Chapter 22

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Jasmine's POV
I stared at myself in the mirror in my bathroom looking at the outfit that Austin thought was sexy on me. So why not wear something sexy just to make him jealous. As I was waiting for 7 o'clock to come. I was thinking on how I'm about to go on a date with a guy I barely knew and only just to spite my boyfriend.

I'm such a horrible person but it's not my fault he's the one who started it calling me whore besides its not like I'm cheating on him right?. He just makes me so mad.

He's supposed to care when I'm upset and not upset me by calling me a whore. Yeah I was flirting with Cameron but he's tall and handsome and nice and Austin lacks in the nice department but damn he has me falling for him so hard.

And what was I expecting getting involved with a gang leader. I'm so stupid! I can't believe I was going to do this. I began to change until I heard Sami and Jack talking outside my door. "Where's Austin?' Sami's voice came and I paused in my motion to listen.

"Where does he go when he gets pissed obviously he's with Mandy". Jack asked rhetorically laughing a little. My face fell thinking the worse and tuning out the rest of their conversation. I put my shirt back on walking back into the bathroom checking my lipstick and walking out of the room.

I waited outside for Nate to show. Right as my watched changed to 7 o'clock a car pulled up  and Nate got out jogging around to the passenger side opening the door for me. "Thank you". I smiled sliding into his blue Honda.

"No need to thank me this is what I'm supposed to do and you look so beautiful" he smiled and my mouth hung open a little at how perfect he was being. Why can't Austin just show a little a respect for me like this. On the way to wherever he was taking me he talked.... A lot.

I swear this guy was wonderful but damn I've never met someone who talked so much about themselves. When we finally came to a stop we were parked in front of a small diner called 'Best Lovers'. I waited in the car as Nate ran to open my door and walked with him up to the small diner.

When we were inside we were led to a booth with high walls and I sat facing away from the door. We ordered our drinks and before I could start a conversation he started talking again. I sat in the booth nodding along pretending I was listening to his story but couldn't keep Austin out of my mind for one second.

I know he's not going to be perfect because no one is but I just wish that he would make me feel like he wants me instead of being closed off all the time. I went into a long stream of wishes I had with Austin barely hearing the bell open the door ring signaling someone had come in.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as a familiar voice came from behind me. "Can I get Mandy as my server that would be great". Austin voice from behind me made me wince as I thought of the hot waiter of he were to see me.

I pulled a mirror out of my makeup bag pretending to check my lipstick and watched a little old lady walk up to his table with a smile. "Aw Austin sweetheart how are you I haven't seen you in so long." she smiled making me slowly put my mirror away.

"Yeah sorry Mandy but this girl has kept me sane and happy for a long time." he sighed and my heart picked up. "And what about now dear you come to see me when somethings on your mind what is it now?" She asked and he let out another long sigh.

"I hurt her just like I knew I would and it was because I was jealous of some guy who's taller then me and frankly probably a lot nicer and the thought that he was better for her just tore me apart" he sighed and I gasped slightly not hearing him talk about how he's feeling to anybody before.

"Well sweety if she's really the one for you she'll understand every aspect of you and the problems you have I could imagine it's not easy dating a gang leader am I right?" she spoke and I was surprised that she knew about that.

"Yeah I was so worried she would cheat on me even though I know she would never do anything like that." he spoke and guilt filled me instantly as I came back to the reality that I was sitting across from another guy on a date to spite my boyfriend.

Nate's voice broke into my head again and I felt myself becoming quickly annoyed before I bursted. "CAN YOU SHUT UP! HOLY SHIT YOU HAVEN'T SHUT UP FOR THE PAST HOUR ALL YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT IS YOURSELF AND FRANKLY I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!" I screamed shocking him into a silence. "You know what this date was to  only spite my boyfriend and I'm not interested into breaking his heart only yours." I bit out and he cleared his throat.

"Uh okay we'll have a nice night Jasmine." he spoke sadly and left the restaurant. "Uh I'll take a water Mandy" Austin spoke and I heard her walk away and him get up. I kept my eyes trained on the wall next to me but saw him come around an sit in front of me.

He didn't say anything for a minute before he cleared his throat to speak, "so how was your date?" He asked and I couldn't detect the tone in his voice.

"Uh difficult my date wouldn't stop talking and I  could hear my boyfriend talking about the feelings he apparently has but never shows to me" I spoke turning to look at him. "Yeah I can understand that I was trying to talk to someone about my feeling but this crazy lady behind me started screaming. Really interrupted the whole conversation." he smirked, his eyes full of humor.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile a little. "That's my favorite outfit on you... you look.. Beautiful." He said trailing his eyes to the ground. He looked back at me and I smiled and he smiled back. "I'm sorry" I sighed, "for going on a date with him just to spite you."

"I probably deserved it I was a complete asshole" he shrugged and I stared at him for a second. "Do you want to be with me Austin or are you just playing me because honestly right now I can't tell" I sighed and he looked at me straight in the eyes. 

"I want to be with you Jasmine Hill and however I need to prove that to you I will just tell me how" he spoke his voice sincere and I smiled. "Okay" I nodded and he smirked. "But for now I'm going to take my super hot girlfriend home and take my favorite outfit off of her just to remind her who she wears it for" he winked and shivers ran down my spine.

"I won't object to that." I smiled standing up and pulling a twenty out of my purse leaving it on the table and letting Austin pull me outside to his car. Oh how I love make up sex.

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