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A redheaded male strided along the pristine hallways of the school, heterochromatic eyes gazing ahead. He had just finished attending a meeting regarding the student council and was on his way to the classroom to gather his things then go home.

That was the intended plan.

He sighed and was about to slide the door open when a moan reached his ears.

"Ahhh...that..feels good..." A voice panted followed by what seemed to be a scoff and another voice.

"..I barely did anything, you submissive little dog."

Akashi was beyond appalled. This was a prominent elite school for highly cultured individuals with a massive reputation to uphold, not a love hotel for hormonal teenagers who want to get into each other's pants.

He slid the door open with a little force than necessary and was greeted by the sight of a (h/c) haired female hovering over a guy on the desk.

And he happened to recognize them both. The class representative and the infamous beauty he had been exclusively keeping his eyes on.

They both looked disheveled--the guy was half naked, flushed and seemed to be on cloud nine while the girl had only discarded her blazer and the first three buttons of her school shirt opened, her cleavage in full view to him. The guy widened his eyes once he saw the murderous face of the redhead.

"P-President, I--"

"You are one of the least I had expected to be her prey, class representative. I will not overlook such unbecoming behavior in this school. Both of you. Do not think you will go without a comeuppance for your vulgar acts. " He spat out in disgust as he grabbed his two bags with one hand and proceeded to walk out.

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