Chapter 25

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Sami's POV
"We have to move on with the plan it can still stand if we just kill Paris!" I demanded and Austin shook his head. "Absolutely not do you not remember the last time you killed a gang leader and we lost half of our members" Austin demanded but I didn't care to listen.

"She killed one of us and I know you didn't care about him but I did and your the reason he's dead" I yelled and he laughed. "That asshole was after Jasmine! What was I supposed to do?" He yelled and I scoffed.

"Not send him away! He has been in love with her since 7th grade you've LIKED her for a couple months! Was he just supposed to stop because you got her?" I demanded and his jaw clenched.

"He had it coming if it wasn't Paris it would be someone else" he growled and I laughed. "Your cold dead heart is going to get you killed if I don't do it myself first" I spoke calmly and left the room Jack close behind me and Jake following a little farther away.

"Sami we can't go after Paris, at least not yet were outnumbered and still recovering...let us finish training the second were ready to fight she'll be our first target please just wait" he spoke but I kept walking. "Sami say okay" he ordered but I didn't speak or turn around.

Jacks hand wrapped around my arm pulling me back and spinning me around. "He's dead Jack this is exactly why I didn't want to drag my friends into this. He's dead and its all my fault" I whispered never feeling this sad about someone's death since Jim and Karen.

"It's all of our faults okay? Every single one of us and I want her dead too but not yet we have to rebuild were trying to fight when we're down give us time to get back up" he pleaded and I sighed. "Fine but when I'm done she'll be wishing I just put a bullet in her head" I growled and walked back to the meeting room.


Jake and I walked into the living room seeing Jasmine sprawled out on one couch and Austin sitting on the other. I walked over to sit next to him while Jake threw Jasmine's feet off the couch and sat down. We sat in silence just watching the tv show, I didn't know, until it ended.

Jasmine reached over clicking the tv off and looked at us. "So what's up" She said awkwardly making me laugh. Minutes went by of easy conversation before Austin asked Jasmine a question.

"Jasmine who was your first kiss?" He asked and she though for a second before answering "Nick Marken in 8th grade" she answered and I laughed remembering the boy in our science class who wouldn't shut up. "Yikes who was your Jake" I asked and he answered immediately.

"Hanna Banns in 7th grade, who was yours?" He asked and I frowned knowing I shouldn't of asked. "Uh don't remember" I shook my head and Jakes face scrunched. "You don't remember? That's weird what about you Austin?" He asked and Austin's head shook. "Can't remember either" he spoke shaking his head glancing at me.

"Neither of you remember? That weird your acting like you kissed each other" Jasmine laughed and Austin laughed awkwardly. Making me groan knowing he just blew it. "Are you serious Sami! Him out of all the people him" Jake spoke in shock and I sighed. "It was like 6th grade" I defended but Austin came in to make it worse. "Uh actually 5th grade during winter break in our tree house" he spoke nodding and I turned my head slowly glaring at him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jasmine's voice came in and my eyes rolled. "What its really not that big of a deal" I spoke starting to get annoyed. "You kissed my boyfriend!" She yelled and I groaned. "Neither of us even knew you at the time chill the fuck out!" I spoke muttering 'damn' under my breath.

And to make matters worse Jack walked in. "I feel tension. OH! Did you finally tell them you two lost your virginities to each other?" He asked I closed my eyes for a second before turning to glair at him. "Dude!" Austin spoke and Jacks face turned to a humorous remorse.

"Have a feeling that's not what you were talking about so I'm gonna go" he said awkwardly and turned on his heals to walk out of the room. "Fucking bitch!" Jasmine's voice came and I sighed. "What now again he didn't know you it was sophomore year you were still nonexistent to him" I pointed out.

"Are you serious Sami" Jake asked but I it him off before he could go any further. "You lost your virginity to a whore at a party Jake not to mention while you were dating me" I spoke and he glared but didn't say anything.

"Your such a whore" Jasmine yelled and I finally cracked. "Oh shut the hell up Jasmine if it wasn't for me you'd be the same outcast you've always been and he still wouldn't know your name" I smirked and her jaw clenched before she grabbed Jakes chin and turned his face so she could slam her lips to his.

I raised my eyebrows in amusement and shock before kissing Austin. From the corner of my eye I made eye contact with Jake and when he saw me kissing Austin he kissed Jasmine back.

I could feel Austin's jaw clench as he pulled me into his lap and kissed me harder. "I'm not backing out first" I whispered disconnecting our lips for a second and trailing my lips down his neck. "Of course not" he said his breathing slightly shallow.

I lifted my head to kiss him again smirked on his lips as he lifted me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and he made his was towards the stairs.

Before we could leave the room Jake cracked and stood in front of Austin. "Put her down" he growled and my lips trailed down Austin's neck again so he could talk. "Hm nah I'm good" Austin smirk and his hand purposely moved onto my ass.

"Dude I may not be able to beat you at a fight but I can find a lot of other ways to kill you so I'm only gonna say it one more time put her the fuck down" Jake snarled making me smile a little but still press and kiss to Austin shoulder blade that I'd been purposely avoiding.

When Austin let out a surprised moan and I hopped down myself and looked at Jake who was full on glaring at me. Before any of us said a word Jasmine walked over steam practically pouring out of her ears and she raised her hand slapping me hard across the face.

I was in shock for a second before going to lunge at her being stopped by Austin's arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me back. "I'm going to fucking kill you" I yelled yanking against Austin's arm.

"Come on Sami let's go" Austin spoke pulling me out of the room. When he set me down I glared at him and he sighed. "Are you okay?" He asked and I scoffed. "It didn't hurt she just has some weird conception that she can fucking slap me!" I yelled and he sighed.

"Let's take a walk clear our heads" he offered and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Who are you?" I asked and he laughed pulling me out of the house. He's awesome but his girlfriend is crazy.

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