Chapter 21: Summer

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Hnnng. I hope this chapter isn't too boring.


"You want us to have a summer vacation?"

"Yes, is there a problem? Don't you want to go with me? Akashi lowered his eyes at (Y/N).

She tilted her head and beamed lightly, "Ah, that's not it. I've never had a vacation with anyone except mom or Hime before, much less a boyfriend. I can't wait."

He smiled once he saw that her eyes were sparkling in excitement and that she was restraining herself from bouncing around uncharacteristically.

"I'm glad to have the pleasure of being your first boyfriend who you're going to have a vacation with. It will be a memorable experience for us." His mind drifted off to all the things that he had planned beforehand. He already booked a room at a five star hotel that had a marvelous beach resort and a spa.

Being the scrupulous and thorough man he was, he made sure that she would have the best services and guaranteed the most enjoyable, relaxing time of her life that she has yet to experience in tow. Finally, as the commendable, benevolent, and loving boyfriend he was, he wouldn't hesitate to go out of his way just for her own pleasure...Plus, he even personally bought her a swimsuit. A swimsuit she would wear for his eyes alone only.

He felt his eagerness rise as well. Oh, how he just can't wait.



Akashi pressed his lips in a thin line, trying his utmost best not to let out a huge sigh of irritation. He narrowed his crimson orbs at the noisy group in front of him. The various shades of multiple colorful locks of hair everywhere within his line of sight.

This wasn't the kind of summer vacation he has been hoping and planning for. This shouldn't have happened. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Holy Christ. There's going to be a buffet tonight." A deep voice uttered in amazement, "Why not right now?" A burp followed after.

"Aomine-kun, please. We just ate lunch before we arrived here which was thirty minutes ago."

"Tetsu-kun is right, Dai-chan! Control yourself."

"Tch. You're such a disgusting pig, Aomine. You're an embarrassment, nanodayo. Why do I have to go with you people?"

A tick mark appeared on the said guy's forehead, "Oi, shut up, Midorima. Nobody forced you to come. Go home if you want to, I don't give a crap."

"It's not like I want to, nanodayo. I just so happened to pass by you guys. I had no choice but to come along." The green haired man pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"With a traveling bag?"

"I-It's my lucky item, nanodayo!"

"Now, now, you two. Since we're here already, let's not make a fuss, okay? Seijūrō graciously invited us on this trip and took care of all the expenses. The least we could do is try and get along." (Y/N) intervened, shooting them both a warning stare that soon came with a smile.


Hime scowled, "And why am I here again?"

"Because you'd be lonely without me." (Y/N) replied. Hime looked at her in mockey.

"Are you serious? I'm not a loner! I have other friends besides you!"


"...My maids..a-and my cat!"

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