Chapter 4: Camellias & Confessions

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Disclaimer: Still don't own anything. D':


Hime scrutinized her eyebrows as she stared at the man in pure disbelief.

"Huh? Have you finally lost your mind or what?"

"When do I ever make jokes?" He retorted.

'Never. Since you have absolutely no sense of humor.' Hime thought as she rolled her eyes. It was true. It was always serious business and negotiations with this guy, and in literal, he is all but unable to tell jokes. Even to save his own life.

"And so your point is? Did you just come here to inform me that you, Akashi Seijūrō, have actually sunk as low as the other male students and fell into (Y/N)'s predatory ways?" She bombarded in mockery.

"Yes, that is right." He admitted shamelessly.

Hime remained silent for a while as she started cracking up hysterically like a madman.

"AHAHAHAHAHAH! Seriously?! You?! Of all people?! What a moron!"


Then she furiously rubbed her eyes in denial, thinking that this was all just some weird, messed up dream she was having. 'For Christ's sake, I should have brought my phone with me and recorded that.'

"Nijika-san. This is not a dream nor it is messed up. I am serious about pursuing (Y/N)-san. Do you really find that hard to believe?" Akashi sighed.

"Like hell! You eyeball her for weeks, reprimand her, give her punishments, and now you just randomly pop out of nowhere spouting crap that you like her?! Don't take me for a fool! Do I seem like an idiot to you?!" Hime ranted off loudly, not caring if she startled the workers inside.

"Hime-san," He gave her an auspicious look, "I can assure you that I will do my utmost best to make her happy."

Hime paused for a moment, her thoughts all over the place. 'This nitpicking bastard with my (Y/N)? This disgusting, nitpicking, pretentious, tomato haired, arrogant, disgusting, conniving asshole? Actually, he's a competent man, not to mention loyal. Hmm, now that I think about it, he may be good for (Y/N)...even though he's still disgusting. His kind are known for treating women well and are natural gentlemen. Frankly speaking, he just might be what my dear (Y/N) needs.'

'But I forgot he's the dominating type which (Y/N) hates...Oh well, that's his problem if he wants to strip himself off his massive godforsaken ego.'

"Alright." She finally found the sanity to speak properly, "Do whatever the hell you want. So long as you don't try something funny or touch a single strand of her hair when I'm here then alright."

'I don't need to for I have already did.' Akashi said in the back of his mind. He figured he shouldn't say anything if he wanted to leave hell alive. Of course, he has yet to achieve his personal goals.

"Thank you for your support. You will not regret it. Please leave her in my care for the mean time." He held his hand for her to shake which she reluctantly did.

"I suppose you have your redeeming qualities. But don't think I won't have my eyes on you even for a second, Akashi." She said, crushing his hand as tightly as she could while smiling at him.

"Got it? That girl is everything to me. One little blunder and I will be after that head of yours."

'She may be one of the formidable obstacles I have to overcome.' He ignored the excruciating pain forming on his unfortunate hand, 'But I always like a challenge.'

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