Chapter 13: 'Study' Date

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More fluff and slightly suggestive themes. :v

Goodness, I was almost tempted to write a lemon. What do you guys think? LOL.


The sound of scribblings was all that could be heard throughout the room as two people sat across each other between a glass table, cups of tea placed in front of them. The couple were at Akashi's house, well mansion, studying in his spacious and uncluttered room.

Akashi stopped writing and peeked at his girlfriend in front of him. Her normally blank and expressionless face was slightly scrunched in focus. She had her hair tied up in a neat pony tail, her fingers working on the mechanical pencil she was holding.

And he had just found out that she has eyeglasses.

For some reason, he had found that newly found fact incredibly sexy. Since wearing them out in public would get in the way, she decided to wear contacts instead.

Every few minutes or so, (Y/N) would habitually raise both her index and middle finger to push the bridge of her glasses up. One of her quirks that he noticed which remind him of his former green haired teammate.

"Do you want more tea?" He offered, grabbing the expensive teapot that was made of china.

"Ah, yes please. Thanks." She replied before resuming back to her work and reading some of the books. Akashi poured some tea into her cup then set it down on the table.

He inwardly frowned. He had finished his work and knew everything already, but it seems that she wasn't budging from her seat anytime soon. Now don't get him wrong; He liked that his girlfriend was a very studious individual and that she doesn't neglect her education.

Just that the lack of her undivided attention on him for hours was starting to kill him.

As much as he wanted to steal her immersion, he didn't want to sound too clingy. He was a man with a promising future, a successful being that carried great responsibilities, and a son worthy of many ear pleasing praises.

Yet he could not deny that he was the type to hold attachments on things worth of sentimental value. Of course, that being his one and only lover.

"Why don't you take a break, (Y/N)?" He suggested, reaching out a hand to close her book. He received a hiss and his hand pushed away.

"In a bit." She let out, not even sparing him so much a glance.

Okay. He's had enough.

He moved his foot to tap hers in an attempt for her attention. When he got no answer, he didn't stop there and continued playing with her foot for several minutes until he finally got a reaction. He felt her nylon clad leg move under the table to rub his. Once again, he gazed up to find her still not looking away from her books.

As far as he could recall, he was her boyfriend. Not those nettlesome pile of papers.

"Seems like someone wants his bag of attention." She spoke up.

"I don't know what you're talking about."


"..At least face my way from time to time, (Y/N)." He brooded. He was shocked when he felt her leg suddenly shot up and landed itself on his chair next to his outer thigh.

"What's with that look, darling?" (Y/N) finally raised and tilted her head towards him, a teasing smirk breaking out on her pink lips.

He regained his composure, "Let's just take a break."

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