Chapter 40: Unforeseen Blessing

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This is finally the last chapter. Thank you so so much for reading this until the end! I don't really know if the story was any good since I just wrote whatever came into my mind, but even so all of your comments never fail to make me happy! A lot of you sweethearts favorited too.

I'm also going to write an epilogue so yeah.


(Y/N) shook her head and glared at her husband.

"I told you, I don't need anymore food."

"But you haven't eaten anything since the last two hours. Our child might be hungry again." Akashi rubbed her bulging belly, looking at her persuasively.

She hissed.

"I said no. Can't you see how much weight I gained for the past weeks? I'm so much fatter now."

He frowned, "You're not fat, love. You're pregnant."

"Fat and pregnant!" She whined, slapping his toned arms, "You won't even let me go out for walks that long!"

He tried to calm her down, "Don't you remember what happened the last time I let you go by yourself? That idiotic drunkard almost flattened our baby like a pancake with his truck. I should have ended him. You are not to go out without myself or someone I can trust. Sorry, but this is the most safest way, (Y/N). On the other hand, you're almost due."

Around her 29th week of pregnancy, they were going to schedule an appointment for an ultrasound to find out the child's gender, but on the way there, they both got into a small argument. (Y/N) wanted a boy, while he wished for a girl. She had always thought that as the head of a huge, prominent and successful company, he would ask for an heir. Turns out he had other things in mind. In the end, they decided to just let their baby's gender a surprise.

Unbeknownst to her, her blonde bestfriend gave him videotapes and a few photos during both her and (Y/N)'s childhood as a wedding gift and ever since then, he craved for a mini version of his wife. He wanted to raise a daughter, be there for her, and give her happiness from a father that (Y/N) herself didn't receive much.

"No, you just want to make me fatter!" She suddenly bursted out crying. He inwardly let out a tired sigh. This has been going on for the past several months, her hormones flying everywhere and just as he had expected, her extreme sensitivity had been slightly a handful to deal with.

It is true that she had noticeably put on more weight, but that didn't matter to him at all. He loved the fact that the bump on her once flat stomach contained his and her blood, joined together in a new life.

"Alright, (Y/N). How about we go to the mall? We can buy some things that you want." He offered, squeezing her lumpy shoulder before embracing her.

"But you just got home earlier from work. You should go rest." She sniffled, hugging him back.

"I always make time for my wife. Resting can wait since you'll be joining me later on." He stood up from the couch, helping her up, "Don't forget to wear those comfortable slippers since your feet are swollen."

"I know."

"Wait here, I'll go bring some water and a few snacks just in case--"



Akashi smiled when he felt his wife cling to his arm, laying her head on his shoulder as they walked through the department area.

"Are you tired, (Y/N)? Shall we stop and rest?" He questioned, bringing a hand on her head, "Do you want me to carry you?"

She shook her head vigorously, "No, Sei. It's fine. I'm not a child, I'm a grown and pregnant woman for goodness' sake."

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