The Birthday Party (Part 1)

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Troye's POV.

When I sat next to Avah in first period, I saw Tyler walk in. He looked so lonely and kinda sad. He looked at me for a second then he looked even sadder. I had to remember our last encounter in order to realize why he looked way worse than he did when he first walked in. I mouthed 'we need to talk' to him and smiled at him just to let him know it was nothing bad.

Since my birthday is tomorrow (let's just pretend it is), I'm inviting most of my friends to have a movie night at my house so I wanna invite Tyler. I wanna be friends with him again, and possibly if he could ever forgive me, maybe another chance at a relationship with him. I yelled at him the last time we talked. I feel so fucking bad oh my god.

Luckily today our teacher let us work with partners and I convinced Avah to let me work with Tyler. Once I got to the seat next to him he looked shocked but almost relieved.

"Tyler we really need to talk. I'm so sorry about the last time I talked to you. I was just upset. You had sex with my ex, twice. I didn't know what to do but I know I shouldn't have just lashed out on you like that and I'm extremely sorry." He just smiled at me and we hugged.

"So since my birthday is tomorrow I'm inviting all my friends over to my house for a movie night and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"Sure why not. But are we friends again?" He asked in a hopeful tone.

"Tyler, yes we're friends and we'll always be friends. I just don't want what was said to come between us and fuck up everything again." I smiled at him then the bell rung and we went to second period. We sat together and talked during every period since we share every period together.

Then we all went home. I planned to ask Tyler to be my boyfriend again at the party. Hopefully this works out.

*****Time Skip to the next day*****

I woke up to my mom giving me breakfast in bed. She gave me pancakes bacon and eggs and a candle was stuck inside the pancakes.

"Happy 17th birthday Troye. I love you" my mom said and then left the room I ate my breakfast and got ready for school.

I'm obsessed with Melanie Martinez so I wore my Crybaby shirt with black jeans and my black high tops.

When I got to school I saw Avah with balloons and she came up to give me a hug.

When we went to first period I saw Tyler. I thought he'd have a gift for me but I guess he didn't.

"Happy birthday Troye." He said with a smile.

"Thanks Tyler" I smiled back at him and we started class. The rest of the day went smoothly. I told everyone to be at my house around 7. When I got home I started getting stuff ready. I picked Frozen and Divergent and more as our choices of movies to watch.

Soon people started getting here. The first person to get here was in fact Tyler so he helped me get all the things I didn't do ready. As soon as everyone got here I turned on some music for us to dance to. Soon after that my mom bought me a cake a left it in the fridge. (My mom left the house so we could be alone and have a good time without someone looking after us.) We sang Happy birthday to me and I had them pick which movie they wanted to watch first and all of them said Frozen so I played Frozen.

I sat next to Tyler and hugged his waist and put my head on his shoulder. I didn't realize how couple like this looked, it was just comfortable to me. Tyler had no problem with it. In fact, he encouraged me to stay there by rubbing my arm and every once in a while, he'd kiss my forehead. We were in the moment and it was basically like none of the bad things that has happened to us was there anymore. We were just Troye and Tyler as a couple like we were before Mathew came into this. I moved away to actually see his face. When I did he whined softly.

"Awwe don't be such a baby, I was just moving so I could see your face" I said and poked his nose. Now that our faces were close I just thought might as well just do it since he's right there. So I kissed him and he kissed me. But soon it turned into something a little more so we just decided to go to my room.

When we got in there I did something I wanted to do since I talked to him again.

"Tyler I have a question."

"Yeah? What is it?" He said breathing heavily.

"Will you be my boyfriend again?"

A/n: Hahaha cliffhanger!! I only did this because I wanted to upload something for the Troyler Kissaversary. Also I'm so sorry I haven't updated in almost a month I've just been very lazy 😂 but in the next chapter I'm doing something I've never done before so get excited for that. It'll be up in about a day or two. Also I wanna thank troylxr  for the idea to have a movie night type thing. Thanks Avah 😘 So that's it for now. Hopefully I can update soon if my plan for the next chapter works out but yeah I'll see you on the next chapter for my surprise :)) 😂 BYEEE 💜
-Jazz 💘

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Instagram: fairysivan

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