meeting room I'll meet you there" Austin called answering his phone.

Jake and I walked to the meeting room in silence. I'm still mad at my dumb friend but when we walked into the room I saw Jack siting next to Kian, he had a black eye and Jack looked pissed off.

"Woah Kian what happened to you face?" Jake asked and he growled shaking his head. Jake dropped it and we sat down at the table waiting for Austin. He walked in a couple minutes later and didn't look fazed when he saw Kian's face.

"Trainee got smart with you Jack?" He smirked and Jack nodded. "Yep hopefully now he'll learn to shut his fucking mouth" Jack replied and Kian huffed. I laughed a little and Austin smiled at me.

"Anyways I just got off the phone with Sami" Austin spoke and all of our heads snapped over to him. "What'd she say" Jake asked and Austin sighed. "Justin asked her to stay with him yesterday and she moved in today. Communication with her will be limited and she doesn't know much yet but he has told her he's in a gang. She doesn't know when she'll be able to visit or give us information" he finished and we sat in silence for a little.

"Alright nothing we can do with that but when she comes  back we'll send her with bugs. Anyways the real reason we're here is that we're bringing you two with us on a little business trip" Jack spoke and Jake's and my eyes widened.

"What about me?" Kian whined and Jack scoffed. "You were going to go but you showed up 2 hours late and made me punch you in the face because your a dumbass.. so no I don't bring children on my trips get it" Jack snapped and Kian nodded looking pissed.

"Good now let's get to work." Austin smiled.

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