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Troye's POV.
Hi my name is Troye Sivan I'm a 17 year old gay guy that has a boyfriend and overall a really great life. My boyfriends name is Mathew Eriksson and he is like the nicest person I have ever met. Well I don't know there was this nice kid I used to hang out with when I was younger. I don't remember his name but all I know is I had a HUGE crush on him and at the time I didn't even know if he was gay. I have forgotten all about him because I could tell that he didn't like me. He would always call me his best friend in front of other people and I think I made it pretty obvious that I liked him and wanted us to be more than just friends but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I really shouldn't be thinking about this because I have an amazing boyfriend by my side and I don't even remember who the hell this guy is.

Tyler's POV.
Hi my name is Tyler Oakley and I'm a 17 year old gay guy that's not in a relationship because he has one guy on his mind and he could never get him. That guys name is Troye Sivan. Me and Troye we childhood best friends. We used to spend all our time together. And I had a HUGE crush on him and still do. I knew he didn't like me because I don't know what happened but on the days we were supposed to hang out he would always cancel on me to hang out with his other friends. We slowly started to grow apart and I was always sad bc I was losing my best friend. Whenever my mom would ask me why I was sad I said it was because of bullies. I wasn't going to tell her I was falling in love with my best friend and he was drifting away from me I hadn't even told her I was gay yet. So since I was coming home with so many stories about people "bullying me" my mom decided it was time to move. We moved away and I haven't stopped thinking about Troye since. I have tried dating but I never worked out because I couldn't stop thinking about how it would feel to have Troye on this date with me and not this random guy I know nothing about. I don't know if I'm mad at him or if I miss him. I need to figure it out bc my mom just announced to me that we are moving back and I'm very scared. I don't even know if Troye has moved away but I he hasn't I need to talk to him and confess to him that I love him.

A/N: so hi my name is Jazzmine and this is my story. I know this chapter is really short but it will get better I promise. This is my first story so give me feed back and also comment some things you want to see in this story bc I decided that I was going to write a story last night at like 9:30 so I was still thinking of what to write. I also want to thank _youtube_fanfics_ and my other friend on Instagram (you know who u are) for helping me and supporting me and encouraging me to writ this story so thank u so so much. I don't know how often I'll upload so I'll just say I'll upload when I feel like it but to be honest it may be often because I'm loving where this is going.

So this is the prologue so expect some exciting things to happen. Byeeeeee
~Jazzmine 💗

(643 words)

My social media:
Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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